# Generated from NXOpenGLRenderingEngineTest when compiled # with -DGENERATE_MMP mmpformat 050920 required; 080321 preferred kelvin 300 group (View Data) egroup (View Data) group (Untitled) group (The Molecule Set) mol (Benzene) def atom 1 (6) (0, 2000, 0) def atom 2 (1) (0, 3000, 0) def bond1 1 atom 3 (6) (0, 1000, 1732) def bond1 1 atom 4 (1) (0, 1500, 2598) def bond1 3 atom 5 (6) (0, -999, 1732) def bond2 3 atom 6 (1) (0, -1499, 2598) def bond1 5 atom 7 (6) (0, -2000, 0) def bond1 5 atom 8 (1) (0, -3000, 0) def bond1 7 atom 9 (6) (0, -1000, -1732) def bond2 7 atom 10 (1) (0, -1500, -2598) def bond1 9 atom 11 (6) (0, 1000, -1732) def bond1 9 bond2 1 atom 12 (1) (0, 1500, -2598) def bond1 11 mol (Sulphur Hexafluoride) def atom 13 (16) (0, 0, 0) def atom 14 (9) (1000, 0, 0) def bond1 13 atom 15 (9) (-1000, 0, 0) def bond1 13 atom 16 (9) (0, 1000, 0) def bond1 13 atom 17 (9) (0, -1000, 0) def bond1 13 atom 18 (9) (0, 0, 1000) def bond1 13 atom 19 (9) (0, 0, -1000) def bond1 13 group (Hydrocarbons and Triatomics) group (Triatomics) mol (Water) def atom 20 (8) (3000, 3000, -3000) def atom 21 (1) (3790, 2387, -3000) def bond1 20 atom 22 (1) (2209, 2387, -3000) def bond1 20 group (Dioxides) mol (Carbon dioxide) def atom 23 (6) (3000, 3000, 3000) def atom 24 (8) (4000, 4000, 4000) def bond2 23 atom 25 (8) (2000, 2000, 2000) def bond2 23 mol (Nitrous Oxide) def atom 26 (7) (3000, -3000, 3000) def atom 27 (8) (3921, -3388, 3000) def bond1 26 atom 28 (8) (2078, -3388, 3000) def bond1 26 egroup (Dioxides) egroup (Triatomics) group (Hydrocarbons) group (Paraffins) mol (Ethane) def atom 29 (6) (-3000, -2500, -3000) def atom 30 (1) (-3000, -2000, -2500) def bond1 29 atom 31 (1) (-2566, -2000, -3250) def bond1 29 atom 32 (1) (-3433, -2000, -3250) def bond1 29 atom 33 (6) (-3000, -3500, -3000) def bond1 29 atom 34 (1) (-3000, -4000, -3500) def bond1 33 atom 35 (1) (-2566, -4000, -2750) def bond1 33 atom 36 (1) (-3433, -4000, -2750) def bond1 33 egroup (Paraffins) group (Olefins) group (Alkenes) mol (Ethene) def atom 37 (6) (-3000, -2500, 3000) def atom 38 (1) (-3000, -2000, 3500) def bond1 37 atom 39 (1) (-3000, -2000, 2500) def bond1 37 atom 40 (6) (-3000, -3500, 3000) def bond2 37 atom 41 (1) (-3000, -4000, 3500) def bond1 40 atom 42 (1) (-3000, -4000, 2500) def bond1 40 egroup (Alkenes) group (Alkynes) mol (Ethyne) def atom 43 (6) (-3000, 3500, -3000) def atom 44 (6) (-3000, 2500, -3000) def bond3 43 atom 45 (1) (-3000, 4500, -3000) def bond1 43 atom 46 (1) (-3000, 1500, -3000) def bond1 44 egroup (Alkynes) egroup (Olefins) egroup (Hydrocarbons) egroup (Hydrocarbons and Triatomics) group (Pyramidal) mol (Ammonia) def atom 47 (7) (3000, -3000, -3000) def atom 48 (1) (3000, -4000, -2000) def bond1 47 atom 49 (1) (3866, -4000, -3500) def bond1 47 atom 50 (1) (2133, -4000, -3500) def bond1 47 mol (Methane) def atom 51 (6) (-3000, 3000, 3000) def atom 52 (1) (-2000, 4000, 4000) def bond1 51 atom 53 (1) (-4000, 2000, 4000) def bond1 51 atom 54 (1) (-4000, 4000, 2000) def bond1 51 atom 55 (1) (-2000, 2000, 2000) def bond1 51 egroup (Pyramidal) egroup (The Molecule Set) egroup (Untitled) end1 group (Clipboard) egroup (Clipboard) end