#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using emcsh \ exec $LINUXCNC_EMCSH "$0" "$@" ############################################################### # Description: genedit.tcl # This file dumps info to a logging file from tkmc. # # Authors: Ray Henry & Paul Corner # License: GPL Version 2 # # Copyright (c) 2009 All rights reserved. ############################################################### # This is plot processes for tkemc popup under the view menu # of tkemc. The fixed size of the canvas viewing area is 500x250 # pixels less scrollbars. The full canvas could be much larger. # Several local variables may be set below to match machines. ############################################################### # Load the linuxcnc.tcl file, which defines variables for various useful paths source [file join [file dirname [info script]] .. linuxcnc.tcl] # These offset plot zero from canvas zero. set xoffset 0 set yoffset 0 set zoffset 0 # These set the axis directions. +1 one plots like graph # paper with positive up and to the right. The canvas widgets orient so that # xy plot is looking down on the work area from the operator position. # x is left right and y is up down. # xz plot is looking into the work area along the axis of y # yz plot is looking into the work area along the axis of x # to reverse as axis change its value to -1 (don't put other numbers here) set xdir 1 set ydir 1 set zdir 1 # These set the size of the canvas widget behind the viewing area. # Set for the size of your machine or larger. They can also be set so that you # place your machine home about the same location in canvas space that it has on the # real machine. # They need not be the same for each axis. # the value used is pixels so multiply your machine workspace size in inches by 72. # the default shipped here is for a center zero'd machine with 1000 pixels both left/right # and 500 pixels both top/bottom in all axis. # Read variable names (xytopx) as "xy plot topleft x" value etc. # If your machine were top right homed on xy, you might use # xy -1900 -100 100 900 # xz -1900 -100 100 900 # yz -100 -100 1900 900 # These set top left and bottom right of xy canvas set xytopx -1000 set xytopy -500 set xybotx 1000 set xyboty 500 # These set top left and bottom right of xz canvas set xztopx -1000 set xztopz -500 set xzbotx 1000 set xzbotz 500 # These set top left and bottom right of yz canvas set yztopy -1000 set yztopz -500 set yzboty 1000 set yzbotz 500 # This variable sets the default size of the plot and can be thought of as number of # pixels per inch of machine motion. The default (40) will give about .55 screen # inch per inch moved. set size 40 #These variables set the defalut angles used for the 3d plot. in this release, #only the xyangle is used though the others are also shown on the setup screen # These three can go. set xyangle 30 set xangle 30 set yangle 30 set zangle 60 set xycosangle 0 set xysinangle 0 # I used these in the latest edit - Paul. # pop up the plot window proc popupPlot {} { global screen tab global xytopx xytopy xybotx xyboty global xztopx xztopz xzbotx xzbotz global yztopy yztopz yzboty yzbotz global xycenterx xycentery xzcenterx xzcenterz yzcentery yzcenterz set d .plot if {[winfo exists $d]} { wm deiconify $d raise $d focus $d return } toplevel $d wm title $d [msgcat::mc "TkLinuxCNC BackPlot"] # use "pw" as name of top level from now on set pw .plot set tab [frame $pw.tabs] button $tab.xy -relief flat -font {Helvetica -10 bold} -anchor n -width 8 \ -text {X - Y} -command {selectPlot xy} -borderwidth 0 button $tab.xz -relief flat -font {Helvetica -10 bold} -anchor n -width 8 \ -text {X - Z} -command {selectPlot xz} -borderwidth 0 button $tab.yz -relief flat -font {Helvetica -10 bold} -anchor n -width 8 \ -text {Y - Z} -command {selectPlot yz} -borderwidth 0 button $tab.3d -relief flat -font {Helvetica -10 bold} -anchor n -width 8 \ -text { 3D } -command {selectPlot 3d} -borderwidth 0 button $tab.config -relief raised -font {Helvetica -10 bold} -anchor n -width 8 \ -text [msgcat::mc "SETUP"] -command {selectPlot config} -borderwidth 1 button $tab.reset -relief raised -font {Helvetica -10 bold} -anchor n -width 8 \ -text [msgcat::mc "RESET"] -command {erasePlot} -borderwidth 1 button $tab.can -relief raised -font {Helvetica -10 bold} -anchor n -width 8 \ -text [msgcat::mc "CANCEL"] -command {destroy .plot} -borderwidth 1 pack $tab.xy $tab.xz $tab.yz $tab.3d $tab.config $tab.reset $tab.can -side left \ -fill both pack $tab -side top -fill x set xlast 0 set ylast 0 set zlast 0 set 3dxnext 0 set 3dyrnext 0 set plotcolor black # Computes (0,0) and attempts to center it in view. # Computation for xy plot set xytotalx [expr {abs($xytopx) + abs($xybotx)}] set xylowerx [expr {abs($xytopx) - 270}] if {$xylowerx <= 0} { set xycenterx 0 } else { set xycenterx [expr {double($xylowerx) / double($xytotalx)} * 1.1 ] } set xytotaly [expr {abs($xytopy) + abs($xyboty)}] set xylowery [expr {abs($xytopy) - 125}] if {$xylowery <= 0} { set xycentery 0 } else { set xycentery [expr {double($xylowery) / double($xytotaly)} * .8 ] } # Computation for xz plot set xztotalx [expr {abs($xztopx) + abs($xzbotx)}] set xzlowerx [expr {abs($xztopx) - 270}] if {$xzlowerx <= 0} { set xzcenterx 0 } else { set xzcenterx [expr {double($xzlowerx) / double($xztotalx)} * 1.1] } set xztotalz [expr {abs($xztopz) + abs($xzbotz)}] set xzlowerz [expr {abs($xztopz) - 125}] if {$xzlowerz <= 0} { set xzcenterz 0 } else { set xzcenterz [expr {double($xzlowerz) / double($xztotalz)} * .8] } # Computation for yz plot set yztotaly [expr {abs($yztopy) + abs($yzboty)}] set yzlowery [expr {abs($yztopy) - 270}] if {$yzlowery <= 0} { set yzcentery 0 } else { set yzcentery [expr {double($yzlowery) / double($yztotaly)} * 1.1] } set yztotalz [expr {abs($yztopz) + abs($yzbotz)}] set yzlowerz [expr {abs($yztopz) - 125}] if {$yzlowerz <= 0} { set yzcenterz 0 } else { set yzcenterz [expr {double($yzlowerz) / double($yztotalz)} * .8] } set screen [frame $pw.frame -width 500 -height 260 ] frame $screen.xyplot canvas $screen.xyplot.canv -borderwidth 0 -scrollregion "$xytopx $xytopy $xybotx $xyboty" \ -relief flat -xscrollcommand "$screen.xyplot.hscroll set" \ -yscrollcommand "$screen.xyplot.vscroll set" \ -xscrollincrement 10 -yscrollincrement 10 -width 500 -height 260 scrollbar $screen.xyplot.hscroll -orient horizontal -command "$screen.xyplot.canv xview" scrollbar $screen.xyplot.vscroll -orient vertical -command "$screen.xyplot.canv yview" grid $screen.xyplot.canv -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid $screen.xyplot.vscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $screen.xyplot.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $screen.xyplot 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $screen.xyplot 0 -weight 1 frame $screen.xzplot canvas $screen.xzplot.canv -borderwidth 0 -scrollregion "$xztopx $xztopz $xzbotx $xzbotz" \ -relief flat -xscrollcommand "$screen.xzplot.hscroll set" \ -yscrollcommand "$screen.xzplot.vscroll set" \ -xscrollincrement 10 -yscrollincrement 10 -width 500 -height 260 scrollbar $screen.xzplot.hscroll -orient horizontal -command "$screen.xzplot.canv xview" scrollbar $screen.xzplot.vscroll -orient vertical -command "$screen.xzplot.canv yview" grid $screen.xzplot.canv -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid $screen.xzplot.vscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $screen.xzplot.