/******************************************************************** * Description: emcrsh.cc * Extended telnet based EMC interface * * Derived from a work by Fred Proctor & Will Shackleford * Further derived from work by jmkasunich * * Author: Eric H. Johnson * License: GPL Version 2 * System: Linux * * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 All rights reserved. * * Last change: ********************************************************************/ #define _REENTRANT #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rcs.hh" #include "posemath.h" // PM_POSE, TO_RAD #include "emc.hh" // EMC NML #include "canon.hh" // CANON_UNITS, CANON_UNITS_INCHES,MM,CM #include "emcglb.h" // EMC_NMLFILE, TRAJ_MAX_VELOCITY, etc. #include "emccfg.h" // DEFAULT_TRAJ_MAX_VELOCITY #include "inifile.hh" // INIFILE #include "rcs_print.hh" #include "timer.hh" // etime() #include "shcom.hh" // NML Messaging functions /* Using emcrsh: emcrsh {-- --port --name --connectpw --enablepw --sessions --path -ini} With -- --port Waits for socket connections (Telnet) on specified socket, without port uses default port 5007. With -- --name Sets the server name to specified name for Hello. With -- --connectpw Sets the connection password to 'password'. Default EMC With -- --enablepw Sets the enable password to 'password'. Default EMCTOO With -- --sessions Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connextions to max sessions. Default is no limit (-1). With -- --path Sets the base path to program (G-Code) files, default is "../../nc_files/". Make sure to include the final slash (/). With -- -ini , uses inifile instead of emc.ini. There are six commands supported, Where the commands set and get contain EMC specific sub-commands based on the commands supported by emcsh, but where the "emc_" is omitted. Commands and most parameters are not case sensitive. The exceptions are passwords, file paths and text strings. The supported commands are as follows: ==> HELLO <== Hello If a valid password was entered the server will respond with HELLO ACK Where server name and server version are looked up from the implementation. if an invalid password or any other syntax error occurs then the server responds with: HELLO NAK ==> Get <== The get command includes one of the emc sub-commands, described below and zero or more additional parameters. ==> Set <== The set command inclides one of the emc sub-commands, described below and one or more additional parameters. ==> Quit <== The quit command disconnects the associated socket connection. ==> Shutdown <== The shutdown command tells EMC to shutdown before quitting the connection. This command may only be issued if the Hello has been successfully negotiated and the connection has control of the CNC (see enable sub-command below). This command has no parameters. ==> Help <== The help command will return help information in text format over the telnet connection. If no parameters are specified, it will itemize the available commands. If a command is specified, it will provide usage information for the specified command. Help will respond regardless of whether a "Hello" has been successsfully negotiated. EMC sub-commands: echo on | off With get will return the current echo state, with set, sets the echo state. When echo is on, all commands will be echoed upon receipt. This state is local to each connection. verbose on | off With get will return the current verbose state, with set, sets the verbose state. When in verbose mode is on, all set commands return positive acknowledgement in the form SET ACK. In addition, text error messages will be issued when in verbose mode. This state is local to each connection. enable | off With get will return On or Off to indicate whether the current connection is enabled to perform control functions. With set and a valid password, the current connection is enabled for control functions. "OFF" may not be used as a password and disables control functions for this connection. config [TBD] comm_mode ascii | binary With get, will return the current communications mode. With set, will set the communications mode to the specified mode. The binary protocol is TBD. comm_prot With get, returns the current protocol version used by the server, with set, sets the server to use the specified protocol version, provided it is lower than or equal to the highest version number supported by the server implementation. INIFILE Returns the path and file name of the current configuration inifile. plat Returns the platform for which this was compiled, e.g., linux_2_0_36 ini
Returns the string value of in section
, in EMC_INIFILE debug {} With get, returns the integer value of EMC_DEBUG, in the EMC. Note that it may not be true that the local EMC_DEBUG variable here (in emcsh and the GUIs that use it) is the same as the EMC_DEBUG value in the EMC. This can happen if the EMC is started from one .ini file, and the GUI is started with another that has a different value for DEBUG. With set, sends a command to the EMC to set the new debug level, and sets the EMC_DEBUG global here to the same value. This will make the two values the same, since they really ought to be the same. set_wait none | received | done Set the wait for commands to return to be right away (none), after the command was sent and received (received), or after the command was done (done). wait received | done Force a wait for the previous command to be received, or done. This lets you wait in the event that "emc_set_wait none" is in effect. set_timeout Set the timeout for commands to return to , in seconds. Timeout is a real number. If it's <= 0.0, it means wait forever. Default is 0.0, wait forever. update (none) | none | auto With no arg, forces an update of the EMC status. With "none", doesn't cause an automatic update of status with other emc_ words. With "auto", makes emc_ words automatically update status before they return values. error Returns the current EMC error string, or "ok" if no error. operator_display Returns the current EMC operator display string, or "ok" if none. operator_text Returns the current EMC operator text string, or "ok" if none. time Returns the time, in seconds, from the start of the epoch. This starting time depends on the platform. estop (none) | on | off With no arg, returns the estop setting as "on" or "off". Otherwise, sends an estop on or off command. machine (none) | on | off With no arg, returns the machine setting as "on" or "off". Otherwise, sends a machine on or off command. mode (none) | manual | auto | mdi With no arg, returns the mode setting as "manual", "auto", or "mdi". Otherwise, sends a mode manual, auto, or mdi command. mist (none) | on | off With no arg, returns the mist setting as "on" or "off". Otherwise, sends a mist on or off command. flood (none) | on | off With no arg, returns the flood setting as "on" or "off". Otherwise, sends a flood on or off command. lube (none) | on | off With no arg, returns the lubricant pump setting as "on" or "off". Otherwise, sends a lube on or off command. lube_level Returns the lubricant level sensor reading as "ok" or "low". spindle (none) | forward | reverse | increase | decrease | constant | off With no arg, returns the value of the spindle state as "forward", "reverse", "increase", "decrease", or "off". With arg, sends the spindle command. Note that "increase" and "decrease" will cause a speed change in the corresponding direction until a "constant" command is sent. brake (none) | on | off With no arg, returns the brake setting. Otherwise sets the brake. tool Returns the id of the currently loaded tool tool_offset Returns the currently applied tool length offset load_tool_table Loads the tool table specified by home 0 | 1 | 2 | ... Homes the indicated axis. jog_stop 0 | 1 | 2 | ... Stop the axis jog jog 0 | 1 | 2 | ... Jog the indicated axis at ; sign of speed is direction jog_incr 0 | 1 | 2 | ... Jog the indicated