% (Program to test M70 save/M72 restore context) (M. Haberler) o1000 sub o1001 if [#1 GT 0] M70 (save context) o1001 endif G90 (absolute) G0 X5 Y20 o1002 if [#1 GT 0] M72 (restore context) o1002 endif o1000 endsub G90 G53 G0 X0 Y0 Z0 G91 (relative) g0 x10 y10 g0 x10 y10 o1000 call [1.0] (back in relative mode due to G72) (debug, incremental=#<_incremental>) g0 X-5 Y-20 o1000 call [0.0] G91 (relative) g0 x10 y10 g0 x10 y10 o1000 call [0.0] (debug, incremental=#<_incremental>) %