Copyright 2005-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. Installation on Fedora Core 4 =============================== When installing FC4 on your computer, be sure to select KDE as your graphical environment. Also select the "kde devel" package. This will install several prerequisite packages directly from the CDROMs. In addition, you will need three more packages: freeglut-devel-2.2.0-16.i386.rpm Install this using "rpm -i". This must be done as root. Numeric-24.0b2.tar.gz Unpack this tarball and install with "python install". This must also be done as root. PyOpenGL- Unpack this tarball and install with "python install". This must also be done as root. You will need to install freeglut-devel before you install this package. ============================ Add installation notes for other platforms....