// Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. #include #include "Nanorex/HDF5_SimResults.h" namespace Nanorex { /* FUNCTION: H5_ErrorStackWalker */ herr_t H5_ErrorStackWalker(int position, H5E_error_t* errorDesc, void* hdf5Message) { if (((std::string*)hdf5Message)->length() == 0) ((std::string*)hdf5Message)->append(errorDesc->desc); return 0; } /* CONSTRUCTOR */ HDF5_SimResults::HDF5_SimResults() { H5open(); // Create new HDF5 types // bondTypeId = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(SimResultsBond)); H5Tinsert(bondTypeId, "atomId_1", HOFFSET(SimResultsBond, atomId_1), H5T_NATIVE_UINT); H5Tinsert(bondTypeId, "atomId_2", HOFFSET(SimResultsBond, atomId_2), H5T_NATIVE_UINT); H5Tinsert(bondTypeId, "order", HOFFSET(SimResultsBond, order), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT); bondsVariableLengthId = H5Tvlen_create(bondTypeId); // Turn off printing errors to stdout H5Eset_auto(0, 0); fileId = 0; } /* DESTRUCTOR */ HDF5_SimResults::~HDF5_SimResults() { if (fileId != 0) { closeDatasets(); H5Fclose(fileId); } H5close(); } /* FUNCTION: closeDatasets */ void HDF5_SimResults::closeDatasets() { std::map::iterator iter = frameSetInfoMap.begin(); while (iter != frameSetInfoMap.end()) { H5Dclose(((*iter).second).timestampsDatasetId); H5Dclose(((*iter).second).atomIdsDatasetId); H5Dclose(((*iter).second).atomicNumbersDatasetId); H5Dclose(((*iter).second).atomPositionsDatasetId); H5Dclose(((*iter).second).atomVelocitiesDatasetId); H5Dclose(((*iter).second).bondsDatasetId); H5Dclose(((*iter).second).measurementsDatasetId); iter++; } } /* FUNCTION: openDataStore */ int HDF5_SimResults::openDataStore(const char* directory, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; if (directory != 0) { dataStoreDirectory = directory; } else { resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE; message = "Null passed for directory."; // Abort return resultCode; } // Build the filepath std::string filepath = directory; filepath.append("/").append(HDF5_SIM_RESULT_FILENAME); // See if the file exists and open it fileId = H5Fopen(filepath.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT); if (fileId < 0) { // Doesn't exist, create it message = "Couldn't open file: "; message.append(filepath).append(": "); // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; herr_t status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append(". "); fileId = H5Fcreate(filepath.c_str(), H5F_ACC_EXCL, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); if (fileId < 0) { message.append("Couldn't create new file either: "); // Get error description from HDF5 hdf5Message = ""; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE; } } else { openDatasets(); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: synchronize */ void HDF5_SimResults::synchronize() { closeDatasets(); H5Fclose(fileId); std::string datastoreFilename = dataStoreDirectory; datastoreFilename.append("/").append(HDF5_SIM_RESULT_FILENAME); fileId = H5Fopen(datastoreFilename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT); openDatasets(); } /* FUNCTION: flush */ void HDF5_SimResults::flush() { int resultCode = H5Fflush(fileId, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL); if (resultCode) ;//message = "Couldn't flush HDF5 file."; } /* FUNCTION: openDatasets */ void HDF5_SimResults::openDatasets() { FrameSetInfo frameSetInfo; frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets/frame-set-1/Timestamps"); if (frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId < 0) frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId = 0; // Determine current frame index hid_t dataspaceId = H5Dget_space(frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId); int frameCount = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(dataspaceId); H5Sclose(dataspaceId); frameCount--; // frame indexes start at 0 if (frameCount < 0) frameCount = 0; frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex = frameCount; frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets/frame-set-1/AtomIds"); if (frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId < 0) frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId = 0; frameSetInfo.atomicNumbersDatasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets/frame-set-1/AtomicNumbers"); if (frameSetInfo.atomicNumbersDatasetId < 0) frameSetInfo.atomicNumbersDatasetId = 0; frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets/frame-set-1/AtomPositions"); if (frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId < 0) frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId = 0; frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets/frame-set-1/AtomVelocities"); if (frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId < 0) frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId = 0; frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets/frame-set-1/Bonds"); if (frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId < 0) frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId = 0; frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets/frame-set-1/Measurements"); if (frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId < 0) frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId = 0; frameSetInfoMap[std::string("frame-set-1")] = frameSetInfo; } /* FUNCTION: getName */ int HDF5_SimResults::getName(std::string& name) const { return getStringAttribute("/", "Name", name); } /* FUNCTION: setName */ int HDF5_SimResults::setName(const std::string& name, std::string& message) { return setStringAttribute("/", "Name", name, message); } /* FUNCTION: getDescription */ int HDF5_SimResults::getDescription(std::string& description) const { return getStringAttribute("/", "Description", description); } /* FUNCTION: setDescription */ int HDF5_SimResults::setDescription(const std::string& description, std::string& message) { return setStringAttribute("/", "Description", description, message); } /* FUNCTION: getNotes */ int HDF5_SimResults::getNotes(std::string& notes) const { return getStringAttribute("/", "Notes", notes); } /* FUNCTION: setNotes */ int HDF5_SimResults::setNotes(const std::string& notes, std::string& message) { return setStringAttribute("/", "Notes", notes, message); } /* FUNCTION: getIntParameterKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getIntParameterKeys() const { return getGroupKeys("/Parameters-Ints"); } /* FUNCTION: getIntParameter */ int HDF5_SimResults::getIntParameter(const std::string& key, int& value) const { return getIntAttribute("/Parameters-Ints", key, value); } /* FUNCTION: setIntParameter */ int HDF5_SimResults::setIntParameter(const std::string& key, int value, std::string& message) { return setIntAttribute("/Parameters-Ints", key, value, message); } /* FUNCTION: getFloatParameterKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getFloatParameterKeys() const { return getGroupKeys("/Parameters-Floats"); } /* FUNCTION: getFloatParameter */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFloatParameter(const std::string& key, float& value) const { return getFloatAttribute("/Parameters-Floats", key, value); } /* FUNCTION: setFloatParameter */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFloatParameter(const std::string& key, float value, std::string& message) { return setFloatAttribute("/Parameters-Floats", key, value, message); } /* FUNCTION: getStringParameterKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getStringParameterKeys() const { return getGroupKeys("/Parameters-Strings"); } /* FUNCTION: