# $Id$ # Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. # Parameter-set description file. # This describes the parameters needed to generate a heterojunction # (one of several structures that can be generated by this plugin), # with info about how they can be presented in a parameter-editing dialog. ### WARNING: some fields are stubs, and the toplevel constructor is misconceived and needs revision -- # it should be something like parameter_set, not generator. generator: caption: "Heterojunction" border_icon: "HJ_border_icon.png" # border_icon is used in dialog window border (on some platforms) (maybe nim). # All these icons can be found in ./, ./images, or NE-1 builtin images (maybe nim). # Future: if we let the plugin author specify that path, that default value might look like # icon_path = "$plugin", "$plugin/images", "$images" # (where $images refers to a built-in pathname of things plugins are allowed to look at). title: "Heterojunction" title_icon: "HJ_icon.png" # title_icon is used for title area in dialog, and maybe for insert menu command (maybe nim). # Or we might decide that the insert menu item icon has to be specified elsewhere. help_url: "http://www.nanoengineer-1.net/..." ### replace this; not yet implemented in python code # WARNING: the following 'category' is nim in the parser of this file, # and is instead hardcoded redundantly in the python code # (and has diverged from this file as of 060626): category: nanotubes # this will affect sponsor tags, default menu locations, ui command browsing... group: "Nanotube 1" parameter: L1 label: "Length" type: float widget: lineedit min: 15.0 # Note: Inforcement of min value does not appear to be implemented yet. Mark 060702. max: 9999.0 default: 20.0 suffix: " A" tooltip: "Nanotube length in Angstroms" parameter: n1 label: "Chirality (n)" type: int widget: spinbox min: 1 max: 99 # Note: there is no intrinsic upper limit on n, # just practical issues about memory and runtime. # There is also a requirement that m <= n, but this is only enforced # in the generator code, not expressed (or yet able to be expressed) # in this parameter set description. default: 5 tooltip: "Nanotube chirality parameter N" parameter: m1 label: "Chirality (m)" type: int widget: spinbox min: 0 max: 99 default: 5 tooltip: "Nanotube chirality parameter M" group: "Nanotube 2" parameter: L2 label: "Length" type: float widget: lineedit min: 15.0 max: 9999.0 default: 20.0 suffix: " A" tooltip: "Nanotube length in Angstroms" parameter: n2 label: "Chirality (n)" type: int widget: spinbox min: 1 max: 99 default: 10 tooltip: "Nanotube chirality parameter N" parameter: m2 label: "Chirality (m)" type: int widget: spinbox min: 0 max: 99 default: 10 tooltip: "Nanotube chirality parameter M" group: "Both tubes" parameter: T label: "Endings" type: str widget: combobox item: "None" value: 0 # WARNING: these "items values" are not currently used [060626], # but kluged in a hardcoded table in the python code item: "Hydrogen" value: 1 item: "Nitrogen" value: 7 default: "None" tooltip: "type of termination to use on both ends" # end