$Id$ SGI Free Software License B URL: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/FreeB This is SGI's Free Software License "B", version 1.1, used by several of SGI's projects. The license is available in both PostScript and Microsoft Word formats. Unfortunately, Microsoft Word's HTML converter introduced errors in the section numbering, so we've had to remove the HTML version. History Version 1.0 of the FreeB license included one term regarding compliance with defined APIs which posed a problem for some open source developers. We revised the license in response to those concerns, and instead issued a joint statement with developers outside SGI satisfying both SGI's needs and those of the outside developers working with code covered by the FreeB license. The original 1.0 license is available for reference. The version 1.0 license underwent one minor change in section 8 (defining "Modifications") on the morning that we went public with it, due to internal miscommunication. For reference so you can see the change, the originally posted version of the license is here.