axis by increment at the ; sign of speed is direction feed_override {} With no args, returns the current feed override, as a percent. With argument, set the feed override to be the percent value spindle_override {} With no args, returns the current spindle override, as a percent. With argument, set the spindle override to be the percent value abs_cmd_pos 0 | 1 | ... Returns double obj containing the XYZ-SXYZ commanded pos in abs coords, at given index, 0 = X, etc. abs_act_pos Returns double objs containing the XYZ-SXYZ actual pos in abs coords rel_cmd_pos 0 | 1 | ... Returns double obj containing the XYZ-SXYZ commanded pos in rel coords, at given index, 0 = X, etc., including tool length offset rel_act_pos Returns double objs containing the XYZ-SXYZ actual pos in rel coords, including tool length offset joint_pos Returns double objs containing the actual pos in absolute coords of individual joint/slider positions, excludes tool length offset pos_offset X | Y | Z | R | P | W Returns the position offset associated with the world coordinate provided joint_limit 0 | 1 | ... Returns "ok", "minsoft", "minhard", "maxsoft", "maxhard" joint_fault 0 | 1 | ... Returns "ok" or "fault" joint_homed 0 | 1 | ... Returns "homed", "not" mdi Sends the as an MDI command task_plan_init Initializes the program interpreter open Opens the named file run {} Without start line, runs the opened program from the beginning. With start line, runs from that line. A start line of -1 runs in verify mode. pause Pause program execution resume Resume program execution step Step the program one line program Returns the name of the currently opened program, or "none" program_line Returns the currently executing line of the program program_status Returns "idle", "running", or "paused" program_codes Returns the string for the currently active program codes joint_type Returns "linear", "angular", or "custom" for the type of the specified joint joint_units Returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "deg", "rad", "grad", or "custom", for the corresponding native units of the specified axis. The type of the axis (linear or angular) is used to resolve which type of units are returned. The units are obtained heuristically, based on the EMC_AXIS_STAT::units numerical value of user units per mm or deg. For linear joints, something close to 0.03937 is deemed "inch", 1.000 is "mm", 0.1 is "cm", otherwise it's "custom". For angular joints, something close to 1.000 is deemed "deg", PI/180 is "rad", 100/90 is "grad", otherwise it's "custom". program_units program_linear_units Returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "none", for the corresponding linear units that are active in the program interpreter. program_angular_units Returns "deg", "rad", "grad", or "none" for the corresponding angular units that are active in the program interpreter. user_linear_units Returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "custom", for the corresponding native user linear units of the EMC trajectory level. This is obtained heuristically, based on the EMC_TRAJ_STAT::linearUnits numerical value of user units per mm. Something close to 0.03937 is deemed "inch", 1.000 is "mm", 0.1 is "cm", otherwise it's "custom". user_angular_units Returns "deg", "rad", "grad", or "custom" for the corresponding native user angular units of the EMC trajectory level. Like with linear units, this is obtained heuristically. display_linear_units display_angular_units Returns "inch", "mm", "cm", or "deg", "rad", "grad", or "custom", for the linear or angular units that are active in the display. This is effectively the value of linearUnitConversion or angularUnitConversion, resp. linear_unit_conversion {inch | mm | cm | auto} With no args, returns the unit conversion active. With arg, sets the units to be displayed. If it's "auto", the units to be displayed match the program units. angular_unit_conversion {deg | rad | grad | auto} With no args, returns the unit conversion active. With arg, sets the units to be displayed. If it's "auto", the units to be displayed match the program units. probe_clear Clear the probe tripped flag. probe_tripped Has the probe been tripped since the last clear. probe_value Value of current probe signal. (read-only) probe Move toward a certain location. If the probe is tripped on the way stop motion, record the position and raise the probe tripped flag. teleop_enable Should motion run in teleop mode? (No args gets it, one arg sets it.) kinematics_type returns the type of kinematics functions used identity=1, serial=2, parallel=3, custom=4 override_limits on | off If parameter is on, disables end of travel hardware limits to allow jogging off of a limit. If parameters is off, then hardware limits are enabled. optional_stop none | 0 | 1 returns state of optional setop, sets it or deactivates it (used to stop/continue on M1) <------------------------------------------------> To Do: 1> Load / save connect and enable passwords to file. 2> Implement commands to set / get passwords 3> Get enable to tell peer connections which connection has control. 4> Get shutdown to notify EMC to actually shutdown. */ // EMC_STAT *emcStatus; typedef enum { cmdHello, cmdSet, cmdGet, cmdQuit, cmdShutdown, cmdHelp, cmdUnknown} commandTokenType; typedef enum { scEcho, scVerbose, scEnable, scConfig, scCommMode, scCommProt, scIniFile, scPlat, scIni, scDebug, scSetWait, scWait, scSetTimeout, scUpdate, scError, scOperatorDisplay, scOperatorText, scTime, scEStop, scMachine, scMode, scMist, scFlood, scLube, scLubeLevel, scSpindle, scBrake, scTool, scToolOffset, scLoadToolTable, scHome, scJogStop, scJog, scJogIncr, scFeedOverride, scAbsCmdPos, scAbsActPos, scRelCmdPos, scRelActPos, scJointPos, scPosOffset, scJointLimit, scJointFault, scJointHomed, scMDI, scTskPlanInit, scOpen, scRun, scPause, scResume, scStep, scAbort, scProgram, scProgramLine, scProgramStatus, scProgramCodes, scJointType, scJointUnits, scProgramUnits, scProgramLinearUnits, scProgramAngularUnits, scUserLinearUnits, scUserAngularUnits, scDisplayLinearUnits, scDisplayAngularUnits, scLinearUnitConversion, scAngularUnitConversion, scProbeClear, scProbeTripped, scProbeValue, scProbe, scTeleopEnable, scKinematicsType, scOverrideLimits, scSpindleOverride, scOptionalStop, scUnknown } setCommandType; typedef enum { rtNoError, rtHandledNoError, rtStandardError, rtCustomError, rtCustomHandledError } cmdResponseType; typedef struct { int cliSock; char hostName[80]; char version[8]; bool linked; bool echo; bool verbose; bool enabled; int commMode; int commProt; char inBuf[256]; char outBuf[4096]; char progName[PATH_MAX];} connectionRecType; int port = 5007; int server_sockfd; socklen_t server_len, client_len; struct sockaddr_in server_address; struct sockaddr_in client_address; bool useSockets = true; int tokenIdx; const char *delims = " \n\r\0"; int enabledConn = -1; char pwd[16] = "EMC\0"; char enablePWD[16] = "EMCTOO\0"; char serverName[24] = "EMCNETSVR\0"; int sessions = 0; int maxSessions = -1; const char *setCommands[] = { "ECHO", "VERBOSE", "ENABLE", "CONFIG", "COMM_MODE", "COMM_PROT", "INIFILE", "PLAT", "INI", "DEBUG", "SET_WAIT", "WAIT", "TIMEOUT", "UPDATE", "ERROR", "OPERATOR_DISPLAY", "OPERATOR_TEXT", "TIME", "ESTOP", "MACHINE", "MODE", "MIST", "FLOOD", "LUBE", "LUBE_LEVEL", "SPINDLE", "BRAKE", "TOOL", "TOOL_OFFSET", "LOAD_TOOL_TABLE", "HOME", "JOG_STOP", "JOG", "JOG_INCR", "FEED_OVERRIDE", "ABS_CMD_POS", "ABS_ACT_POS", "REL_CMD_POS", "REL_ACT_POS", "JOINT_POS", "POS_OFFSET", "JOINT_LIMIT", "JOINT_FAULT", "JOINT_HOMED", "MDI", "TASK_PLAN_INIT", "OPEN", "RUN", "PAUSE", "RESUME", "STEP", "ABORT", "PROGRAM", "PROGRAM_LINE", "PROGRAM_STATUS", "PROGRAM_CODES", "JOINT_TYPE", "JOINT_UNITS", "PROGRAM_UNITS", "PROGRAM_LINEAR_UNITS", "PROGRAM_ANGULAR_UNITS", "USER_LINEAR_UNITS", "USER_ANGULAR_UNITS", "DISPLAY_LINEAR_UNITS", "DISPLAY_ANGULAR_UNITS", "LINEAR_UNIT_CONVERSION", "ANGULAR_UNIT_CONVERSION", "PROBE_CLEAR", "PROBE_TRIPPED", "PROBE_VALUE", "PROBE", "TELEOP_ENABLE", "KINEMATICS_TYPE", "OVERRIDE_LIMITS", "SPINDLE_OVERRIDE", "OPTIONAL_STOP", ""}; const