getStringParameter */ int HDF5_SimResults::getStringParameter(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const { return getStringAttribute("/Parameters-Strings", key, value); } /* FUNCTION: setStringParameter */ int HDF5_SimResults::setStringParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, std::string& message) { return setStringAttribute("/Parameters-Strings", key, value, message); } /* FUNCTION: getFilePathKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getFilePathKeys() const { return getGroupKeys("/InputFilePaths"); } /* FUNCTION: getFilePath */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFilePath(const char* key, std::string& filePath) const { return getStringAttribute("/InputFilePaths", key, filePath); } /* FUNCTION: setFilePath */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFilePath(const char* key, const char* filePath, std::string& message) { return setStringAttribute("/InputFilePaths", key, filePath, message); } /* FUNCTION: getRunResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::getRunResult(int& result, std::string& failureDescription) const { int status = getIntAttribute("/Results", "RunResult", result); if ((status == 0) && ((result == 2) || (result == 3))) getStringAttribute("/Results", "RunResultMessage", failureDescription); return status; } /* FUNCTION: setRunResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::setRunResult(const int& code, const char* failureDescription, std::string& message) { int status = setIntAttribute("/Results", "RunResult", code, message); if ((status == 0) && ((code == 2) || (code == 3))) status = setStringAttribute("/Results", "RunResultMessage", failureDescription, message); return status; } /* FUNCTION: getStartTime */ int HDF5_SimResults::getStartTime(time_t& startTime) const { return getTimeAttribute("/Results", "StartTime", startTime); } /* FUNCTION: setStartTime */ int HDF5_SimResults::setStartTime(const time_t& startTime, std::string& message) { return setTimeAttribute("/Results", "StartTime", startTime, message); } /* FUNCTION: getCPU_RunningTime */ int HDF5_SimResults::getCPU_RunningTime(float& cpuRunningTime) const { return getFloatAttribute("/Results", "CPU_RunningTime", cpuRunningTime); } /* FUNCTION: setCPU_RunningTime */ int HDF5_SimResults::setCPU_RunningTime(const float& cpuRunningTime, std::string& message) { return setFloatAttribute("/Results", "CPU_RunningTime", cpuRunningTime, message); } /* FUNCTION: getWallRunningTime */ int HDF5_SimResults::getWallRunningTime(float& wallRunningTime) const { return getFloatAttribute("/Results", "WallRunningTime", wallRunningTime); } /* FUNCTION: setWallRunningTime */ int HDF5_SimResults::setWallRunningTime(const float& wallRunningTime, std::string& message) { return setFloatAttribute("/Results", "WallRunningTime", wallRunningTime, message); } /* FUNCTION: getIntResultKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getIntResultKeys() const { return getGroupKeys("/Results-Ints"); } /* FUNCTION: getIntResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::getIntResult(const std::string& key, int& value) const { return getIntAttribute("/Results-Ints", key, value); } /* FUNCTION: setIntResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::setIntResult(const std::string& key, int value, std::string& message) { return setIntAttribute("/Results-Ints", key, value, message); } /* FUNCTION: getFloatResultKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getFloatResultKeys() const { return getGroupKeys("/Results-Floats"); } /* FUNCTION: getFloatResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFloatResult(const std::string& key, float& value) const { return getFloatAttribute("/Results-Floats", key, value); } /* FUNCTION: setFloatResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFloatResult(const std::string& key, float value, std::string& message) { return setFloatAttribute("/Results-Floats", key, value, message); } /* FUNCTION: getStringResultKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getStringResultKeys() const { return getGroupKeys("/Results-Strings"); } /* FUNCTION: getStringResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::getStringResult(const std::string& key, std::string& value) const { return getStringAttribute("/Results-Strings", key, value); } /* FUNCTION: setStringResult */ int HDF5_SimResults::setStringResult(const std::string& key, const std::string& value, std::string& message) { return setStringAttribute("/Results-Strings", key, value, message); } /* FUNCTION: getFrameSetNames */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getFrameSetNames() const { herr_t status; std::vector keys; hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets"); if (groupId > -1) { hsize_t numObjects; status = H5Gget_num_objs(groupId, &numObjects); if (status > -1) { char objectName[64]; H5G_stat_t objectInfo; for (hsize_t index = 0; index < numObjects; index++) { H5Gget_objname_by_idx(groupId, index, objectName, sizeof(objectName)); H5Gget_objinfo(groupId, objectName, 0, &objectInfo); if (objectInfo.type == H5G_GROUP) keys.push_back(objectName); } } H5Gclose(groupId); } return keys; } /* FUNCTION: addFrameSet */ int HDF5_SimResults::addFrameSet(const char* name, std::string& message) { herr_t status; bool pathExists = false; int resultCode = 0; message = "Unable to add FrameSet: /Results/FrameSets/"; message.append(name).append(": "); // Make sure Group path leading up to the Group we want to add exists // hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, "/Results"); if (groupId > -1) { H5Gclose(groupId); pathExists = true; } else { groupId = H5Gcreate(fileId, "/Results", GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT); if (groupId > -1) { H5Gclose(groupId); pathExists = true; } else { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } if (pathExists) { pathExists = false; groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets"); if (groupId > -1) { H5Gclose(groupId); pathExists = true; } else { groupId = H5Gcreate(fileId, "/Results/FrameSets", GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT); if (groupId > -1) { H5Gclose(groupId); pathExists = true; } else { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } } if (pathExists) { // Create the frame set Group std::string frameSetGroup = "/Results/FrameSets/"; frameSetGroup.append(name); groupId = H5Gcreate(fileId, frameSetGroup.c_str(), GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT); if (groupId > -1) { H5Gclose(groupId); FrameSetInfo frameSetInfo; frameSetInfoMap[std::string(name)] = frameSetInfo; } else { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getAggregationMode */ int HDF5_SimResults::getAggregationMode(const char* frameSetName, int& mode) const { std::string groupName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; groupName.append(frameSetName); return getIntAttribute(groupName.c_str(), "AggregationMode", mode); } /* FUNCTION: setAggregationMode */ int HDF5_SimResults::setAggregationMode(const char* frameSetName, const int& mode, std::string& message) { // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { std::string groupName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; groupName.append(frameSetName); resultCode = setIntAttribute(groupName, "AggregationMode", mode, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getStepsPerFrame */ int HDF5_SimResults::getStepsPerFrame(const char* frameSetName, int& stepsPerFrame) const { std::string