component bitwise "Computes various bitwise operations on the two input values"; pin in u32 in0 "First input value"; pin in u32 in1 "Second input value"; pin out u32 out-and "The bitwise AND of the two inputs"; pin out u32 out-or "The bitwise OR of the two inputs"; pin out u32 out-xor "The bitwise XOR of the two inputs"; pin out u32 out-nand "The inverse of the bitwise AND"; pin out u32 out-nor "The inverse of the bitwise OR"; pin out u32 out-xnor "The inverse of the bitwise XOR"; author "Andy Pugh"; license "GPL 2+"; function _ nofp; ;; out_and = (in0 & in1); out_nand = ~out_and; out_or = (in0 | in1); out_nor = ~out_or; out_xor = (in0 ^ in1); out_xnor = ~out_xor;