# Copyright 2008-2009 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details.
virtual_site_indicators.py - graphical indicators related to virtual sites
(as used in the current GROMACS implementation of the PAM5 force field);
presently used only to visualize such sites for debugging,
not as part of their implementation for minimize.
@author: Bruce
@version: $Id$
@copyright: 2008-2009 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details.
import foundation.env as env
from utilities.prefs_constants import hoverHighlightingColor_prefs_key
from utilities.prefs_constants import selectionColor_prefs_key
from utilities.constants import red, orange, yellow, average_value, ave_colors, blue, gray
from utilities.Log import quote_html
from geometry.VQT import V, vlen
from graphics.drawing.drawers import drawwirecube
from graphics.drawing.CS_draw_primitives import drawline
from graphics.drawing.CS_draw_primitives import drawcylinder
from graphics.drawing.patterned_drawing import isPatternedDrawing
from graphics.drawing.patterned_drawing import startPatternedDrawing
from graphics.drawing.patterned_drawing import endPatternedDrawing
from model.chunk import Chunk
from model.jigs import Jig
# ==
class VisualFeedbackJig(Jig):
A superclass for Jigs for internal or in-MT use
in implementing visual feedback related to
ND-1 pattern matching, virtual sites, and struts.
# Jig or Node API class constants:
copyable_attrs = Jig.copyable_attrs + ('_props', )
# default values of instance variables
_props = None
# == Jig or Node API methods
def remove_atom(self, atom, **opts):
[extends superclass method]
if getattr(self, '_being_killed', False):
return # prevent infinite recursion (I hope #k)
self._being_killed = True # only used in this file as of 080520
# Note: should be ok, because in pi_bond_sp_chain,
# this calls destroy which calls super.destroy which calls kill.
# (I don't know why that doesn't have the same recursion problem
# that this does, as used in VirtualSiteJig.)
def changed_structure(self, atom):
# review: should we disable self by user choice??
# make the site_atom color more gray [in some subclasses]???
# not unless we confirm it's a change that really matters!
# (note: this is called at least once during or shortly after
# construction of the VirtualSiteJig, not sure why.)
# == other methods
def setProps(self, props):
Set the parameters which define the virtual site position
as a function of the parent atom positions, and other properties.
@param props: the new property values, in a certain order (see code)
@type props: tuple
self._props = props
def _update_props(self):
Subclasses can use this to set private attributes
from self._props and to check for errors in that process.
Methods in self (this class or subclasses) should call this
in setProps to check for errors, and before every use
of private attrs this sets from self._props, to make sure
they are up to date in case self._props has changed somehow.
(Though it may be that it can't change once set, in current code.)
# note: if we didn't want to call this before every use,
# we'd at least need to call it after copy (in the copy)
# and in undo_update.
def _any_atom_is_hidden(self):
for atom in self.atoms:
if atom.is_hidden():
return True
return False
pass # end of class VisualFeedbackJig
# ==
class VirtualSiteJig( VisualFeedbackJig):
A Jig for internal use (also may appear in the MT for purpose of
letting self.picked control drawing of extra info, but doesn't
appear there in present implementation of external code),
for maintaining the relationship between some atoms which
define a virtual site (the "parent atoms" or "defining atoms"),
and an atom which represents the site itself
(all of which are passed to this jig in its atomlist).
Keeps the "site atom" positioned in the correct place.
When picked (or when the site atom's chunk is picked),
draws an indication of how the site atom position
came from the parent atom positions.
# Jig or Node API class constants:
sym = "VirtualSiteJig"
icon_names = ('border/dna.png', 'border/dna.png') # stubs, not correct
# == Jig or Node API methods, and other methods
def __init__(self, assy, atomlist):
assert len(atomlist) >= 2
# at least one parent atom, exactly one site atom (the last one)
VisualFeedbackJig.__init__(self, assy, atomlist)
def _getToolTipInfo(self): # VirtualSiteJig
# untested, since some ###BUG prevents this from being shown
Return a string for display in self's Dynamic Tool tip.
(Appears when user highlights this jig's drawing,
but unrelated to tooltip on our site_atom itself.)
[overridden from class Jig]
self._update_props() # doesn't yet matter in this method
msg = "%s: %s" % (self.sym, quote_html(self.name)) + \
" \
"%s" % (self._props,)
return msg
def site_atom(self):
return self.atoms[-1]
def parent_atoms(self):
return self.atoms[:-1]
def _draw_jig(self, glpane, color, highlighted = False):
[overrides superclass method]
# note: kluge: called directly from a specialized Chunk, not from self.draw!
if self._should_draw():
sitepos = self.site_position() # or, should we assume the atom pos is up to date? yes, use that. ### FIX
colors = [red, orange, yellow]
for a in self.parent_atoms():
chunk = a.molecule
dispdef = chunk.get_dispdef(glpane)
disp, rad = a.howdraw(dispdef)
if self.picked:
rad *= 1.01
color = colors[0]
drawwirecube(color, a.posn(), rad) # useful??
