/* * $Id: trxio.c,v 2007/09/20 06:35:41 spoel Exp $ * * This source code is part of * * G R O M A C S * * GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations * * VERSION 3.3.2 * Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others. * Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. * Copyright (c) 2001-2007, The GROMACS development team, * check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information. * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * If you want to redistribute modifications, please consider that * scientific software is very special. Version control is crucial - * bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to consider code for * inclusion in the official distribution, but derived work must not * be called official GROMACS. Details are found in the README & COPYING * files - if they are missing, get the official version at www.gromacs.org. * * To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite * the papers on the package - you can find them in the top README file. * * For more info, check our website at http://www.gromacs.org * * And Hey: * Groningen Machine for Chemical Simulation */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include "sysstuff.h" #include "string2.h" #include "smalloc.h" #include "pbc.h" #include "statutil.h" #include "gmxfio.h" #include "trnio.h" #include "names.h" #include "vec.h" #include "futil.h" #include "gmxfio.h" #include "xtcio.h" #include "pdbio.h" #include "confio.h" #include "wgms.h" #include /* defines for frame counter output */ static int __frame=NOTSET; #define SKIP1 10 #define SKIP2 100 #define SKIP3 1000 #define INITCOUNT __frame=-1 /* frames for read_first/next_x */ static t_trxframe *xframe=NULL; static int nxframe=0; int nframes_read(void) { return __frame; } static void printcount_(char *l,real t) { if ((__frame < 2*SKIP1 || __frame % SKIP1 == 0) && (__frame < 2*SKIP2 || __frame % SKIP2 == 0) && (__frame < 2*SKIP3 || __frame % SKIP3 == 0)) fprintf(stderr,"\r%-14s %6d time %8.3f ",l,__frame,convert_time(t)); } static void printcount(real t,bool bSkip) { __frame++; printcount_(bSkip ? "Skipping frame" : "Reading frame",t); } static void printlast(real t) { printcount_("Last frame",t); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } static void printincomp(t_trxframe *fr) { if (fr->not_ok & HEADER_NOT_OK) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Incomplete header: nr %d time %g\n", __frame+1,fr->time); else if (fr->not_ok) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Incomplete frame: nr %d time %g\n", __frame+1,fr->time); } int prec2ndec(real prec) { if (prec <= 0) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"DEATH HORROR prec (%g) <= 0 in prec2ndec",prec); return (int)(log(prec)/log(10.0)+0.5); } /* Globals for gromos-87 input */ typedef enum { effXYZ, effXYZBox, effG87, effG87Box, effNR } eFileFormat; static eFileFormat eFF; static int NATOMS; static double DT,BOX[3]; static bool bReadBox; void clear_trxframe(t_trxframe *fr,bool bFirst) { fr->not_ok = 0; fr->bTitle = FALSE; fr->bStep = FALSE; fr->bTime = FALSE; fr->bLambda = FALSE; fr->bAtoms = FALSE; fr->bPrec = FALSE; fr->bX = FALSE; fr->bV = FALSE; fr->bF = FALSE; fr->bBox = FALSE; if (bFirst) { fr->flags = 0; fr->bDouble= FALSE; fr->natoms = -1; fr->t0 = 0; fr->tpf = 0; fr->tppf = 0; fr->title = NULL; fr->step = 0; fr->time = 0; fr->lambda = 0; fr->atoms = NULL; fr->prec = 0; fr->x = NULL; fr->v = NULL; fr->f = NULL; clear_mat(fr->box); } } int write_trxframe_indexed(int fnum,t_trxframe *fr,int nind,atom_id *ind) { char title[STRLEN]; rvec *xout=NULL,*vout=NULL,*fout=NULL; int i; real prec; if (fr->bPrec) prec = fr->prec; else prec = 1000.0; switch (fio_getftp(fnum)) { case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: break; default: if (!fr->bX) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Need