TSIZE = 1024 \\ favoured texture size for molecule \\ (default: 1024 ) MAX_TSIZE = 2048 \\ maximal texture size (used when molecule too large for TSIZE) \\ (default: 2048 ) N_VIEW_DIR = 128 \\ number of view directions ussed in AO computation \\ (default: 128 ) SHADOWMAP_SIZE = 1024 \\ texture size for shadowmap \\ (default: 1024 ) AOSM_SIZE = 256 \\ texture size for shadowmmaps for AO computation \\ (default: 256 ) MOVING_QUALITY = 100 \\ Quality of image on screen when molecole moves (between 50..200) \\ (default: 100 ) STILL_QUALITY = 200 \\ Quality of image on screen when molecole is still (between 50..200) \\ (default: 200 ) doubleSM = 1 \\ if 1, use double ShadomMap optimization (two way lights) \\ (default: 1 ) NVIDIA_PATCH = 0 \\ use 1 - *AND* disable doubleSM - to patch a bug reported on some Nvidia cards (warning: lowers visual quality!) \\ (default: 0 ) SNAP_SIZE = 1024 \\ snapshots resolution (per side) \\ (default: 1024 ) SNAP_ANTIALIAS = 1 \\ if 1, antialias exported snapshots \\ (default: 1 ) PNG_TRANSPARENT = 0 \\ if 1, save PNG images with tranparent background \\ (default: 0 ) GIF_SNAP_SIZE = 256 \\ resolution of exported GIF animations \\ (default: 256 ) \\ PARAMETERS FOR GIF ANIMATION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ GIF_INITIAL_PAUSE = 0 \\ initial pause in msec before each animation loop \\ (default: 0 ) GIF_ANIMATION_MODE = 0 \\ if 0: full rotation. If 1: inspection mode (rotation around current viewpoint). If 2: six-views show. \\ (default: 0 ) GIF_ROT_N_FRAMES = 60 \\ number of frames of exported GIF animations (for full rotation) \\ (default: 60 ) GIF_GIF_ROT_MSEC = 3000 \\ total duration in msec of GIF animations loop (for full rotation) \\ (default: 3000 ) GIF_GIF_ROT_SIDEVIEW_ANGLE = 10 \\ angle (in -45 +45). If 0, perfect side rotation; if >0, look from above; if <0, look from below (for full rotation) \\ (default: 10 ) GIF_INSP_N_FRAMES = 60 \\ number of frames of exported GIF animations (for inspections) \\ (default: 60 ) GIF_INSP_MSEC = 3000 \\ total duration in msec of GIF animations loop (for inspections) \\ (default: 3000 ) GIF_INSP_ANGLE = 10 \\ in (10..45). Animation is an inspection around current view point (for inspections) \\ (default: 10 ) GIF_6SIDES_N_FRAMES = 10 \\ number of frames of exported GIF animations (for six-views show) \\ (default: 10 ) GIF_6SIDES_MSEC = 400 \\ duration in msec of each face shift (for six-views show) \\ (default: 400 ) GIF_6SIDES_PAUSE = 1000 \\ pause in msec after each face shift (for six-views show) \\ (default: 1000 )