groupName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; groupName.append(frameSetName); return getIntAttribute(groupName.c_str(), "StepsPerFrame", stepsPerFrame); } /* FUNCTION: setStepsPerFrame */ int HDF5_SimResults::setStepsPerFrame(const char* frameSetName, const int& stepsPerFrame, std::string& message) { // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { std::string groupName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; groupName.append(frameSetName); resultCode = setIntAttribute(groupName, "StepsPerFrame", stepsPerFrame, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFrameCount */ void HDF5_SimResults::getFrameCount(const char* frameSetName, int& frameCount) { frameCount = 0; // Check if the frame-set has been added std::string message; int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if Timestamps dataset has been added resultCode = checkTimestampsExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) frameCount = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].currentFrameIndex + 1; } } /* FUNCTION: getFrameTimes */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameTimes(const char* frameSetName, float* frameTimes, std::string& message) { // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if Timestamps dataset has been added resultCode = checkTimestampsExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; int frameCount = frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex + 1; for (int index = 0; (index < frameCount) && (resultCode == 0); index++) resultCode = readTimestamp(index, frameTimes[index], frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId, message); } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFrameTime */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameTime(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& time, std::string& message) { // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; resultCode = readTimestamp(frameIndex, time, frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: addFrame */ int HDF5_SimResults::addFrame(const char* frameSetName, const float& time, int& frameIndex, std::string& message) { int resultCode; // We flush buffers here assuming that the previous frame must be mostly // complete if the caller is adding a new frame. // resultCode = H5Fflush(fileId, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL); if (resultCode) message = "Couldn't flush HDF5 file."; // Check if the frame-set has been added resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if Timestamps dataset has been added resultCode = checkTimestampsExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode != 0) { // Create it // hid_t datasetId; std::string datasetMessage; resultCode = createTimestampsDataset(frameSetName, datasetId, datasetMessage); if (resultCode != 0) { message = "Unable to add Frame to /Results/FrameSets/"; message.append(frameSetName).append(": "); message.append(datasetMessage); } else { frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId = datasetId; } } else { frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex++; } if (resultCode == 0) { // Timestamp dataset exists resultCode = writeTimestamp(frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex, time, frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId, message); if (resultCode < 0) frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex--; } frameIndex = frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex; } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFrameAtomIdsCount */ void HDF5_SimResults::getFrameAtomIdsCount(const char* frameSetName, unsigned int& atomIdsCount) { atomIdsCount = 0; FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame-set has been added std::string message; int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if the atomIds have already been set resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence(frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId, "AtomIds", message); if (resultCode == 0) { hid_t dataspaceId = H5Dget_space(frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId); atomIdsCount = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(dataspaceId); H5Sclose(dataspaceId); } } } /* FUNCTION: getFrameAtomIds */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameAtomIds(const char* frameSetName, unsigned int* atomIds, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if the atomIds have already been set resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence(frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId, "AtomIds", message); if (resultCode == 0) { herr_t status; // Read the atom identifiers status = H5Dread(frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, atomIds); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to read atom ids: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setFrameAtomIds */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameAtomIds(const char* frameSetName, const unsigned int* atomIds, const unsigned int& atomIdsCount, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if the atomIds have already been set (can only set them once). resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence(frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId, "AtomIds", message); if (resultCode == 0) { message = "Atom ids have already been set."; resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } else { hid_t datasetId; resultCode = writeAtomUInts(frameSetName, "AtomIds", atomIds, atomIdsCount, datasetId, message); if (resultCode == 0) frameSetInfo.atomIdsDatasetId = datasetId; } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFrameAtomicNumbers */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameAtomicNumbers(const char* frameSetName, unsigned int* atomicNumbers, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if the atomIds have already been set resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence(frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomicNumbersDatasetId, "AtomNumbers", message); if (resultCode == 0) { herr_t status; // Read the atomic numbers status = H5Dread(frameSetInfo.atomicNumbersDatasetId, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, atomicNumbers); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to read atomic numbers: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setFrameAtomicNumbers */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameAtomicNumbers(const char* frameSetName, const unsigned int* atomicNumbers, const unsigned int& atomicNumbersCount, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if the atomic numbers have already been set (can only set them // once). resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence(frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomicNumbersDatasetId, "AtomicNumbers", message); if (resultCode == 0) { message = "Atomic numbers have already been set."; resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } else { hid_t datasetId; resultCode = writeAtomUInts(frameSetName, "AtomicNumbers", atomicNumbers, atomicNumbersCount, datasetId, message); if (resultCode == 0) frameSetInfo.atomicNumbersDatasetId = datasetId; } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFrameAtomPositions */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameAtomPositions(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const unsigned int& atomCount, float* positions, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the atom positions dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId, "AtomPositions", message); } if (resultCode == 0) { resultCode = read3SpaceAtomFloats(frameIndex, atomCount, positions, frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setFrameAtomPositions */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameAtomPositions(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float* positions, const unsigned int& atomCount, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the atom positions dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId, "AtomPositions", message); if (resultCode != 0) { // Create it resultCode = create3D_AtomFloatsDataset (frameSetName, "AtomPositions", atomCount, frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId, message); } } if (resultCode == 0) { resultCode = write3SpaceAtomFloats(frameIndex, atomCount, positions, frameSetInfo.atomPositionsDatasetId, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFrameAtomVelocities */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameAtomVelocities(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const unsigned int& atomCount, float* velocities, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the atom velocities dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId, "AtomVelocities", message); } if (resultCode == 0) { resultCode = read3SpaceAtomFloats(frameIndex, atomCount, velocities, frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setFrameAtomVelocities */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameAtomVelocities(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float* velocities, const unsigned int& atomCount, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the atom velocities dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId, "AtomVelocities", message); if (resultCode != 0) { // Create it resultCode = create3D_AtomFloatsDataset (frameSetName, "AtomVelocities", atomCount, frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId, message); } } if (resultCode == 0) { resultCode = write3SpaceAtomFloats(frameIndex, atomCount, velocities, frameSetInfo.atomVelocitiesDatasetId, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFrameBonds int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameBonds(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, unsigned int& bondCount, void* bonds, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the bonds dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, "Bonds", message); if (resultCode == 0) { herr_t status; // Select a hyperslab. hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId); hsize_t slabStart[2] = { 0, frameIndex }; hsize_t slabStride[2] = { 1, 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[2] = { 1, 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Create memory dataspace hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Read data hvl_t data[1]; status = H5Dread(frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, bondsVariableLengthId, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to read bonds: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } else { unsigned int bondIndex; SimResultsBond bond; for (bondIndex = 0; bondIndex < data[0].len; bondIndex++) { bond = ((SimResultsBond*)data[0].p)[bondIndex]; printf("<%d %d %g> ", bond.atomId_1, bond.atomId_2, bond.order);fflush(0); } bondCount = data[0].len; bonds = data[0].p; } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); } } return resultCode; } */ /* FUNCTION: getFrameBondsCount */ void HDF5_SimResults::getFrameBondsCount(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, unsigned int& bondCount) { bondCount = 0; FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added std::string message; int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the bonds dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, "Bonds", message); if (resultCode == 0) { herr_t status; // Select a hyperslab. hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId); hsize_t slabStart[2] = { 0, frameIndex }; hsize_t slabStride[2] = { 1, 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[2] = { 1, 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Create memory dataspace hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Read data hvl_t data[1]; status = H5Dread(frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, bondsVariableLengthId, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status > -1) { bondCount = data[0].len; status = H5Dvlen_reclaim(bondsVariableLengthId, memoryspace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); } } } /* FUNCTION: getFrameBonds */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameBonds(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, void* bonds, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the bonds dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, "Bonds", message); if (resultCode == 0) { herr_t status; // Select a hyperslab. hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId); hsize_t slabStart[2] = { 0, frameIndex }; hsize_t slabStride[2] = { 1, 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[2] = { 1, 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Create memory dataspace hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Read data hvl_t data[1]; status = H5Dread(frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, bondsVariableLengthId, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to read bonds: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } else { unsigned int bondIndex; SimResultsBond bond; for (bondIndex = 0; bondIndex < data[0].len; bondIndex++) { bond = ((SimResultsBond*)data[0].p)[bondIndex]; ((SimResultsBond*)bonds)[bondIndex] = bond; } status = H5Dvlen_reclaim(bondsVariableLengthId, memoryspace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setFrameBonds */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameBonds(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const void* bonds, const unsigned int& bondCount, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the bonds dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, "Bonds", message); if (resultCode != 0) { // Create it resultCode = createBondsDataset(frameSetName, bondCount, frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, message); } } if (resultCode == 0) { resultCode = writeBonds(frameIndex, bondCount, bonds, frameSetInfo.bondsDatasetId, message); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setFrameTotalEnergy int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameTotalEnergy(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float& totalEnergy, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the measurements dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId, "Measurements", message); if (resultCode != 0) { // Create it resultCode = createMeasurementsDataset (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId, message); } } if (resultCode == 0) { resultCode = writeMeasurement(frameIndex, TOTAL_ENERGY_MSRMT, totalEnergy, frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId, message); } return resultCode; } */ /* FUNCTION: getFrameTotalEnergy */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameTotalEnergy(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& totalEnergy, std::string& message) { return readMeasurement(frameSetName, frameIndex, TOTAL_ENERGY_MSRMT, frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].measurementsDatasetId, totalEnergy, message); } /* FUNCTION: setFrameTotalEnergy */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameTotalEnergy(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float& totalEnergy, std::string& message) { return writeMeasurement(frameSetName, frameIndex, TOTAL_ENERGY_MSRMT, totalEnergy, frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].measurementsDatasetId, message); } /* FUNCTION: getFrameIdealTemperature */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFrameIdealTemperature(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& idealTemperature, std::string& message) { return readMeasurement(frameSetName, frameIndex, IDEAL_TEMPERATURE_MSRMT, frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].measurementsDatasetId, idealTemperature, message); } /* FUNCTION: setFrameIdealTemperature */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFrameIdealTemperature(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float& idealTemperature, std::string& message) { return writeMeasurement(frameSetName, frameIndex, IDEAL_TEMPERATURE_MSRMT, idealTemperature, frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].measurementsDatasetId, message); } /* FUNCTION: getFramePressure */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFramePressure(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, float& pressure, std::string& message) { return readMeasurement(frameSetName, frameIndex, PRESSURE_MSRMT, frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].measurementsDatasetId, pressure, message); } /* FUNCTION: setFramePressure */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFramePressure(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const float& pressure, std::string& message) { return writeMeasurement(frameSetName, frameIndex, PRESSURE_MSRMT, pressure, frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].measurementsDatasetId, message); } /******************************************************************************/ /* * FUNCTION: checkFrameExistence */ int HDF5_SimResults::checkFrameExistence(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, std::string& message) { // Check if the frame-set has been added int resultCode = checkFrameSetExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Frame-set exists // Check if Timestamps dataset has been added resultCode = checkTimestampsExistence(frameSetName, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the requested frame has already been added if (frameIndex > frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName].currentFrameIndex) { message = "Requested frame hasn't been added."; resultCode = SRDS_INVALID_FRAMEINDEX; } } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: checkFrameSetDatasetExistence * * Assumes the frame-set exists, ie, doesn't check for it. * * @param message Set to a description of the problem if non-zero is returned * @return zero=dataset exists, non-zero=dataset doesn't exist */ int HDF5_SimResults::checkFrameSetDatasetExistence(const char* frameSetName, hid_t& datasetId, const char* datasetName, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; // Check if the AtomPositions dataset has been created if (datasetId == 0) { // Check if some other object created the dataset std::string fullDatasetName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; fullDatasetName.append(frameSetName).append("/").append(datasetName); datasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, fullDatasetName.c_str()); if (datasetId < 0) { datasetId = 0; message = "Dataset: "; message.append(fullDatasetName).append(" doesn't exist."); resultCode = SRDS_NON_EXISTENT_DATASET; } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: checkTimestampsExistence * * Assumes the frame-set exists, ie, doesn't check for it. * * @param message Set to a description of the problem if non-zero is returned * @return zero=Timestamps dataset exists, non-zero=Timestamps dataset doesn't * exist */ int HDF5_SimResults::checkTimestampsExistence(const char* frameSetName, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the Timestamps dataset has been created if (frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId == 0) { // Check if some other object created the dataset std::string datasetName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; datasetName.append(frameSetName).append("/Timestamps"); hid_t datasetId = H5Dopen(fileId, datasetName.c_str()); if (datasetId > -1) { // Exists frameSetInfo.timestampsDatasetId = datasetId; hid_t dataspaceId = H5Dget_space(datasetId); frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex = H5Sget_simple_extent_npoints(dataspaceId); H5Sclose(dataspaceId); // Current frame index starts at zero, so if there's two frames, // the current frame index is 1. if (frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex > 0) frameSetInfo.currentFrameIndex--; } else { message = "Frame-set: "; message.append(frameSetName).append(" has no frames."); resultCode = SRDS_EMPTY_FRAMESET; } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: checkFrameSetExistence */ int HDF5_SimResults::checkFrameSetExistence(const char* frameSetName, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; // First check in cache if (frameSetInfoMap.count(std::string(frameSetName)) == 0) { // Check if the frame-set was added from some other object std::string groupName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; groupName.append(frameSetName); hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId > -1) { // Exists H5Gclose(groupId); FrameSetInfo frameSetInfo; frameSetInfoMap[std::string(frameSetName)] = frameSetInfo; } else { message = "Frame-set: "; message.append(frameSetName).append(" doesn't exist."); resultCode = SRDS_NON_EXISTENT_FRAMESET; } } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: createMeasurementsDataset */ int HDF5_SimResults::createMeasurementsDataset(const char* frameSetName, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Create the dataspace hsize_t dims[2] = { 3, 1 }; hsize_t maxDims[2] = { 3, H5S_UNLIMITED }; hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate_simple(2 /* rank */, dims, maxDims); // Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking, compression hid_t datasetParams = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); if (USE_CHUNKING) { hsize_t chunkDims[2] = { 3, 1 }; status = H5Pset_chunk(datasetParams, 2 /* rank */, chunkDims); } if (USE_SHUFFLING) { status = H5Pset_shuffle(datasetParams); } if (USE_COMPRESSION) { status = H5Pset_deflate(datasetParams, COMPRESSION_LVL); } // Create a new dataset within the file using datasetParams creation // properties. std::string fullDatasetName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; fullDatasetName.append(frameSetName).append("/Measurements"); datasetId = H5Dcreate(fileId, fullDatasetName.