char *commands[] = {"HELLO", "SET", "GET", "QUIT", "SHUTDOWN", "HELP", ""}; struct option longopts[] = { {"help", 0, NULL, 'h'}, {"port", 1, NULL, 'p'}, {"name", 1, NULL, 'n'}, {"sessions", 1, NULL, 's'}, {"connectpw", 1, NULL, 'w'}, {"enablepw", 1, NULL, 'e'}, {"path", 1, NULL, 'd'}, {0,0,0,0}}; /* static char *skipWhite(char *s) { while (isspace(*s)) { s++; } return s; } */ static void thisQuit() { EMC_NULL emc_null_msg; if (emcStatusBuffer != 0) { // wait until current message has been received emcCommandWaitReceived(emcCommandSerialNumber); } if (emcCommandBuffer != 0) { // send null message to reset serial number to original emc_null_msg.serial_number = saveEmcCommandSerialNumber; emcCommandBuffer->write(emc_null_msg); } // clean up NML buffers if (emcErrorBuffer != 0) { delete emcErrorBuffer; emcErrorBuffer = 0; } if (emcStatusBuffer != 0) { delete emcStatusBuffer; emcStatusBuffer = 0; emcStatus = 0; } if (emcCommandBuffer != 0) { delete emcCommandBuffer; emcCommandBuffer = 0; } // Tcl_Exit(0); exit(0); } static int initSockets() { int optval = 1; server_sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); setsockopt(server_sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof(optval)); server_address.sin_family = AF_INET; server_address.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); server_address.sin_port = htons(port); server_len = sizeof(server_address); bind(server_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_address, server_len); listen(server_sockfd, 5); // ignore SIGCHLD { struct sigaction act; act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask); act.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &act, NULL); } return 0; } static void sigQuit(int sig) { thisQuit(); } static int sockWrite(connectionRecType *context) { strcat(context->outBuf, "\r\n"); return write(context->cliSock, context->outBuf, strlen(context->outBuf)); } static setCommandType lookupSetCommand(char *s) { setCommandType i = scEcho; int temp; while (i < scUnknown) { if (strcmp(setCommands[i], s) == 0) return i; // (int)i += 1; temp = i; temp++; i = (setCommandType) temp; } return i; } static int commandHello(connectionRecType *context) { char *pch; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return -1; if (strcmp(pch, pwd) != 0) return -1; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return -1; strncpy(context->hostName, pch, sizeof(context->hostName)); if (context->hostName[sizeof(context->hostName)-1] != '\0') { return -1; } pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return -1; strncpy(context->version, pch, sizeof(context->version)); if (context->version[sizeof(context->version)-1] != '\0') { return -1; } context->linked = true; printf("Connected to %s\n", context->hostName); return 0; } static int checkOnOff(char *s) { static const char *onStr = "ON"; static const char *offStr = "OFF"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, onStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, offStr) == 0) return 1; return -1; } static int checkBinaryASCII(char *s) { static const char *binaryStr = "BINARY"; static const char *ASCIIStr = "ASCII"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, ASCIIStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, binaryStr) == 0) return 1; return -1; } static int checkReceivedDoneNone(char *s) { static const char *receivedStr = "RECEIVED"; static const char *doneStr = "DONE"; static const char *noneStr = "NONE"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, receivedStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, doneStr) == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(s, noneStr) == 0) return 2; return -1; } static int checkNoneAuto(char *s) { static const char *noneStr = "NONE"; static const char *autoStr = "AUTO"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, noneStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, autoStr) == 0) return 1; return -1; } static int checkManualAutoMDI(char *s) { static const char *manualStr = "MANUAL"; static const char *autoStr = "AUTO"; static const char *mDIStr = "MDI"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, manualStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, autoStr) == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(s, mDIStr) == 0) return 2; return -1; } static int checkSpindleStr(char *s) { static const char *forwardStr = "FORWARD"; static const char *reverseStr = "REVERSE"; static const char *increaseStr = "INCREASE"; static const char *decreaseStr = "DECREASE"; static const char *constantStr = "CONSTANT"; static const char *offStr = "OFF"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, forwardStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, reverseStr) == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(s, increaseStr) == 0) return 2; if (strcmp(s, decreaseStr) == 0) return 3; if (strcmp(s, constantStr) == 0) return 4; if (strcmp(s, offStr) == 0) return 5; return -1; } static int checkConversionStr(char *s) { static const char *inchStr = "INCH"; static const char *mmStr = "MM"; static const char *cmStr = "CM"; static const char *autoStr = "AUTO"; static const char *customStr = "CUSTOM"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, inchStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, mmStr) == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(s, cmStr) == 0) return 2; if (strcmp(s, autoStr) == 0) return 3; if (strcmp(s, customStr) == 0) return 4; return -1; } static int checkAngularConversionStr(char *s) { static const char *degStr = "DEG"; static const char *radStr = "RAD"; static const char *gradStr = "GRAD"; static const char *autoStr = "AUTO"; static const char *customStr = "CUSTOM"; if (s == NULL) return -1; strupr(s); if (strcmp(s, degStr) == 0) return 0; if (strcmp(s, radStr) == 0) return 1; if (strcmp(s, gradStr) == 0) return 2; if (strcmp(s, autoStr) == 0) return 3; if (strcmp(s, customStr) == 0) return 4; return -1; } static cmdResponseType setEcho(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: context->echo = true; break; case 1: context->echo = false; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setVerbose(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: context->verbose = true; break; case 1: context->verbose = false; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setEnable(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { if (s && (strcmp(s, enablePWD) == 0) ) { enabledConn = context->cliSock; context->enabled = true; return rtNoError; } else if (checkOnOff(s) == 1) { context->enabled = false; enabledConn = -1; return rtNoError; } else return rtStandardError; } static cmdResponseType setConfig(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setCommMode(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int ret; ret = checkBinaryASCII(s); if (ret == -1) return rtStandardError; context->commMode = ret; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setCommProt(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { char *pVersion; pVersion = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pVersion == NULL) return rtStandardError; strcpy(context->version, pVersion); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setDebug(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { char *pLevel; int level; pLevel = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pLevel == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pLevel, "%i", &level) == -1) return rtStandardError; else sendDebug(level); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setSetWait(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkReceivedDoneNone(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: emcWaitType = EMC_WAIT_RECEIVED; break; case 