drawline( color, a.posn(), sitepos)
# draw each atom in a different color (at least if there are no more than 3)
colors = colors[1:] + [color]
def _should_draw(self):
# note: this is not about whether to draw the site_atom
# (which is done by a different object),
# but about whether to draw connections from it to its parent atoms.
return self.picked or self.site_atom().molecule.picked
# so self needn't appear in MT if that chunk does
def _update_props(self):
[overrides superclass method]
props = self._props
self._function_id = props[0]
if self._function_id == 1:
self._x, self._y = props[1:]
print "%r.setProps: don't recognize those props" % self, props
def site_position(self):
## return average_value( [a.posn() for a in self.parent_atoms()] )
## # STUB, actually use self._function_id and _x and _y, or self._props
if self._function_id == 1 and len(self.parent_atoms()) == 3:
# the only supported kind so far
parentID1, parentID2, parentID3 = self.parent_atoms()
A = self._x
B = self._y
# Multiply the vector (parentID2 - parentID1) * A
# Multiply the vector (parentID3 - parentID1) * B
# Add the above two vectors to parentID1
pos1 = parentID1.posn()
pos2 = parentID2.posn()
pos3 = parentID3.posn()
return pos1 + (pos2 - pos1) * A + (pos3 - pos1) * B
print "bug: unsupported kind of virtual site:", self._props
return average_value( [a.posn() for a in self.parent_atoms()] )
def moved_atom(self, atom):
[extends Jig method]
if atom is not self.site_atom():
def _update_site_atom_position(self):
self.site_atom().setposn( self.site_position() )
pass # end of class VirtualSiteJig
# ==
class VirtualBondJig( VisualFeedbackJig):
For virtual bonds, including PAM5 FF "struts".
# Jig or Node API class constants:
sym = "VirtualBondJig"
icon_names = ('border/dna.png', 'border/dna.png') # stubs, not correct
# == Jig or Node API methods, and other methods
def __init__(self, assy, atomlist):
assert len(atomlist) == 2
VisualFeedbackJig.__init__(self, assy, atomlist)
def _getToolTipInfo(self): # VirtualBondJig
Return a string for display in self's Dynamic Tool tip.
[overridden from class Jig]
ks = self._ks # N/m
r0 = self._r0 # pm
length = self._getLength() # pm
force = ks * (length - r0) # pN
msg = "%s: %s" % (self.sym, quote_html(self.name)) + \
" \
"ks = %f N/m
" \
"r0 = %f pm
" \
"len = %f pm
" \
"len/r0 = %f
" \
"force = %f pN" % (ks, r0, length, length/r0, force)
return msg
def _draw_jig(self, glpane, color, highlighted = False):
[overrides superclass method]
del color
if not self._should_draw():
drawrad = 0.1
posns = [a.posn() for a in self.atoms]
normcolor = self._drawing_color()
# russ 080530: Support for patterned highlighting drawing modes.
selected = self.picked
patterned = isPatternedDrawing(select = selected, highlight = highlighted)
if patterned:
# Patterned selection drawing needs the normal drawing first.
drawcylinder( normcolor, posns[0], posns[1], drawrad)
startPatternedDrawing(select = selected, highlight = highlighted)
# Draw solid color, or overlay pattern in highlight or selection color.
(highlighted and env.prefs[hoverHighlightingColor_prefs_key] or
selected and env.prefs[selectionColor_prefs_key] or
normcolor), posns[0], posns[1], drawrad)
if patterned:
# Reset from patterned drawing mode.
endPatternedDrawing(select = selected, highlight = highlighted)
def _should_draw(self):
return not self._any_atom_is_hidden() #080520 new feature
def _should_draw_thicker(self): # not yet used
return self.picked or \
self.atoms[0].molecule.picked or \
def _update_props(self):
[overrides superclass method]
props = self._props
self._ks, self._r0 = props # TODO: use in draw, tooltip
def _getLength(self):
length_in_Angstroms = vlen( self.atoms[0].posn() - self.atoms[1].posn() )
length = 100.0 * length_in_Angstroms # in pm == picometers
return length
def _drawing_color(self):
r0 = self._r0 # pm
ks = self._ks # N/m
length = self._getLength() # pm
frac = 1 - 1 / (0.08 * ks * abs(r0 - length) + 1)
if length < r0:
# compressed: blue (gray if not at all, blue if a lot; should use ks somehow to get energy or force...)
# limit = r0 * 0.5
#frac = (r0 - length) / (r0 * 0.5) # if > 1, we'll use 1 below
limit_color = blue
# stretched
# limit = r0 * 1.5
#frac = (length - r0) / (r0 * 0.5)
limit_color = red
## neutral_color = gray
neutral_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8) # "very light gray"
if frac > 1.0:
frac = 1.0
color = ave_colors( frac, limit_color, neutral_color )
return color
pass # end of class VirtualBondJig
# ==
class VirtualSiteChunkDrawer( Chunk._drawer_class ): #bruce 090212 split this out (###UNTESTED)
def _draw_outside_local_coords(self, glpane, disp, drawLevel, is_chunk_visible):
Chunk._drawer_class._draw_outside_local_coords(self, glpane, disp, drawLevel, is_chunk_visible)
for atom in self._chunk.atoms.itervalues():
if hasattr(atom, '_site_atom_jig'):
color = 'not used'
atom._site_atom_jig._draw_jig(glpane, color) # note: needs to be in abs coords
## print "called %r._draw_jig" % atom # works
class VirtualSiteChunk(Chunk):
A chunk that (initially) has only a virtual site atom, and represents it in the MT.
