GUI Configuration Page Frontend: Set general GUI defaults. Set AXIS specific defaults. - setting size, position and force maximum allows positioning AXIS on a second monitor and maximize it. force maximum alone allows AXIS to use the whole screen. any of these 3 options writes a hidden file in your home directory named .axisrc. If this file already exists it will need to overwrite it. set TOUCHY options -TOUCHY can use GTK themes to change its look and feel. these are the same themes can you could choose for the whole system. The available themes will be listed. - size position and forcemax after positioning can be used to move TOUCHY to a second monitor if the system is capable. Virtual Control Panels: PyVCP: Use to add stand-alone pyvcp panels or if AXIS is chosen, the panel will be integrated. There are sample panels available. Choose one and click the display button to see an example. Click 'include HAL connections' to have the chosen example connected to EMC With standalone panels the geometry options allow setting the initial position and size on the panel. Set them as you like and click the display button (after picking a sample) to see the changes. Picking a blank program will tell pncconf to set up blank pyvcp file for a custom built panel. GladeVCP: Use to add stand-alone display panels or if AXIS or TOUCHY is chosen, the panel can be integrated. -There are sample options available: -spindle speed display (you can set the max range) -spindle at speed indicator -zero axis (separate XYZA buttons) -auto Z touch off (for using a touch off plate to set Z zero) each are selectable by checkbox. -zero buttons use HALUI MDI commands - you will see the commands on the advanced page -auto touch off z uses halui MDI commands, a classicladder program and requires a probe input. You will need to adjust the MDI values (on the advanced page) for your machine. -GladeVCP panels can use GTK themes to change their look and feel. these are the same themes can you could choose for the whole system. The available themes will be listed in the combobox. - size, position and forcemax can be used to move panels to a second monitor if the system is capable or set geometry of standalone panels - standalone panels are not intergrated inside the main frontend GUI. you can choose standalone panels for any frontend. - AXIS can have panels intergrated on the side or in the center tab. side panels are always visible center tab panels are not always. - TOUCHY can only have center tab intergation - pushing the display sample panel button will load a panel with the user choosen options, unless existing custom program radio button is active. It will then load the existing panel in the machined named config as long as it's still named gvcp-panel.ui. Close the panel to continue editing config. If there is already a panel in the config folder named gvcp-panel.ui, PNCconf will complain asking if you wish to overwrite it. If you say yes the old file will be saved in the backup folder. Selecting the option Use-existing-custom-program will avoid this warning but if you change options related to the display panel such as spindle feedback options The HAL commands will not be updated so the options might not work. In that case select Sample-display again and allow pncconf to overwrite it. If you are using a glade file you have modified outside of PNCconf then you will have to take care that the HAL commands are right. INI Option: -Require homing before MDI / Running If you want to be able to move the machine before homing uncheck this checkbox -Popup Tool Prompt: Choose between an on screen prompt for tool changes or export standard signal names for a User supplied custom tool changer Hal file -Leave spindle on during tool change Used for lathes -Force individual manual homing -Move spindle up before tool change -Restore joint position after shutdown Used for non-trivial kinematics machines -Random position toolchangers Used for toolchangers that do not return the tool to the same pocket.