#!/usr/bin/python # # Yapps 2 - yet another python parser system # Copyright 1999-2003 by Amit J. Patel # # This version of Yapps 2 can be distributed under the # terms of the MIT open source license, either found in the LICENSE file # included with the Yapps distribution # or at # # import sys, os, re BASE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BASE, "lib", "python")) from yapps import runtime, parsetree def generate(inputfilename, outputfilename='', dump=0, **flags): """Generate a grammar, given an input filename (X.g) and an output filename (defaulting to X.py).""" if not outputfilename: if inputfilename.endswith('.g'): outputfilename = inputfilename[:-2] + '.py' else: raise Exception('Must specify output filename if input filename is not *.g') DIVIDER = '\n%%\n' # This pattern separates the pre/post parsers preparser, postparser = None, None # Code before and after the parser desc # Read the entire file s = open(inputfilename,'r').read() # See if there's a separation between the pre-parser and parser f = s.find(DIVIDER) if f >= 0: preparser, s = s[:f]+'\n\n', s[f+len(DIVIDER):] # See if there's a separation between the parser and post-parser f = s.find(DIVIDER) if f >= 0: s, postparser = s[:f], '\n\n'+s[f+len(DIVIDER):] # Create the parser and scanner and parse the text scanner = grammar.ParserDescriptionScanner(s, filename=inputfilename) if preparser: scanner.del_line += preparser.count('\n') parser = grammar.ParserDescription(scanner) t = runtime.wrap_error_reporter(parser, 'Parser') if t is None: return 1 # Failure if preparser is not None: t.preparser = preparser if postparser is not None: t.postparser = postparser # Check the options for f in t.options.keys(): for opt,_,_ in yapps_options: if f == opt: break else: print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: unrecognized option', f # Add command line options to the set for f in flags.keys(): t.options[f] = flags[f] # Generate the output if dump: t.dump_information() else: t.output = open(outputfilename, 'w') t.generate_output() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod(sys.modules['__main__']) doctest.testmod(parsetree) # Someday I will use optparse, but Python 2.3 is too new at the moment. yapps_options = [ ('context-insensitive-scanner', 'context-insensitive-scanner', 'Scan all tokens (see docs)'), ] import getopt optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'f:', ['help', 'dump', 'use-devel-grammar']) if not args or len(args) > 2: print >>sys.stderr, 'Usage:' print >>sys.stderr, ' python', sys.argv[0], '[flags] input.g [output.py]' print >>sys.stderr, 'Flags:' print >>sys.stderr, (' --dump' + ' '*40)[:35] + 'Dump out grammar information' print >>sys.stderr, (' --use-devel-grammar' + ' '*40)[:35] + 'Use the devel grammar parser from yapps_grammar.py instead of the stable grammar from grammar.py' for flag, _, doc in yapps_options: print >>sys.stderr, (' -f' + flag + ' '*40)[:35] + doc else: # Read in the options and create a list of flags flags = {} use_devel_grammar = 0 for opt in optlist: for flag, name, _ in yapps_options: if opt == ('-f', flag): flags[name] = 1 break else: if opt == ('--dump', ''): flags['dump'] = 1 elif opt == ('--use-devel-grammar', ''): use_devel_grammar = 1 else: print >>sys.stderr, 'Warning: unrecognized option', opt[0], opt[1] if use_devel_grammar: import yapps_grammar as grammar else: from yapps import grammar sys.exit(generate(*tuple(args), **flags))