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $screen.xzplot 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $screen.xzplot 0 -weight 1 frame $screen.yzplot canvas $screen.yzplot.canv -borderwidth 0 -scrollregion "$yztopy $yztopz $yzboty $yzbotz" \ -relief flat -xscrollcommand "$screen.yzplot.hscroll set" \ -yscrollcommand "$screen.yzplot.vscroll set" \ -xscrollincrement 10 -yscrollincrement 10 -width 500 -height 260 scrollbar $screen.yzplot.hscroll -orient horizontal -command "$screen.yzplot.canv xview" scrollbar $screen.yzplot.vscroll -orient vertical -command "$screen.yzplot.canv yview" grid $screen.yzplot.canv -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid $screen.yzplot.vscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $screen.yzplot.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $screen.yzplot 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $screen.yzplot 0 -weight 1 frame $screen.3dplot canvas $screen.3dplot.canv -borderwidth 0 -scrollregion "$yztopy $yztopz $yzboty $yzbotz" \ -relief flat -xscrollcommand "$screen.3dplot.hscroll set" \ -yscrollcommand "$screen.3dplot.vscroll set" \ -xscrollincrement 10 -yscrollincrement 10 -width 500 -height 260 scrollbar $screen.3dplot.hscroll -orient horizontal -command "$screen.3dplot.canv xview" scrollbar $screen.3dplot.vscroll -orient vertical -command "$screen.3dplot.canv yview" grid $screen.3dplot.canv -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew grid $screen.3dplot.vscroll -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ns grid $screen.3dplot.hscroll -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew grid rowconfigure $screen.3dplot 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $screen.3dplot 0 -weight 1 set cft [frame $screen.config ] label $cft.label1 -text [msgcat::mc "AXIS"] -anchor e label $cft.label2 -text [msgcat::mc "OFFSET"] label $cft.label3 -text [msgcat::mc "ANGLE"] label $cft.label4 -text [msgcat::mc "DIRECTION"] label $cft.labelx -text "X :" -anchor e entry $cft.exo -relief sunken -textvariable xoffset -width 8 entry $cft.exa -relief sunken -textvariable xangle -width 8 button $cft.bxd -textvariable xdir -command {changeDirection xdir} -width 10 label $cft.labely -text "Y :" -anchor e entry $cft.eyo -relief sunken -textvariable yoffset -width 8 entry $cft.eya -relief sunken -textvariable yangle -width 8 button $cft.byd -textvariable ydir -command {changeDirection ydir} -width 10 label $cft.labelz -text "Z :" -anchor e entry $cft.ezo -relief sunken -textvariable zoffset -width 8 entry $cft.eza -relief sunken -textvariable zangle -width 8 button $cft.bzd -textvariable zdir -command {changeDirection zdir} -width 10 label $cft.elabel -text [msgcat::mc "SIZE :"] -anchor e -width 8 entry $cft.esize -relief sunken -textvariable size -width 8 grid $cft.label1 $cft.label2 $cft.label3 $cft.label4 $cft.elabel -padx 6 grid $cft.labelx $cft.exo $cft.exa $cft.bxd $cft.esize -padx 6 -pady 2 grid $cft.labely $cft.eyo $cft.eya $cft.byd -padx 6 -pady 2 grid $cft.labelz $cft.ezo $cft.eza $cft.bzd -padx 6 -pady 2 pack $cft -side top -pady 10 -fill both -expand yes pack $screen -side top -fill both -expand yes erasePlot selectPlot 3d } proc selectPlot {which} { global screen tab switch -- $which { xy { pack $screen.xyplot -side top -fill both -expand yes pack forget $screen.xzplot $screen.yzplot $screen.3dplot $screen.config $tab.xy configure -borderwidth 0 -relief flat $tab.xz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.yz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.3d configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken } xz { pack $screen.xzplot -side top -fill both -expand yes pack forget $screen.xyplot $screen.yzplot $screen.3dplot $screen.config $tab.xy configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.xz configure -borderwidth 0 -relief flat $tab.yz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.3d configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken } yz { pack $screen.yzplot -side top -fill both -expand yes pack forget $screen.xyplot $screen.xzplot $screen.3dplot $screen.config $tab.xy configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.xz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.yz