#@ NanoEngineer-1 Atom Rendering Table, file format version 2007-06-03 # # File format: # # Atom NE1 Render # Symbol Number Radius Red Green Blue X 0 0.853 204 0 0 H 1 0.930 199 199 199 He 2 1.085 107 115 140 Li 3 3.100 0 128 128 Be 4 2.325 250 171 255 B 5 1.550 51 51 150 C 6 1.426 99 99 99 N 7 1.201 31 31 99 O 8 1.349 128 0 0 F 9 1.279 0 99 51 Ne 10 1.411 107 115 140 Na 11 3.100 0 102 102 Mg 12 2.325 224 153 230 Al 13 1.938 128 128 255 Si 14 1.744 41 41 41 P 15 1.635 84 20 128 S 16 1.635 219 150 0 Cl 17 1.573 74 99 0 Ar 18 1.457 107 115 140 K 19 3.875 0 77 77 Ca 20 3.100 201 140 204 Sc 21 2.868 106 106 130 Ti 22 2.712 106 106 130 V 23 2.558 106 106 130 Cr 24 2.403 106 106 130 Mn 25 2.325 106 106 130 Fe 26 2.325 106 106 130 Co 27 2.325 106 106 130 Ni 28 2.325 106 106 130 Cu 29 2.325 106 106 130 Zn 30 2.248 106 106 130 Ga 31 2.093 153 153 204 Ge 32 1.938 102 115 26 As 33 1.705 153 66 179 Se 34 1.628 199 79 0 Br 35 1.550 0 102 77 Kr 36 1.472 107 115 140 Sb 51 1.705 153 66 179 Te 52 1.628 230 89 0 I 53 1.550 0 128 0 Xe 54 1.472 102 115 140 Ax 200 3.875 102 102 204 Ss 201 3.100 102 204 102 Pl 202 2.480 102 26 128 Sj 203 3.100 102 204 204 Ae 204 2.712 102 102 204 Pe 205 2.325 102 26 128 Sh 206 1.938 102 204 102 Hp 207 3.100 77 179 77 # All radii here were calculated using a CPK scaling factor # that can be modified by the user in "Preference | Atoms". # CPK Scale Factor: 0.775 # To computer the original VDW radii, use the formula: # VDW Radius = Render Radius / CPK Scale Factor