Advanced Options HALUI: HALUI is used to comunicate between EMC and a gui or operator panel. HALUI is always loaded. Click the HALUI checkbox and add your commands to the text boxes if you choose GladeVCP options the commands will show. If you choose the auto Z touchoff the commands may need to be edited (eg for metric machines): G38.2 Z-2 F 16 This is the probe command Z-2 is the maximum search distance but must be inside the axis limits. F16 is the feed rate - it needs to be slow as the tool needs to de-accelerate quickly. G10 L20 P0 Z.25 This sets the Z axis origin Z.25 would be set at the thickness of the touchoff plate. G0 Z.5 This rapids the tool away from the plate after touch off Classicladder software PLC Click the Classicladder checkbox. Choose the number of available pins. Choose whether modbus is activated. Choose a sample ladder program or a blank program. sample Z autotouch off requires a probe input and GladeVCP Z autotouch option Click the edit ladder program button to edit the ladder program. When saving do not change the program name. Exit CL to return to pncconf. If you are editing an existing configuration with an exsisting ladder program choose 'existing custom program'.