# Copyright 2006-2009 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. """ PM_ColorChooser.py @author: Mark @version: $Id$ @copyright: 2006-2009 Nanorex, Inc. All rights reserved. History: """ from PyQt4.Qt import QLabel from PyQt4.Qt import QFrame from PyQt4.Qt import QToolButton from PyQt4.Qt import QHBoxLayout from PyQt4.Qt import QSpacerItem from PyQt4.Qt import QSizePolicy from PyQt4.Qt import QWidget from PyQt4.Qt import SIGNAL from PyQt4.Qt import QColorDialog from PyQt4.Qt import QPalette from PyQt4.Qt import QSize from utilities.constants import white, black from widgets.widget_helpers import RGBf_to_QColor, QColor_to_RGBf class PM_ColorChooser( QWidget ): """ The PM_ColorChooser widget provides a color chooser widget for a Property Manager group box. The PM_ColorChooser widget is a composite widget made from 3 other Qt widgets: - a QLabel - a QFrame and - a QToolButton (with a "..." text label). IMAGE(http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/mediawiki/images/e/e2/PM_ColorChooser1.jpg) The user can color using Qt's color (chooser) dialog by clicking the "..." button. The selected color will be used as the color of the QFrame widget. The parent must make the following signal-slot connection to be notified when the user has selected a new color via the color chooser dialog: self.connect(pmColorChooser.colorFrame, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.mySlotMethod) @cvar setAsDefault: Determines whether to reset the value of the color to I{defaultColor} when the user clicks the "Restore Defaults" button. @type setAsDefault: boolean @cvar labelWidget: The Qt label widget of this PM widget. @type labelWidget: U{B{QLabel}} @cvar colorFrame: The Qt frame widget for this PM widget. @type colorFrame: U{B{QFrame}} @cvar chooseButton: The Qt tool button widget for this PM widget. @type chooseButton: U{B{QToolButton}} """ defaultColor = None setAsDefault = True hidden = False chooseButton = None customColorCount = 0 standardColorList = [white, black] def __init__(self, parentWidget, label = 'Color:', labelColumn = 0, color = white, setAsDefault = True, spanWidth = False, ): """ Appends a color chooser widget to , a property manager group box. @param parentWidget: the parent group box containing this widget. @type parentWidget: PM_GroupBox @param label: The label that appears to the left or right of the color frame (and "Browse" button). If spanWidth is True, the label will be displayed on its own row directly above the lineedit (and button). To suppress the label, set I{label} to an empty string. @type label: str @param labelColumn: The column number of the label in the group box grid layout. The only valid values are 0 (left column) and 1 (right column). The default is 0 (left column). @type labelColumn: int @param color: initial color. White is the default. @type color: tuple of 3 floats (r, g, b) @param setAsDefault: if True, will restore L{color} when the "Restore Defaults" button is clicked. @type setAsDefault: boolean @param spanWidth: if True, the widget and its label will span the width of the group box. Its label will appear directly above the widget (unless the label is empty) and is left justified. @type spanWidth: boolean @see: U{B{QColorDialog}} """ QWidget.__init__(self) self.parentWidget = parentWidget self.label = label self.labelColumn = labelColumn self.color = color self.setAsDefault = setAsDefault self.spanWidth = spanWidth if label: # Create this widget's QLabel. self.labelWidget = QLabel() self.labelWidget.setText(label) # Create the color frame (color swath) and "..." button. self.colorFrame = QFrame() self.colorFrame.setFrameShape(QFrame.Box) self.colorFrame.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Plain) # Set browse button text and make signal-slot connection. self.chooseButton = QToolButton() self.chooseButton.setText("...") self.connect(self.chooseButton, SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.openColorChooserDialog) # Add a horizontal spacer to keep the colorFrame and "..." squeezed # together, even when the PM width changes. self.hSpacer = QSpacerItem(10, 10, QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy.Fixed) # Create vertical box layout. self.hBoxLayout = QHBoxLayout(self) self.hBoxLayout.setMargin(0) self.hBoxLayout.setSpacing(2) self.hBoxLayout.insertWidget(-1, self.colorFrame) self.hBoxLayout.insertWidget(-1, self.chooseButton) # Set this to False to make the colorFrame an expandable rectangle. COLORFRAME_IS_SQUARE = True if COLORFRAME_IS_SQUARE: squareSize = 20 self.colorFrame.setMinimumSize(QSize(squareSize, squareSize)) self.colorFrame.setMaximumSize(QSize(squareSize, squareSize)) self.hBoxLayout.addItem(self.hSpacer) self.setColor(color, default = setAsDefault) parentWidget.addPmWidget(self) return def setColor(self, color, default = False): """ Set the color. @param color: The color. @type color: tuple of 3 floats (r, g, b) @param default: If True, make I{color} the default color. Default is False. @type default: boolean """ if default: self.defaultColor = color self.setAsDefault = default self.color = color self._updateColorFrame() return def getColor(self): """ Return the current color. @return: The current r, g, b color. @rtype: Tuple of 3 floats (r, g, b) """ return self.color def getQColor(self): """ Return the current QColor. @return: The current color. @rtype: QColor """ return RGBf_to_QColor(self.color) def _updateColorFrame(self): """ Updates the color frame with the current color. """ colorframe = self.colorFrame try: qcolor = self.getQColor() palette = QPalette() # QPalette(qcolor) would have window color set from qcolor, but that doesn't help us here qcolorrole = QPalette.Window ## http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qpalette.html#ColorRole-enum says: ## QPalette.Window 10 A general background color. palette.setColor(QPalette.Active, qcolorrole, qcolor) # used when window is in fg and has focus palette.setColor(QPalette.Inactive, qcolorrole, qcolor) # used when window is in bg or does not have focus palette.setColor(QPalette.Disabled, qcolorrole, qcolor) # used when widget is disabled colorframe.setPalette(palette) colorframe.setAutoFillBackground(True) except: print "data for following exception: ", print "colorframe %r has palette %r" % (colorframe, colorframe.palette()) pass def openColorChooserDialog(self): """ Prompts the user to choose a color and then updates colorFrame with the selected color. """ qcolor = RGBf_to_QColor(self.color) if not self.color in self.standardColorList: QColorDialog.setCustomColor(self.customColorCount, qcolor.rgb()) self.customColorCount += 1 c = QColorDialog.getColor(qcolor, self) if c.isValid(): self.setColor(QColor_to_RGBf(c)) self.colorFrame.emit(SIGNAL("editingFinished()")) def restoreDefault(self): """ Restores the default value. """ if self.setAsDefault: self.setColor(self.defaultColor) return def hide(self): """ Hides the lineedit and its label (if it has one). @see: L{show} """ QWidget.hide(self) if self.labelWidget: self.labelWidget.hide() return def show(self): """ Unhides the lineedit and its label (if it has one). @see: L{hide} """ QWidget.show(self) if self.labelWidget: self.labelWidget.show() return # End of PM_ColorChooser ############################