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, dataspaceId, datasetParams); if (datasetId < 0) { message = "Unable to create dataset: "; message.append(fullDatasetName).append(": "); // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Pclose(datasetParams); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: createBondsDataset */ int HDF5_SimResults::createBondsDataset(const char* frameSetName, const unsigned int& bondCount, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Create the dataspace hsize_t dims[2] = { 1, 1 }; hsize_t maxDims[2] = { 1, H5S_UNLIMITED }; hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate_simple(2 /* rank */, dims, maxDims); // Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking, compression hid_t datasetParams = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); if (USE_CHUNKING) { hsize_t chunkDims[2] = { 1, 1 }; status = H5Pset_chunk(datasetParams, 2 /* rank */, chunkDims); } if (USE_SHUFFLING) { status = H5Pset_shuffle(datasetParams); } if (USE_COMPRESSION) { status = H5Pset_deflate(datasetParams, COMPRESSION_LVL); } // Create a new dataset within the file using datasetParams creation // properties. std::string fullDatasetName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; fullDatasetName.append(frameSetName).append("/Bonds"); datasetId = H5Dcreate(fileId, fullDatasetName.c_str(), bondsVariableLengthId, dataspaceId, datasetParams); if (datasetId < 0) { message = "Unable to create dataset: "; message.append(fullDatasetName).append(": "); // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Pclose(datasetParams); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: create3D_AtomFloatsDataset * * Assumes the frame-set already exists, ie, doesn't check if it exists. */ int HDF5_SimResults::create3D_AtomFloatsDataset(const char* frameSetName, const char* dataSetName, const unsigned int& atomCount, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Create the dataspace hsize_t dims[3] = { atomCount, 3, 1 }; hsize_t maxDims[3] = { atomCount, 3, H5S_UNLIMITED }; hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate_simple(3 /* rank */, dims, maxDims); // Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking, compression hid_t datasetParams = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); if (USE_CHUNKING) { hsize_t chunkDims[3] = { atomCount, 3, 1 }; status = H5Pset_chunk(datasetParams, 3 /* rank */, chunkDims); } if (USE_SHUFFLING) { status = H5Pset_shuffle(datasetParams); } if (USE_COMPRESSION) { status = H5Pset_deflate(datasetParams, COMPRESSION_LVL); } // Create a new dataset within the file using datasetParams creation // properties. std::string fullDatasetName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; fullDatasetName.append(frameSetName).append("/").append(dataSetName); datasetId = H5Dcreate(fileId, fullDatasetName.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, dataspaceId, datasetParams); if (datasetId < 0) { message = "Unable to create dataset: "; message.append(fullDatasetName).append(": "); // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Pclose(datasetParams); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: createTimestampsDataset * * Assumes the frame-set already exists, ie, doesn't check if it exists. */ int HDF5_SimResults::createTimestampsDataset(const char* frameSetName, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Create the dataspace hsize_t dims[1] = { 1 }; hsize_t maxDims[1] = { H5S_UNLIMITED }; hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate_simple(1 /* rank */, dims, maxDims); // Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking, compression hid_t datasetParams = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); if (USE_CHUNKING) { hsize_t chunkDims[1] = { 1 }; status = H5Pset_chunk(datasetParams, 1 /* rank */, chunkDims); } if (USE_SHUFFLING) { status = H5Pset_shuffle(datasetParams); } if (USE_COMPRESSION) { status = H5Pset_deflate(datasetParams, COMPRESSION_LVL); } // Create a new dataset within the file using datasetParams creation // properties. std::string datasetName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; datasetName.append(frameSetName).append("/Timestamps"); datasetId = H5Dcreate(fileId, datasetName.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, dataspaceId, datasetParams); if (datasetId < 0) { message = "Unable to create dataset: "; message.append(datasetName).append(": "); // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Pclose(datasetParams); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: writeMeasurement int HDF5_SimResults::writeMeasurement(const int& frame, const int& measurementIndex, const float& value, const hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Prepare data hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; float data[] = { value }; // Array to store selected points from the file dataspace hsize_t coordinates[1][2]; coordinates[0][0] = measurementIndex; coordinates[0][1] = frame; // Create memory dataspace hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Extend the dataset. hsize_t dims[2] = { 3, frame + 1 }; status = H5Dextend(datasetId, dims); // Select the point hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); status = H5Sselect_elements(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, 1, (const hsize_t**)coordinates); // Write the data to the point. status = H5Dwrite(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, H5S_ALL, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to write measurement: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(filespace); H5Sclose(memoryspace); return resultCode; }*/ /* FUNCTION: writeMeasurement */ int HDF5_SimResults::writeMeasurement(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const int& measurementIndex, const float& value, const hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the measurements dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId, "Measurements", message); if (resultCode != 0) { // Create it resultCode = createMeasurementsDataset (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId, message); } } if (resultCode == 0) { herr_t status; // Prepare data hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; float data[] = { value }; // Array to store selected points from the file dataspace hsize_t coordinates[1][2]; coordinates[0][0] = measurementIndex; coordinates[0][1] = frameIndex; // Create memory dataspace hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Extend the dataset. hsize_t dims[2] = { 3, frameIndex + 1 }; status = H5Dextend(datasetId, dims); // Select the point hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); status = H5Sselect_elements(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, 1, (const hsize_t*)coordinates); // Write the data to the point. status = H5Dwrite(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to write measurement: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(filespace); H5Sclose(memoryspace); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: writeBonds */ int HDF5_SimResults::writeBonds(const int& frame, const unsigned int& bondCount, const void* bonds, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Prepare data hvl_t data[1]; data[0].p = (void*)bonds; data[0].len = bondCount; // Extend the dataset. hsize_t dims[2] = { 1, frame + 1 }; status = H5Dextend(datasetId, dims); // Create memory dataspace hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Select a hyperslab. hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); hsize_t slabStart[2] = { 0, frame }; hsize_t slabStride[2] = { 1, 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[2] = { 1, 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Write the data to the hyperslab. status = H5Dwrite(datasetId, bondsVariableLengthId, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to write bonds: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: writeAtomUInts */ int HDF5_SimResults::writeAtomUInts(const char* frameSetName, const char* dataSetName, const unsigned int* atomUInts, const unsigned int& atomUIntsCount, hid_t& datasetId, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; herr_t status; // Create the dataspace hsize_t dims[1] = { atomUIntsCount }; hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate_simple(1, // rank dims, // dimensions NULL); // max dimensions // Modify dataset creation properties, i.e. enable chunking, // compression hid_t datasetParams = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE); if (USE_CHUNKING) { hsize_t chunkDims[1] = { atomUIntsCount }; status = H5Pset_chunk(datasetParams, 1 /* rank */, chunkDims); } if (USE_SHUFFLING) { status = H5Pset_shuffle(datasetParams); } if (USE_COMPRESSION) { status = H5Pset_deflate(datasetParams, COMPRESSION_LVL); } // Create a new dataset within the file using datasetParams creation // properties. std::string groupName = "/Results/FrameSets/"; groupName.append(frameSetName).append("/").append(dataSetName); datasetId = H5Dcreate(fileId, groupName.