coordinates to write a %s trajectory", ftp2ext(fio_getftp(fnum))); break; } switch (fio_getftp(fnum)) { case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: if (fr->bV) { snew(vout,nind); for(i=0; iv[ind[i]],vout[i]); } if (fr->bF) { snew(fout,nind); for(i=0; if[ind[i]],fout[i]); } case efXTC: case efG87: if (fr->bX) { snew(xout,nind); for(i=0; ix[ind[i]],xout[i]); } break; default: break; } switch (fio_getftp(fnum)) { case efXTC: write_xtc(fnum,nind,fr->step,fr->time,fr->box,xout,prec); break; case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: fwrite_trn(fnum,nframes_read(), fr->time,fr->step,fr->box,nind,xout,vout,fout); break; case efGRO: case efPDB: case efBRK: case efENT: if (!fr->bAtoms) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Can not write a %s file without atom names", ftp2ext(fio_getftp(fnum))); sprintf(title,"frame t= %.3f",fr->time); if (fio_getftp(fnum) == efGRO) write_hconf_indexed_p(fio_getfp(fnum),title,fr->atoms,nind,ind, prec2ndec(prec), fr->x,fr->bV ? fr->v : NULL,fr->box); else write_pdbfile_indexed(fio_getfp(fnum),title,fr->atoms, fr->x,fr->box,0,fr->step,nind,ind); break; case efG87: write_gms(fio_getfp(fnum),nind,xout,fr->box); break; case efG96: write_g96_conf(fio_getfp(fnum),fr,nind,ind); break; default: gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Sorry, write_trxframe_indexed can not write %s", ftp2ext(fio_getftp(fnum))); break; } switch (fio_getftp(fnum)) { case efTRN: case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: if (vout) sfree(vout); if (fout) sfree(fout); case efXTC: case efG87: sfree(xout); break; default: break; } return 0; } int write_trxframe(int fnum,t_trxframe *fr) { char title[STRLEN]; real prec; if (fr->bPrec) prec = fr->prec; else prec = 1000.0; switch (fio_getftp(fnum)) { case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: break; default: if (!fr->bX) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Need coordinates to write a %s trajectory", ftp2ext(fio_getftp(fnum))); break; } switch (fio_getftp(fnum)) { case efXTC: write_xtc(fnum,fr->natoms,fr->step,fr->time,fr->box,fr->x,prec); break; case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: fwrite_trn(fnum,fr->step,fr->time,fr->lambda,fr->box,fr->natoms, fr->bX ? fr->x:NULL,fr->bV ? fr->v:NULL ,fr->bF ? fr->f:NULL); break; case efGRO: case efPDB: case efBRK: case efENT: if (!fr->bAtoms) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Can not write a %s file without atom names", ftp2ext(fio_getftp(fnum))); sprintf(title,"frame t= %.3f",fr->time); if (fio_getftp(fnum) == efGRO) write_hconf_p(fio_getfp(fnum),title,fr->atoms, prec2ndec(prec),fr->x,fr->bV ? fr->v : NULL,fr->box); else write_pdbfile(fio_getfp(fnum),title, fr->atoms,fr->x,fr->box,0,fr->step); break; case efG87: write_gms(fio_getfp(fnum),fr->natoms,fr->x,fr->box); break; case efG96: write_g96_conf(fio_getfp(fnum),fr,-1,NULL); break; default: gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Sorry, write_trxframe can not write %s", ftp2ext(fio_getftp(fnum))); break; } return 0; } int write_trx(int fnum,int nind,atom_id *ind,t_atoms *atoms, int step,real time,matrix box,rvec x[],rvec *v) { t_trxframe fr; clear_trxframe(&fr,TRUE); fr.bStep = TRUE; fr.step = step; fr.bTime = TRUE; fr.time = time; fr.bAtoms = atoms!=NULL; fr.atoms = atoms; fr.bX = TRUE; fr.x = x; fr.bV = v!=NULL; fr.v = v; fr.bBox = TRUE; copy_mat(box,fr.box); return write_trxframe_indexed(fnum,&fr,nind,ind); } void close_trx(int status) { fio_close(status); } int open_trx(char *outfile,char *filemode) { if (filemode[0]!='w' && filemode[0]!