// Copyright 2006-2007 Nanorex, Inc. See LICENSE file for details. /* $Id$ */ /* * This is a C++ version of Java's AtomList class. */ #include #include #include "AtomList.h" AtomList::AtomList(void) { _size = 0; capacity = 20; contents = new Atomo[capacity]; } AtomList::AtomList(int n) { _size = 0; if (n < 20) n = 20; capacity = n; contents = new Atomo[n]; } AtomList::~AtomList(void) { //delete[] contents; } Atomo * AtomList::get(int i) { return &contents[i]; } void AtomList::add(Atomo a) { if (_size + 1 > capacity) { Atomo *newcontents; capacity *= 2; newcontents = new Atomo[capacity]; for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) newcontents[i] = contents[i]; // delete[] contents; contents = newcontents; } contents[_size++] = a; } int AtomList::size(void) { return _size; } void AtomList::remove(int i) { assert(i < _size); while (i + 1 < _size) { contents[i] = contents[i + 1]; i++; } _size--; } void AtomList::set(int i, Atomo a) { contents[i] = a; } int AtomList::contains(Atomo a) { for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) { assert(a.index != -1); assert(contents[i].index != -1); if (a.index == contents[i].index) return 1; } return 0; } /* * There is a very effective optimization that can be used * for neighborhoods. I am not doing it here until I think * we need it, because it's a bit of work. As you add atoms * to the AtomList, you save a pointer to them in one of several * lists, pre-sorting atoms by coarse position. Doing so is * very quick. Then when you want the neighborhood around an * atom, you need only search the nearby buckets. */ #define GAP (1.5 * 1.42) int closeEnough(Atomo *a1, Atomo *a2) { double distx = a1->vert.x - a2->vert.x; if (distx < -GAP || distx > GAP) return 0; double disty = a1->vert.y - a2->vert.y; if (disty < -GAP || disty > GAP) return 0; double distz = a1->vert.z - a2->vert.z; if (distz < -GAP || distz > GAP) return 0; double distsq = distx * distx + disty * disty + distz * distz; return distsq < GAP * GAP; } AtomList AtomList::neighborhood(Atomo *a) { AtomList al = AtomList(); for (int i = 0; i < _size; i++) { Atomo *b = &contents[i]; if (closeEnough(a, b)) al.add(*b); } return al; }