1: emcWaitType = EMC_WAIT_DONE; break; case 2: emcWaitType = EMC_WAIT_NONE; break; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setMachine(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendMachineOn(); break; case 1: sendMachineOff(); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setEStop(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendEstop(); break; case 1: sendEstopReset(); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setWait(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkReceivedDoneNone(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: if (emcCommandWaitReceived(emcCommandSerialNumber) != 0) return rtStandardError; break; case 1: if (emcCommandWaitDone(emcCommandSerialNumber) != 0) return rtStandardError; break; case 2: ; default: return rtStandardError; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setTimeout(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { float Timeout; if (s == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(s, "%f", &Timeout) < 1) return rtStandardError; emcTimeout = Timeout; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setUpdate(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkNoneAuto(s)) { case 0: emcUpdateType = EMC_UPDATE_NONE; break; case 1: emcUpdateType = EMC_UPDATE_AUTO; break; default: return rtStandardError; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setMode(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkManualAutoMDI(s)) { case 0: sendManual(); break; case 1: sendAuto(); break; case 2: sendMdi(); break; default: return rtStandardError; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setMist(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendMistOn(); break; case 1: sendMistOff(); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setFlood(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendFloodOn(); break; case 1: sendFloodOff(); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setLube(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendLubeOn(); break; case 1: sendLubeOff(); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setSpindle(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkSpindleStr(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendSpindleForward(); break; case 1: sendSpindleReverse(); break; case 2: sendSpindleIncrease(); break; case 3: sendSpindleDecrease(); break; case 4: sendSpindleConstant(); break; case 5: sendSpindleOff(); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setBrake(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendBrakeEngage(); break; case 1: sendBrakeRelease(); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setLoadToolTable(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { if (s == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sendLoadToolTable(s) != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setToolOffset(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int tool; float length, diameter; char *pch; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%d", &tool) <= 0) return rtStandardError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &length) <= 0) return rtStandardError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &diameter) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if (sendToolSetOffset(tool, length, diameter) != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setOverrideLimits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: if (sendOverrideLimits(0) != 0) return rtStandardError; break; case 1: if (sendOverrideLimits(-1) != 0) return rtStandardError; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setMDI(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { char *pch; pch = strtok(NULL, "\n\r\0"); if (sendMdiCmd(pch) !=0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setHome(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int axis; if (s == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(s, "%d", &axis) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if ((axis < 0) || (axis > 5)) return rtStandardError; sendHome(axis); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setJogStop(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int axis; if (s == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(s, "%d", &axis) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if ((axis < 0) || (axis > 5)) return rtStandardError; if (sendJogStop(axis) != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setJog(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int axis; float speed; char *pch; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%d", &axis) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if ((axis < 0) || (axis > 5)) return rtStandardError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &speed) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if (sendJogCont(axis, speed) != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setFeedOverride(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int percent; if (s == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(s, "%d", &percent) <= 0) return rtStandardError; sendFeedOverride(((double) percent) / 100.0); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setJogIncr(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int axis; float speed, incr; char *pch; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%d", &axis) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if ((axis < 0) || (axis > 5)) return rtStandardError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &speed) <= 0) return rtStandardError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &incr) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if (sendJogIncr(axis, speed, incr) != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setTaskPlanInit(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { if (sendTaskPlanInit() != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setOpen(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { char *pch; pch = strtok(NULL, "\n\r\0"); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; strncpy(context->progName, pch, sizeof(context->progName)); if (context->progName[sizeof(context->progName) - 1] != '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "linuxcncrsh: 'set open' filename too long for context (got %lu bytes, max %lu)", (unsigned long)strlen(pch), (unsigned long)sizeof(context->progName)); return rtStandardError; } if (sendProgramOpen(context->progName) != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setRun(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int lineNo; if (s == NULL) // run from beginning if (sendProgramRun(0) != 0) return rtStandardError; else ; else { // run from line number if (sscanf(s, "%d", &lineNo) <= 0) return rtStandardError; if (sendProgramRun(lineNo) != 0) return rtStandardError; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setPause(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { if (sendProgramPause() != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setResume(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { if (sendProgramResume() != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setStep(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { if (sendProgramStep() != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setAbort(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { if (sendAbort() != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setLinearUnitConversion(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkConversionStr(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: linearUnitConversion = LINEAR_UNITS_INCH; break; case 1: linearUnitConversion = LINEAR_UNITS_MM; break; case 2: linearUnitConversion = LINEAR_UNITS_CM; break; case 3: linearUnitConversion = LINEAR_UNITS_AUTO; break; case 4: linearUnitConversion = LINEAR_UNITS_CUSTOM; break; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setAngularUnitConversion(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkAngularConversionStr(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: angularUnitConversion = ANGULAR_UNITS_DEG; break; case 1: angularUnitConversion = ANGULAR_UNITS_RAD; break; case 2: angularUnitConversion = ANGULAR_UNITS_GRAD; break; case 3: angularUnitConversion = ANGULAR_UNITS_AUTO; break; case 4: angularUnitConversion = ANGULAR_UNITS_CUSTOM; break; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setTeleopEnable(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { switch (checkOnOff(s)) { case -1: return rtStandardError; case 0: sendSetTeleopEnable(1); break; case 1: sendSetTeleopEnable(0); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setProbe(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { float x, y, z; char *pch; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &x) <= 0) return rtStandardError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &y) <= 0) return rtStandardError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) return rtStandardError; if (sscanf(pch, "%f", &z) <= 0) return rtStandardError; sendProbe(x, y, z); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setProbeClear(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { sendClearProbeTrippedFlag(); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setSpindleOverride(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int percent; sscanf(s, "%d", &percent); sendSpindleOverride(((double) percent) / 100.0); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType setOptionalStop(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { int value; sscanf(s, "%d", &value); if (sendSetOptionalStop(value) != 0) return rtStandardError; return rtNoError; } int commandSet(connectionRecType *context) { static const char *setNakStr = "SET NAK\n\r"; static const char *setCmdNakStr = "SET %s NAK\n\r"; static const char *ackStr = "SET %s ACK\n\r"; setCommandType cmd; char *pch; cmdResponseType ret = rtNoError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) { return write(context->cliSock, setNakStr, strlen(setNakStr)); } strupr(pch); cmd = lookupSetCommand(pch); if ((cmd >= scIniFile) && (context->cliSock != enabledConn)) { sprintf(context->outBuf, setCmdNakStr, pch); return write(context->cliSock, context->outBuf, strlen(context->outBuf)); } if ((cmd > scMachine) && (emcStatus->task.state != EMC_TASK_STATE_ON)) { // Extra check in the event of an undetected change in Machine state resulting in // sending a set command when the machine state is off. This condition is detected // and appropriate error messages are generated, however erratic behavior has been // seen when doing certain set commands when the Machine state is other than 'On'. sprintf(context->outBuf, setCmdNakStr, pch); return write(context->cliSock, context->outBuf, strlen(context->outBuf)); } switch (cmd) { case scEcho: ret = setEcho(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scVerbose: ret = setVerbose(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scEnable: ret = setEnable(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scConfig: ret = setConfig(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scCommMode: ret = setCommMode(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scCommProt: ret = setCommProt(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scIniFile: break; case scPlat: break; case scIni: break; case scDebug: ret = setDebug(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scSetWait: ret = setSetWait(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scWait: ret = setWait(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scSetTimeout: ret = setTimeout(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scUpdate: ret = setUpdate(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scError: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scOperatorDisplay: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scOperatorText: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scTime: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scEStop: ret = setEStop(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scMachine: ret = setMachine(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scMode: ret = setMode(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scMist: ret = setMist(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scFlood: ret = setFlood(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scLube: ret = setLube(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scLubeLevel: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scSpindle: ret = setSpindle(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scBrake: ret = setBrake(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scTool: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scToolOffset: ret = setToolOffset(pch, context); break; case scLoadToolTable: ret = setLoadToolTable(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scHome: ret = setHome(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scJogStop: ret = setJogStop(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scJog: ret = setJog(pch, context); break; case scJogIncr: ret = setJogIncr(pch, context); break; case scFeedOverride: ret = setFeedOverride(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scAbsCmdPos: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scAbsActPos: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scRelCmdPos: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scRelActPos: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJointPos: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scPosOffset: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJointLimit: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJointFault: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJointHomed: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scMDI: ret = setMDI(pch, context); break; case scTskPlanInit: ret = setTaskPlanInit(pch, context); break; case scOpen: ret = setOpen(pch, context); break; case scRun: ret = setRun(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scPause: ret = setPause(pch, context); break; case scResume: ret = setResume(pch, context); break; case scAbort: ret = setAbort(pch, context); break; case scStep: ret = setStep(pch, context); break; case scProgram:ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProgramLine: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProgramStatus: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProgramCodes: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJointType: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJointUnits: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProgramUnits: case scProgramLinearUnits: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProgramAngularUnits: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scUserLinearUnits: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scUserAngularUnits: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scDisplayLinearUnits: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scDisplayAngularUnits: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scLinearUnitConversion: ret = setLinearUnitConversion(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scAngularUnitConversion: ret = setAngularUnitConversion(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scProbeClear: ret = setProbeClear(pch, context); break; case scProbeTripped: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProbeValue: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProbe: ret = setProbe(pch, context); break; case scTeleopEnable: ret = setTeleopEnable(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scKinematicsType: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scOverrideLimits: ret = setOverrideLimits(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scSpindleOverride: ret = setSpindleOverride(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scOptionalStop: ret = setOptionalStop(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scUnknown: ret = rtStandardError; } switch (ret) { case rtNoError: if (context->verbose) { sprintf(context->outBuf, ackStr, pch); return write(context->cliSock, context->outBuf, strlen(context->outBuf)); } break; case rtHandledNoError: // Custom ok response already handled, take no action break; case rtStandardError: sprintf(context->outBuf, setCmdNakStr, pch); return write(context->cliSock, context->outBuf, strlen(context->outBuf)); break; case rtCustomError: // Custom error response entered in buffer return write(context->cliSock, context->outBuf, strlen(context->outBuf)); break; case rtCustomHandledError: ;// Custom error respose handled, take no action } return 0; } static cmdResponseType getEcho(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { static const char *pEchoStr = "ECHO %s"; if (context->echo) sprintf(context->outBuf, pEchoStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pEchoStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getVerbose(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pVerboseStr = "VERBOSE %s"; if (context->verbose) sprintf(context->outBuf, pVerboseStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pVerboseStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getEnable(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pEnableStr = "ENABLE %s"; if (context->cliSock == enabledConn) // if (context->enabled == true) sprintf(context->outBuf, pEnableStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pEnableStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getConfig(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pConfigStr = "CONFIG"; strcpy(context->outBuf, pConfigStr); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getCommMode(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pCommModeStr = "COMM_MODE %s"; switch (context->commMode) { case 0: sprintf(context->outBuf, pCommModeStr, "ASCII"); break; case 1: sprintf(context->outBuf, pCommModeStr, "BINARY"); break; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getCommProt(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pCommProtStr = "COMM_PROT %s"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pCommProtStr, context->version); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getDebug(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pUpdateStr = "DEBUG %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pUpdateStr, emcStatus->debug); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getSetWait(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pSetWaitStr = "SET_WAIT %s"; switch (emcWaitType) { case EMC_WAIT_NONE: sprintf(context->outBuf, pSetWaitStr, "NONE"); break; case EMC_WAIT_RECEIVED: sprintf(context->outBuf, pSetWaitStr, "RECEIVED"); break; case EMC_WAIT_DONE: sprintf(context->outBuf, pSetWaitStr, "DONE"); break; default: return rtStandardError; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getPlat(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pPlatStr = "PLAT %s"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pPlatStr, "Linux"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getEStop(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pEStopStr = "ESTOP %s"; if (emcStatus->task.state == EMC_TASK_STATE_ESTOP) sprintf(context->outBuf, pEStopStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pEStopStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getTimeout(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pTimeoutStr = "SET_TIMEOUT %f"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pTimeoutStr, emcTimeout); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getTime(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pTimeStr = "TIME %f"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pTimeStr, etime()); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getError(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pErrorStr = "ERROR %s"; if (updateError() != 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pErrorStr, "emc_error: bad status from EMC"); else if (error_string[0] == 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pErrorStr, "OK"); else { sprintf(context->outBuf, pErrorStr, error_string); error_string[0] = 0; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getOperatorDisplay(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pOperatorDisplayStr = "OPERATOR_DISPLAY %s"; if (updateError() != 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pOperatorDisplayStr, "emc_operator_display: bad status from EMC"); else if (operator_display_string[0] == 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pOperatorDisplayStr, "OK"); else { sprintf(context->outBuf, pOperatorDisplayStr, operator_display_string); operator_display_string[0] = 0; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getOperatorText(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pOperatorTextStr = "OPERATOR_TEXT %s"; if (updateError() != 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pOperatorTextStr, "emc_operator_text: bad status from EMC"); else if (operator_text_string[0] == 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pOperatorTextStr, "OK"); else { sprintf(context->outBuf, pOperatorTextStr, operator_text_string); operator_text_string[0] = 0; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getMachine(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pMachineStr = "MACHINE %s"; if (emcStatus->task.state == EMC_TASK_STATE_ON) sprintf(context->outBuf, pMachineStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pMachineStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getMode(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pModeStr = "MODE %s"; switch (emcStatus->task.mode) { case EMC_TASK_MODE_MANUAL: sprintf(context->outBuf, pModeStr, "MANUAL"); break; case EMC_TASK_MODE_AUTO: sprintf(context->outBuf, pModeStr, "AUTO"); break; case EMC_TASK_MODE_MDI: sprintf(context->outBuf, pModeStr, "MDI"); break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, pModeStr, "?"); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getMist(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pMistStr = "MIST %s"; if (emcStatus->io.coolant.mist == 1) sprintf(context->outBuf, pMistStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pMistStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getFlood(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pFloodStr = "FLOOD %s"; if (emcStatus->io.coolant.flood == 1) sprintf(context->outBuf, pFloodStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pFloodStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getLube(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pLubeStr = "LUBE %s"; if (emcStatus->io.lube.on == 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pLubeStr, "OFF"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pLubeStr, "ON"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getLubeLevel(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pLubeLevelStr = "LUBE_LEVEL %s"; if (emcStatus->io.lube.level == 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pLubeLevelStr, "LOW"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pLubeLevelStr, "OK"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getSpindle(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pSpindleStr = "SPINDLE %s"; if (emcStatus->motion.spindle.increasing > 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pSpindleStr, "INCREASE"); else if (emcStatus->motion.spindle.increasing < 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pSpindleStr, "DECREASE"); else if (emcStatus->motion.spindle.direction > 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pSpindleStr, "FORWARD"); else if (emcStatus->motion.spindle.direction < 