configure -borderwidth 0 -relief flat $tab.3d configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken } 3d { pack $screen.3dplot -side top -fill both -expand yes pack forget $screen.xyplot $screen.xzplot $screen.yzplot $screen.config $tab.xy configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.xz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.yz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.3d configure -borderwidth 0 -relief flat } config { pack $screen.config -side top -fill both -expand yes pack forget $screen.xyplot $screen.xzplot $screen.yzplot $screen.3dplot $tab.xy configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.xz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.yz configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken $tab.3d configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken } default { } } } proc changeDirection {axisvariable} { global xdir ydir zdir if {$axisvariable == "xdir"} { if {$xdir == 1} { set xdir -1 } else { set xdir 1 } } elseif {$axisvariable == "ydir"} { if {$ydir == 1} { set ydir -1 } else { set ydir 1 } } elseif {$axisvariable == "zdir"} { if {$zdir == 1} { set zdir -1 } else { set zdir 1 } } erasePlot } set xnext 0; set ynext 0; set znext 0; set yrnext 0; set zrnext 0 set 3dxnext 0; set 3dynext 0; set 3dznext 0; set 3dyrnext 0 set 3dylast 0; set 3dxlast 0; set 3dzlast 0; set 3dyrlast 0 proc backPlot {} { global screen global size xoffset yoffset zoffset xdir ydir zdir global xnext ynext znext yrnext zrnext 3dxnext 3dyrnext $screen.xyplot.canv create oval [expr $xnext -2] [expr $yrnext -2] \ [expr $xnext + 2] [expr $yrnext +2] -outline red -tags xytool $screen.xzplot.canv create line $xnext $zrnext $xnext [expr $zrnext - 20] \ -fill red -arrow first -tags xzarrow $screen.yzplot.canv create line $ynext $zrnext $ynext [expr $zrnext - 20] \ -fill red -arrow first -tags yzarrow $screen.3dplot.canv create line $3dxnext $3dyrnext [expr $3dxnext + 10] [expr $3dyrnext -15] \ -fill red -arrow first -tags 3darrow } proc erasePlot {} { global screen $screen.xyplot.canv addtag all all $screen.xyplot.canv delete all $screen.xzplot.canv addtag all all $screen.xzplot.canv delete all $screen.yzplot.canv addtag all all $screen.yzplot.canv delete all $screen.3dplot.canv addtag all all $screen.3dplot.canv delete all backPlot markPlot } # Process markPlot shows initial conditions and display for plots proc markPlot {} { global xdir ydir zdir xoffset yoffset zoffset 3dxyangle xycosangle xysinangle global xycenterx xycentery xzcenterx xzcenterz yzcentery yzcenterz xyangle global xangle yangle zangle global screen $screen.xyplot.canv create line 0 0 [expr $xdir * 50] 0 -arrow last -fill blue $screen.xyplot.canv create text [expr $xdir * (50 + 10)] 2 -text X+ -fill blue $screen.xyplot.canv create line 0 0 0 [expr $ydir * -50] -arrow last -fill blue $screen.xyplot.canv create text -2 [expr $ydir * -(50 + 10)] -text Y+ -fill blue $screen.xyplot.canv xview moveto $xycenterx $screen.xyplot.canv yview moveto $xycentery $screen.xzplot.canv create line 0 0 [expr $xdir * 50] 0 -arrow last -fill blue $screen.xzplot.canv create text [expr $xdir * (50 + 10)] 2 -text X+ -fill blue $screen.xzplot.canv create line 0 0 0 [expr $zdir * -50] -arrow last -fill blue $screen.xzplot.canv create text -2 [expr $zdir * -(50 + 10)] -text Z+ -fill blue $screen.xzplot.canv xview moveto $xzcenterx $screen.xzplot.canv yview moveto $xzcenterz $screen.yzplot.canv create line 0 0 [expr $ydir * 50] 0 -arrow last -fill blue $screen.yzplot.canv create text [expr $ydir * (50 + 10)] 2 -text Y+ -fill blue $screen.yzplot.canv create line 0 0 0 [expr $zdir * -50] -arrow last -fill blue $screen.yzplot.canv create text -2 [expr $zdir * -(50 + 10)] -text Z+ -fill blue $screen.yzplot.canv xview moveto $yzcentery $screen.yzplot.canv yview moveto $yzcenterz set xyangle $xangle set 3dxyangle [expr $xyangle * 0.017453] set xycosangle [expr cos($3dxyangle)] set xysinangle [expr sin($3dxyangle)] $screen.3dplot.canv create line 0 0 [expr $xdir * $xycosangle * 50] \ [expr $xdir * $xysinangle * -50] -arrow last -fill blue $screen.3dplot.canv create text [expr $xdir * $xycosangle * 60]\ [expr $xdir * $xysinangle * -60] -text X+ -fill blue $screen.3dplot.canv create line 0 0 [expr $ydir * $xycosangle * -50] \ [expr $ydir * $xysinangle * -50] -arrow last -fill blue $screen.3dplot.canv create text [expr $ydir * $xycosangle * -60] \ [expr $ydir * $xysinangle * -60] -text Y+ -fill blue $screen.3dplot.canv create line 0 0 0 [expr $zdir * -50] -arrow last -fill blue $screen.3dplot.canv create text -2 [expr $zdir * - 60] -text Z+ -fill blue $screen.3dplot.canv xview moveto $xycenterx $screen.3dplot.canv yview moveto $xycentery } # this process plots the motion of the tool center # it is commanded by a line [if winfo exists .plot] in updateStatus set xlast 0 set ylast 0 set zlast 0 set plotcolor brown proc updatePlot {} { global size screen unitsetting global xdir ydir zdir global xnext ynext znext yrnext zrnext xlast ylast zlast global xoffset yoffset zoffset xycosangle xysinangle global programfiletext posdigit0 posdigit1 posdigit2 activeLine plotcolor global 3dxnext 3dynext 3dznext 3dyrnext 3dylast 3dxlast 3dzlast 3dyrlast # hack to divide scale for mm plotting if {$unitsetting == "(mm)" } { set scaler 25.4 } else { set scaler 1 } set posdigitx0 [expr $posdigit0 / $scaler] set posdigitx1 [expr $posdigit1 / $scaler] set posdigitx2 [expr $posdigit2 / $scaler] # Color plot line by setting active line to upcase thisstring set thisstring [string toupper [$programfiletext get $activeLine.0 $activeLine.end]] # Search thisstring for g0-3 but make modal with no else if { [string first G2 $thisstring] != -1 || \ [string first G02 $thisstring] != -1 } { set plotcolor red } elseif { [string first G3 $thisstring] != -1 || \ [string first G03 $thisstring] != -1 } { set plotcolor blue } elseif { [string first G1 $thisstring] != -1 || \ [string first G01 $thisstring] != -1 } { set plotcolor black } elseif { [string first G$screen $thisstring] != -1 } { continue } elseif { [string first G0 $thisstring] != -1 } { set plotcolor lightgreen } if {$size < 1} {set size 1} { set xnext [expr $xoffset + ($posdigitx0 * $size * $xdir)] set ynext [expr $yoffset + ($posdigitx1 * $size * $ydir)] set znext [expr $zoffset + ($posdigitx2 * $size * $zdir)] if {$xlast != $xnext || $ylast != $ynext || $zlast != $znext} { # these routines reverse y direction, plot xy and move tool set yrlast [expr -1 * $ylast] set yrnext [expr -1 * $ynext] $screen.xyplot.canv create line $xlast $yrlast $xnext $yrnext -fill $plotcolor $screen.xyplot.canv move xytool [expr $xnext - $xlast] [expr $yrnext - $yrlast] # these routines reverse z direction plot xz and yz and move arrows set zrlast [expr -1 * $zlast] set zrnext [expr -1 * $znext] $screen.xzplot.canv create line $xlast $zrlast $xnext $zrnext -fill $plotcolor $screen.xzplot.canv move xzarrow [expr $xnext - $xlast] [expr $zrnext - $zrlast] $screen.yzplot.canv create line $ylast $zrlast $ynext $zrnext -fill $plotcolor $screen.yzplot.canv move yzarrow [expr $ynext - $ylast] [expr $zrnext - $zrlast] # 3D plot calculations set 3dxnext [expr [expr $xnext * $xycosangle] + [expr $ynext * -1 * $xycosangle]] set 3dynext [expr [expr $xnext * $xysinangle] + [expr $ynext * $xysinangle] + $znext] # Plot 3D xy and move tool set 3dyrlast [expr -1 * $3dylast] set 3dyrnext [expr -1 * $3dynext] $screen.3dplot.canv create line $3dxlast $3dyrlast $3dxnext $3dyrnext -fill $plotcolor $screen.3dplot.canv move 3darrow [expr $3dxnext - $3dxlast] [expr $3dyrnext - $3dyrlast] set 3dxlast $3dxnext set 3dylast $3dynext set 3dzlast $3dznext set xlast $xnext set ylast $ynext set zlast $znext } } }