This atom will also have a VirtualSiteJig (and be its site_atom),
which cooperates with us in some sense, and which we can find
via that atom.
Nothing prevents a user from merging several of these chunks
into one. Its jig-drawing code will still work then.
Nothing prevents merging it into a regular chunk, but doing that
would break that code (i.e. stop drawing the VirtualSiteJigs),
so users shouldn't do that.
# someday: custom icon for MT?
# note: mmp save/reload would not preserve this chunk subclass
# maybe someday: hide our atom if some or all of our parent atoms
# are hidden. Do this by self.hidden = True so it's noticed by
# any VirtualBondJigs on our atom. Not simple, since it needs to be
# done before drawing, not during it, since it's a model change
# (doing that during drawing can cause bugs); but hidden state
# can't yet be subscribed to. Maybe an update_parts hook could do it?
# Not sure if even that would be safe (in terms of changing the model
# then), though I guess it probably is since updaters change it quite a bit.
# Anyway, for now, this feature is not needed.
_drawer_class = VirtualSiteChunkDrawer
# ==
def make_virtual_site( assy, parent_atoms, site_params, MT_name = None):
@return: ( object to assign to site_atom_id, list of nodes to add to MT )
from model.elements import Vs0
site_atom = assy.make_Atom_and_bondpoints(Vs0, V(0,0,0), Chunk_class = VirtualSiteChunk)
jig = VirtualSiteJig(assy, parent_atoms + [site_atom])
jig.setProps(site_params) # so it knows how to compute site_position
# also put them into the model somewhere? just the chunk. store the jig on the atom...
## return [ site_atom.molecule, jig ] # list of nodes for MT ### hmm, could let the jig draw if the atom chunk is picked...
site_atom._site_atom_jig = jig # used (for drawing the jig) only if this atom is in a VirtualSiteChunk
# todo: put something useful into the tooltip and the chunk name
if MT_name:
jig.name = "%s" % (MT_name,) # not presently user-visible, I think
# (except maybe in statusbar when self is selobj?)
site_atom.molecule.name = "%s" % (MT_name,)
return site_atom, [ site_atom.molecule ]
# ==
def add_virtual_site(assy, parent_atoms, site_params, MT_name = None):
@return: object to assign to site_atom_id
@warning: caller must call assy.w.win_update()
site_atom, nodes = make_virtual_site( assy, parent_atoms, site_params, MT_name = MT_name)
for node in nodes:
assy.addnode(node) # todo: add them in a better place?
# review: redundant with make_Atom_and_bondpoints?
return site_atom
# ==
def make_virtual_bond( assy, atoms, bond_params, MT_name = None ):
@return: liat of objects to add to model
jig = VirtualBondJig( assy, atoms )
jig.setProps( bond_params)
# also put them into the model somewhere? not for now. just make it findable/drawable from its atoms. NIM
#### PROBLEM: how will two chemical atoms draw one of these?
# - could put it in the model
# - only needed if both atoms are chem, since VirtualSiteChunk could draw it itself
# (best implem?: ask each atom's chunk if it has a special property that says it'll draw it)
# - could add features to Atom.draw
# - could reimplement it as a Bond subclass (bond order zero??);
# but worry about bugs in Bond selobj code in various modes
needed_in_model = True # STUB -- see above for a better rule!
if MT_name:
jig.name = "%s" % (MT_name,)
res = []
if needed_in_model:
return res
# ==
def add_virtual_bond( assy, atoms, bond_params, MT_name = None ):
@return: None
nodes = make_virtual_bond( assy, atoms, bond_params, MT_name = MT_name)
for node in nodes:
assy.addnode(node) # todo: add them in a better place?
# == test code
from utilities.debug import register_debug_menu_command
def virtual_site_from_selatoms_command(glpane):
assy = glpane.assy
atoms = assy.selatoms.values() # arbitrary order, nevermind
if len(atoms) != 3:
errormsg = "select exactly 3 atoms to make a test virtual site"
env.history.redmsg( errormsg)
parent_atoms = list(atoms)
site_params = ( 1, 0.5, 0.5 ) # stub
site_atom, nodes = make_virtual_site( assy, parent_atoms, site_params)
for node in nodes:
def initialize():
[called during startup]
register_debug_menu_command( "Test: virtual site from selatoms",
virtual_site_from_selatoms_command )
# end