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pSpindleStr, "REVERSE"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pSpindleStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getBrake(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pBrakeStr = "BRAKE %s"; if (emcStatus->motion.spindle.brake == 1) sprintf(context->outBuf, pBrakeStr, "ON"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pBrakeStr, "OFF"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getTool(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pToolStr = "TOOL %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pToolStr, emcStatus->io.tool.toolInSpindle); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getToolOffset(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pToolOffsetStr = "TOOL_OFFSET %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pToolOffsetStr, emcStatus->task.toolOffset.tran.z); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getAbsCmdPos(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pAbsCmdPosStr = "ABS_CMD_POS"; char buf[16]; int axis; if (s == NULL) axis = -1; // Return all axes else axis = atoi(s); strcpy(context->outBuf, pAbsCmdPosStr); if (axis != -1) { sprintf(buf, " %d", axis); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 0)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.tran.x); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 1)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.tran.y); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 2)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.tran.z); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 3)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.a); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 4)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.b); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 5)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.c); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getAbsActPos(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pAbsActPosStr = "ABS_ACT_POS"; char buf[16]; int axis; if (s == NULL) axis = -1; // Return all axes else axis = atoi(s); strcpy(context->outBuf, pAbsActPosStr); if (axis != -1) { sprintf(buf, " %d", axis); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 0)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.tran.x); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 1)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.tran.y); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 2)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.tran.z); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 3)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.a); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 4)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.b); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 5)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.c); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getRelCmdPos(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pRelCmdPosStr = "REL_CMD_POS"; char buf[16]; int axis; if (s == NULL) axis = -1; // Return all axes else axis = atoi(s); strcpy(context->outBuf, pRelCmdPosStr); if (axis != -1) { sprintf(buf, " %d", axis); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 0)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.tran.x - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.x - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.x); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 1)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.tran.y - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.y - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.y); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 2)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.tran.z - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.z - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.z); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 3)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.a - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.a - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.a); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 4)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.b - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.b - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.b); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 5)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.position.c - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.c - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.c); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getRelActPos(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pRelActPosStr = "REL_ACT_POS"; char buf[16]; int axis; if (s == NULL) axis = -1; // Return all axes else axis = atoi(s); strcpy(context->outBuf, pRelActPosStr); if (axis != -1) { sprintf(buf, " %d", axis); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 0)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.tran.x - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.x - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.x); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 1)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.tran.y - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.y - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.y); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 2)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.tran.z - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.z - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.z); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 3)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.a - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.a - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.a); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 4)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.b - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.b - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.b); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } if ((axis == -1) || (axis == 5)) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.traj.actualPosition.c - emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.c - emcStatus->task.g92_offset.c); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getJointPos(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pJointPos = "JOINT_POS"; int axis, i; char buf[16]; if (s == NULL) axis = -1; // Return all axes else axis = atoi(s); if (axis == -1) { strcpy(context->outBuf, pJointPos); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { sprintf(buf, " %f", emcStatus->motion.axis[i].input); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } } else sprintf(context->outBuf, "%s %d %f", pJointPos, axis, emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].input); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getPosOffset(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pPosOffset = "POS_OFFSET"; char buf[16]; if (s == NULL) { strcpy(context->outBuf, pPosOffset); sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.x + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.x)); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.y + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.y)); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.z + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.z)); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.a + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.a)); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.b + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.b)); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.c + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.c)); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } else { switch (s[0]) { case 