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_UINT, dataspaceId, datasetParams); if (datasetId < 0) { message = "Unable to create the dataset for /Results/FrameSets/"; message.append(frameSetName).append(": "); // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } else { H5Sclose(dataspaceId); // Write the atom unsigned integers status = H5Dwrite(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_UINT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, atomUInts); if (status != 0) { message = "Unable to write atom data: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; H5Dclose(datasetId); } } H5Pclose(datasetParams); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: write3SpaceAtomFloats */ int HDF5_SimResults::write3SpaceAtomFloats(const int& frame, const unsigned int& atomCount, const float* data, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Extend the dataset. This call assures that dataset is at least // nAtoms x 3 x (frame+1) in size hsize_t dims[3] = { atomCount, 3, frame + 1 }; status = H5Dextend(datasetId, dims); // Select a hyperslab. hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); hsize_t slabStart[3] = { 0, 0, frame }; hsize_t slabStride[3] = { 1, 1, 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[3] = { atomCount, 3, 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Create memory dataspace hsize_t dataDims[] = { atomCount, 3, 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(3, dataDims, NULL); // Write the data to the hyperslab. status = H5Dwrite(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to write atom floats: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: writeTimestamp */ int HDF5_SimResults::writeTimestamp(const int& frame, const float& time, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Extend the dataset. hsize_t dims[1] = { frame + 1 }; status = H5Dextend(datasetId, dims); // Select a hyperslab. hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); hsize_t slabStart[1] = { frame }; hsize_t slabStride[1] = { 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[1] = { 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Create memory dataspace float data[1] = { time }; hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Write the data to the hyperslab. status = H5Dwrite(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to write timestamp: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: readMeasurement */ int HDF5_SimResults::readMeasurement(const char* frameSetName, const int& frameIndex, const int& measurementIndex, const hid_t& datasetId, float& value, std::string& message) { FrameSetInfo& frameSetInfo = frameSetInfoMap[frameSetName]; // Check if the frame has been added int resultCode = checkFrameExistence(frameSetName, frameIndex, message); if (resultCode == 0) { // Check if the measurements dataset has been created resultCode = checkFrameSetDatasetExistence (frameSetName, frameSetInfo.measurementsDatasetId, "Measurements", message); } if (resultCode == 0) { herr_t status; // Prepare data hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; float data[1]; // Array to store selected points from the file dataspace hsize_t coordinates[1][2]; coordinates[0][0] = measurementIndex; coordinates[0][1] = frameIndex; // Create memory dataspace hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Select the point hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); status = H5Sselect_elements(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, 1, (const hsize_t*)coordinates); // Read the data point status = H5Dread(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to read measurement: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } else { value = data[0]; } H5Sclose(filespace); H5Sclose(memoryspace); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: read3SpaceAtomFloats */ int HDF5_SimResults::read3SpaceAtomFloats(const int& frame, const unsigned int& atomCount, float* data, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message) { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Get the filespace hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); // Select a hyperslab. hsize_t slabStart[3] = { 0, 0, frame }; hsize_t slabStride[3] = { 1, 1, 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[3] = { atomCount, 3, 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Create memory dataspace hsize_t dataDims[] = { atomCount, 3, 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(3, dataDims, NULL); // Read data status = H5Dread(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to read atom floats: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: readTimestamp */ int HDF5_SimResults::readTimestamp(const int& frame, float& time, hid_t datasetId, std::string& message) const { herr_t status; int resultCode = 0; // Select a hyperslab. hid_t filespace = H5Dget_space(datasetId); hsize_t slabStart[1] = { frame }; hsize_t slabStride[1] = { 1 }; hsize_t slabCount[1] = { 1 }; status = H5Sselect_hyperslab(filespace, H5S_SELECT_SET, slabStart, slabStride, slabCount, NULL); // Create memory dataspace float data[1]; hsize_t dataDims[] = { 1 }; hid_t memoryspace = H5Screate_simple(1, dataDims, NULL); // Read data status = H5Dread(datasetId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, memoryspace, filespace, H5P_DEFAULT, data); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to read timestamp: "; // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } else { time = data[0]; } H5Sclose(memoryspace); H5Sclose(filespace); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getStringAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::getStringAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, std::string& attributeValue) const { int resultCode = 1; herr_t status; // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId > -1) { // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId > -1) { // Create the type hid_t stringType = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1); status = H5Tset_size(stringType, H5T_VARIABLE); // Read the attribute char* value; status = H5Aread(attributeId, stringType, &value); if (status > -1) { attributeValue = value; free(value); resultCode = 0; } } H5Aclose(attributeId); } H5Gclose(groupId); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setStringAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::setStringAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const std::string& value, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; herr_t status; // Prepare error message message = "Unable to set "; message.append(groupName).append("/").append(attributeName); message.append("=").append(value).append(": "); // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId < 0) { // Doesn't exist, create it groupId = H5Gcreate(fileId, groupName.c_str(), GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT); if (groupId < 0) { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } if (resultCode == 0) { // Create the type hid_t stringType = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1); status = H5Tset_size(stringType, H5T_VARIABLE); // Create the dataspace hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId < 0) // Doesn't exist, create it attributeId = H5Acreate(groupId, attributeName.c_str(), stringType, dataspaceId, H5P_DEFAULT); // Write the attribute char* valueChars = (char*)(malloc((value.length()+1)*sizeof(char))); strcpy(valueChars, value.c_str()); status = H5Awrite(attributeId, stringType, &valueChars); free(valueChars); if (status < 0) { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Aclose(attributeId); H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Gclose(groupId); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getIntAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::getIntAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, int& attributeValue) const { int resultCode = 1; herr_t status; // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId > -1) { // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId > -1) { // Read the attribute int value; status = H5Aread(attributeId, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &value); if (status > -1) { attributeValue = value; resultCode = 0; } } H5Aclose(attributeId); } H5Gclose(groupId); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setIntAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::setIntAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const int& value, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; herr_t status; // Prepare error message message = "Unable to set "; message.append(groupName).append("/").append(attributeName); char buffer[20]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", value); message.append("=").append(buffer).append(": "); // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId < 0) { // Doesn't exist, create it groupId = H5Gcreate(fileId, groupName.c_str(), GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT); if (groupId < 0) { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } if (resultCode == 0) { // Create the dataspace hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId < 0) // Doesn't exist, create it attributeId = H5Acreate(groupId, attributeName.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_INT, dataspaceId, H5P_DEFAULT); // Write the attribute status = H5Awrite(attributeId, H5T_NATIVE_INT, &value); if (status < 0) { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Aclose(attributeId); H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Gclose(groupId); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getFloatAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::getFloatAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, float& attributeValue) const { int resultCode = 1; herr_t status; // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId > -1) { // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId > -1) { // Read the attribute float value; status = H5Aread(attributeId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &value); if (status > -1) { attributeValue = value; resultCode = 0; } } H5Aclose(attributeId); } H5Gclose(groupId); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setFloatAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::setFloatAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const float& value, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; herr_t status; // Prepare error message message = "Unable to set "; message.append(groupName).append("/").append(attributeName); char buffer[20]; sprintf(buffer, "%f", value); message.append("=").append(buffer).append(": "); // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId < 0) { // Doesn't exist, create it groupId = H5Gcreate(fileId, groupName.c_str(), GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT); if (groupId < 0) { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } } if (resultCode == 0) { // Create the dataspace hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId < 0) // Doesn't exist, create it attributeId = H5Acreate(groupId, attributeName.c_str(), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, dataspaceId, H5P_DEFAULT); // Write the attribute status = H5Awrite(attributeId, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, &value); if (status < 0) { // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } H5Aclose(attributeId); H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Gclose(groupId); } return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getTimeAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::getTimeAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, time_t& attributeValue) const { int resultCode = 1; herr_t status; // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId > -1) { // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId > -1) { // Read the attribute time_t value; status = H5Aread(attributeId, H5T_UNIX_D32BE, &value); if (status > -1) { attributeValue = value; resultCode = 0; } } H5Aclose(attributeId); } H5Gclose(groupId); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: setTimeAttribute */ int HDF5_SimResults::setTimeAttribute(const std::string& groupName, const std::string& attributeName, const time_t& value, std::string& message) { int resultCode = 0; herr_t status; // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, groupName.c_str()); if (groupId < 0) { // Doesn't exist, create it groupId = H5Gcreate(fileId, groupName.c_str(), GROUP_NAME_SIZE_HINT); } // Create the dataspace hid_t dataspaceId = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR); // See if the attribute exists and open it hid_t attributeId = H5Aopen_name(groupId, attributeName.c_str()); if (attributeId < 0) // Doesn't exist, create it attributeId = H5Acreate(groupId, attributeName.c_str(), H5T_UNIX_D32BE, dataspaceId, H5P_DEFAULT); // Write the attribute status = H5Awrite(attributeId, H5T_UNIX_D32BE, &value); if (status < 0) { message = "Unable to set "; message.append(groupName).append("/").append(attributeName); #ifndef _WIN32 struct tm timestamp; char buffer[64]; timestamp = *localtime(&value); strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", ×tamp); message.append("=").append(buffer).append(": "); #endif // Get error description from HDF5 std::string hdf5Message; status = H5Ewalk(H5E_WALK_UPWARD, H5_ErrorStackWalker, &hdf5Message); if (status > -1) message.append(hdf5Message).append("."); resultCode = SRDS_UNABLE_TO_COMPLETE_OPERATION; } // Clean up H5Aclose(attributeId); H5Sclose(dataspaceId); H5Gclose(groupId); return resultCode; } /* FUNCTION: getGroupKeys */ std::vector HDF5_SimResults::getGroupKeys (const std::string& group) const { std::vector keys; // See if the group exists and open it hid_t groupId = H5Gopen(fileId, group.c_str()); if (groupId > -1) { // Get an attribute count int attrCount = H5Aget_num_attrs(groupId); // Build key list hid_t attributeId; char buffer[64]; for (int attrIndex = 0; attrIndex < attrCount; attrIndex++) { attributeId = H5Aopen_idx(groupId, attrIndex); H5Aget_name(attributeId, sizeof(buffer), buffer); H5Aclose(attributeId); keys.push_back(buffer); } H5Gclose(groupId); } return keys; } } // Nanorex::