='a') gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Sorry, write_trx can only write"); return fio_open(outfile,filemode); } static bool gmx_next_frame(int status,t_trxframe *fr) { t_trnheader sh; bool bOK,bRet; bRet = FALSE; if (fread_trnheader(status,&sh,&bOK)) { fr->bDouble=sh.bDouble; fr->natoms=sh.natoms; fr->bStep=TRUE; fr->step=sh.step; fr->bTime=TRUE; fr->time=sh.t; fr->bLambda = TRUE; fr->lambda = sh.lambda; fr->bBox = sh.box_size>0; if (fr->flags & (TRX_READ_X | TRX_NEED_X)) { if (fr->x==NULL) snew(fr->x,sh.natoms); fr->bX = sh.x_size>0; } if (fr->flags & (TRX_READ_V | TRX_NEED_V)) { if (fr->v==NULL) snew(fr->v,sh.natoms); fr->bV = sh.v_size>0; } if (fr->flags & (TRX_READ_F | TRX_NEED_F)) { if (fr->f==NULL) snew(fr->f,sh.natoms); fr->bF = sh.f_size; } if (fread_htrn(status,&sh,fr->box,fr->x,fr->v,fr->f)) bRet = TRUE; else fr->not_ok = DATA_NOT_OK; } else if (!bOK) fr->not_ok = HEADER_NOT_OK; return bRet; } static void choose_ff(FILE *status) { int i,m,c; printf("\n\n"); printf(" Select File Format\n"); printf("---------------------------\n"); printf("1. XYZ File\n"); printf("2. XYZ File with Box\n"); printf("3. Gromos-87 Ascii Trajectory\n"); printf("4. Gromos-87 Ascii Trajectory with Box\n"); do { printf("\nChoice: "); fflush(stdout); scanf("%d",&i); i--; } while ((i < 0) || (i >= effNR)); printf("\n"); eFF = (eFileFormat) i; for(m=0; (mnatoms; atoms.atom=NULL; atoms.pdbinfo=NULL; /* the other pointers in atoms should not be accessed if these are NULL */ model_nr=NOTSET; na=read_pdbfile(status, title, &model_nr, &atoms, fr->x, fr->box, TRUE); if (nframes_read()==0) fprintf(stderr," '%s', %d atoms\n",title, fr->natoms); fr->bPrec = TRUE; fr->prec = 10000; fr->bX = TRUE; fr->bBox = fr->box[XX][XX] == 0; if (model_nr!=NOTSET) { fr->bStep = TRUE; fr->step = model_nr; } time=strstr(title," t= "); if (time) { fr->bTime = TRUE; sscanf(time+4,"%lf",&dbl); fr->time=(real)dbl; } else { fr->bTime = FALSE; /* this is a bit dirty, but it will work: if no time is read from comment line in pdb file, set time to current frame number */ if (fr->bStep) fr->time=(real)fr->step; else fr->time=(real)nframes_read(); } if (na==0) { return FALSE; } else { if (na != fr->natoms) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Number of atoms in pdb frame %d is %d instead of %d", nframes_read(),na,fr->natoms); return TRUE; } } static int pdb_first_x(FILE *status, t_trxframe *fr) { INITCOUNT; fprintf(stderr,"Reading frames from pdb file"); frewind(status); get_pdb_coordnum(status, &fr->natoms); if (fr->natoms==0) gmx_fatal(FARGS,"\nNo coordinates in pdb file\n"); frewind(status); snew(fr->x,fr->natoms); pdb_next_x(status, fr); return fr->natoms; } bool read_next_frame(int status,t_trxframe *fr) { real pt; int ct; bool bOK,bRet,bMissingData=FALSE,bSkip=FALSE; bRet = FALSE; pt=fr->time; do { clear_trxframe(fr,FALSE); fr->tppf = fr->tpf; fr->tpf = fr->time; switch (fio_getftp(status)) { case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: bRet = gmx_next_frame(status,fr); break; case efG96: read_g96_conf(fio_getfp(status),NULL,fr); bRet = (fr->natoms > 0); break; case efG87: bRet = xyz_next_x(fio_getfp(status),&fr->time,fr->natoms,fr->x,fr->box); fr->bTime = bRet; fr->bX = bRet; fr->bBox = bRet; break; case efXTC: /* B. Hess 2005-4-20 * Sometimes is off by one frame * and sometimes reports frame not present/file not seekable */ /* DvdS 2005-05-31: this has been fixed along with the increased * accuracy of the control over -b and -e options. */ if (bTimeSet(TBEGIN) && (fr->time < rTimeValue(TBEGIN))) { if (xtc_seek_time(rTimeValue(TBEGIN),status,fr->natoms)) { gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Specified frame doesn't exist or file not seekable"); } INITCOUNT; } bRet = read_next_xtc(status,fr->natoms,&fr->step,&fr->time,fr->box, fr->x,&fr->prec,&bOK); fr->bPrec = (bRet && fr->prec > 0); fr->bStep = bRet; fr->bTime = bRet; fr->bX = bRet; fr->bBox = bRet; if (!bOK) { /* Actually the header could also be not ok, but from bOK from read_next_xtc this can't be distinguished */ fr->not_ok = DATA_NOT_OK; } break; case efPDB: bRet = pdb_next_x(fio_getfp(status),fr); break; case efGRO: bRet = gro_next_x_or_v(fio_getfp(status),fr); break; default: gmx_fatal(FARGS,"DEATH HORROR in read_next_frame ftp=%s,status=%d", ftp2ext(fio_getftp(status)),status); } if (bRet) { bMissingData = ((fr->flags & TRX_NEED_X && !fr->bX) || (fr->flags & TRX_NEED_V && !fr->bV) || (fr->flags & TRX_NEED_F && !fr->bF)); bSkip = FALSE; if (!bMissingData) { ct=check_times2(fr->time,fr->t0,fr->tpf,fr->tppf,fr->bDouble); if (ct == 0 || (fr->flags & TRX_DONT_SKIP && ct<0)) { printcount(fr->time,FALSE); } else if (ct > 0) bRet = FALSE; else { printcount(fr->time,TRUE); bSkip = TRUE; } } } } while (bRet && (bMissingData || bSkip)); if (!bRet) { printlast(pt); if (fr->not_ok) printincomp(fr); } return bRet; } int read_first_frame(int *status,char *fn,t_trxframe *fr,int flags) { int fp; bool bFirst,bOK; clear_trxframe(fr,TRUE); fr->flags = flags; bFirst = TRUE; INITCOUNT; fp = *status =fio_open(fn,"r"); switch (fio_getftp(fp)) { case efTRJ: case efTRR: case efNH5: break; case efG96: /* Can not rewind a compressed file, so open it twice */ read_g96_conf(fio_getfp(fp),fn,fr); fio_close(fp); clear_trxframe(fr,FALSE); if (flags & (TRX_READ_X | TRX_NEED_X)) snew(fr->x,fr->natoms); if (flags & (TRX_READ_V | TRX_NEED_V)) snew(fr->v,fr->natoms); fp = *status =fio_open(fn,"r"); break; case efG87: fr->natoms=xyz_first_x(fio_getfp(fp),&fr->time,&fr->x,fr->box); if (fr->natoms) { fr->bTime = TRUE; fr->bX = TRUE; fr->bBox = TRUE; printcount(fr->time,FALSE); } bFirst = FALSE; break; case efXTC: if (read_first_xtc(fp,&fr->natoms,&fr->step,&fr->time,fr->box,&fr->x, &fr->prec,&bOK) == 0) { if (bOK) { gmx_fatal(FARGS,"No XTC!\n"); } else { fr->not_ok = DATA_NOT_OK; } } if (fr->not_ok) { fr->natoms = 0; printincomp(fr); } else { fr->bPrec = (fr->prec > 0); fr->bStep = TRUE; fr->bTime = TRUE; fr->bX = TRUE; fr->bBox = TRUE; printcount(fr->time,FALSE); } bFirst = FALSE; break; case efPDB: pdb_first_x(fio_getfp(fp),fr); if (fr->natoms) printcount(fr->time,FALSE); bFirst = FALSE; break; case efGRO: if (gro_first_x_or_v(fio_getfp(fp),fr)) printcount(fr->time,FALSE); bFirst = FALSE; break; default: gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Not supported in read_first_frame: %s",fn); break; } if (bFirst || (!(fr->flags & TRX_DONT_SKIP) && check_times(fr->time) < 0)) /* Read a frame when no frame was read or the first was skipped */ if (!read_next_frame(*status,fr)) return FALSE; fr->t0 = fr->time; return (fr->natoms > 0); } /***** C O O R D I N A T E S T U F F *****/ int read_first_x(int *status,char *fn, real *t,rvec **x,matrix box) { t_trxframe fr; read_first_frame(status,fn,&fr,TRX_NEED_X); if (*status >= nxframe) { nxframe = *status+1; srenew(xframe,nxframe); } xframe[*status] = fr; *t = xframe[*status].time; *x = xframe[*status].x; copy_mat(xframe[*status].box,box); return xframe[*status].natoms; } bool read_next_x(int status,real *t, int natoms, rvec x[], matrix box) { bool bRet; xframe[status].x = x; bRet = read_next_frame(status,&xframe[status]); *t = xframe[status].time; copy_mat(xframe[status].box,box); return bRet; } void close_trj(int status) { fio_close(status); } void rewind_trj(int status) { INITCOUNT; fio_rewind(status); } /***** V E L O C I T Y S T U F F *****/ static void clear_v(t_trxframe *fr) { int i; if (!fr->bV) for(i=0; inatoms; i++) clear_rvec(fr->v[i]); } int read_first_v(int *status,char *fn,real *t,rvec **v,matrix box) { t_trxframe fr; read_first_frame(status,fn,&fr,TRX_NEED_V); *t = fr.time; clear_v(&fr); *v = fr.v; copy_mat(fr.box,box); return fr.natoms; } bool read_next_v(int status,real *t,int natoms,rvec v[],matrix box) { t_trxframe fr; bool bRet; clear_trxframe(&fr,TRUE); fr.flags = TRX_NEED_V; fr.natoms = natoms; fr.time = *t; fr.v = v; bRet = read_next_frame(status,&fr); *t = fr.time; clear_v(&fr); copy_mat(fr.box,box); return bRet; }