'X': sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.x + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.x)); break; case 'Y': sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.y + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.y)); break; case 'Z': sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.tran.z + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.tran.z)); break; case 'A': case 'R': sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.a + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.a)); break; case 'B': case 'P': sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.b + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.b)); break; case 'C': case 'W': sprintf(buf, " %f", convertLinearUnits(emcStatus->task.g5x_offset.c + emcStatus->task.g92_offset.c)); } sprintf(context->outBuf, "%s %c %s", pPosOffset, s[0], buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getJointLimit(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pJointLimit = "JOINT_LIMIT"; char buf[16]; int axis, i; if (s == NULL) { strcpy(context->outBuf, pJointLimit); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].minHardLimit) strcpy(buf, " MINHARD"); else if (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].minSoftLimit) strcpy(buf, " MINSOFT"); else if (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].maxSoftLimit) strcpy(buf, " MAXSOFT"); else if (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].maxHardLimit) strcpy(buf, " MAXHARD"); else strcpy(buf, " OK"); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } } else { axis = atoi(s); if (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].minHardLimit) strcpy(buf, "MINHARD"); else if (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].minSoftLimit) strcpy(buf, "MINSOFT"); else if (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].maxSoftLimit) strcpy(buf, "MAXSOFT"); else if (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].maxHardLimit) strcpy(buf, "MAXHARD"); else strcpy(buf, "OK"); sprintf(context->outBuf, "%s %d %s", pJointLimit, axis, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getJointFault(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pJointFault = "JOINT_FAULT"; char buf[16]; int axis, i; if (s == NULL) { strcpy(context->outBuf, pJointFault); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].fault) strcat(context->outBuf, " FAULT"); else strcat(context->outBuf, " OK"); } } else { axis = atoi(s); if (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].fault) strcpy(buf, "FAULT"); else strcpy(buf, "OK"); sprintf(context->outBuf, "%s %d %s", pJointFault, axis, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getOverrideLimits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pOverrideLimits = "OVERRIDE_LIMITS %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pOverrideLimits, emcStatus->motion.axis[0].overrideLimits); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getJointHomed(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pJointHomed = "JOINT_HOMED"; char buf[16]; int axis, i; if (s == NULL) { strcpy(context->outBuf, pJointHomed); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].homed) strcat(context->outBuf, " YES"); else strcat(context->outBuf, " NO"); } } else { axis = atoi(s); if (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].homed) strcpy(buf, "YES"); else strcpy(buf, "NO"); sprintf(context->outBuf, "%s %d %s", pJointHomed, axis, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProgram(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pProgram = "PROGRAM %s"; // sprintf(outBuf, pProgram, progName); // printf("Program name = %s", emcStatus->task.file[0]); if (emcStatus->task.file[0] != 0) sprintf(context->outBuf, pProgram, emcStatus->task.file); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProgramLine(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pProgramLine = "PROGRAM_LINE %d"; int lineNo; if ((programStartLine< 0) || (emcStatus->task.readLine < programStartLine)) lineNo = emcStatus->task.readLine; else if (emcStatus->task.currentLine > 0) if ((emcStatus->task.motionLine > 0) && (emcStatus->task.motionLine < emcStatus->task.currentLine)) lineNo = emcStatus->task.motionLine; else lineNo = emcStatus->task.currentLine; else lineNo = 0; sprintf(context->outBuf, pProgramLine, lineNo); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProgramStatus(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pProgramStatus = "PROGRAM_STATUS %s"; switch (emcStatus->task.interpState) { case EMC_TASK_INTERP_READING: case EMC_TASK_INTERP_WAITING: sprintf(context->outBuf, pProgramStatus, "RUNNING"); break; case EMC_TASK_INTERP_PAUSED: sprintf(context->outBuf, pProgramStatus, "PAUSED"); break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, pProgramStatus, "IDLE"); break; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProgramCodes(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pProgramCodes = "PROGRAM_CODES "; char buf[256]; int code, i; buf[0] = 0; strcpy(context->outBuf, pProgramCodes); for (i=1; itask.activeGCodes[i]; if (code == -1) continue; if (code % 10) sprintf(buf, "G%.1f ", (double) code / 10.0); else sprintf(buf, "G%d ", code / 10); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); } sprintf(buf, "F%.0f ", emcStatus->task.activeSettings[1]); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); sprintf(buf, "S%.0f", fabs(emcStatus->task.activeSettings[2])); strcat(context->outBuf, buf); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getJointType(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pJointType = "JOINT_TYPE"; char buf[16]; int axis, i; if (s == NULL) { strcpy(context->outBuf, pJointType); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { switch (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].axisType) { case EMC_AXIS_LINEAR: strcat(context->outBuf, " LINEAR"); break; case EMC_AXIS_ANGULAR: strcat(context->outBuf, " ANGULAR"); break; default: strcat(context->outBuf, " CUSTOM"); } } } else { axis = atoi(s); switch (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].axisType) { case EMC_AXIS_LINEAR: strcpy(buf, " LINEAR"); break; case EMC_AXIS_ANGULAR: strcpy(buf, " ANGULAR"); break; default: strcpy(buf, "CUSTOM"); } sprintf(context->outBuf, "%s %d %s", pJointType, axis, buf); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getJointUnits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pJointUnits = "JOINT_UNITS"; char buf[16]; int axis, i; if (s == NULL) { strcpy(context->outBuf, pJointUnits); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { switch (emcStatus->motion.axis[i].axisType) { case EMC_AXIS_LINEAR: if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[i].units, 1.0, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) strcat(context->outBuf, " MM"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[i].units, INCH_PER_MM, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) strcat(context->outBuf, " INCH"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[i].units, CM_PER_MM, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) strcat(context->outBuf, " CM"); else strcat(context->outBuf, " CUSTOM"); break; case EMC_AXIS_ANGULAR: if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[i].units, 1.0, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) strcat(context->outBuf, " DEG"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[i].units, RAD_PER_DEG, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) strcat(context->outBuf, " RAD"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[i].units, GRAD_PER_DEG, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) strcat(context->outBuf, " GRAD"); else strcat(context->outBuf, " CUSTOM"); break; default: strcat(context->outBuf, " CUSTOM"); } } } else { axis = atoi(s); switch (emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].axisType) { case EMC_AXIS_LINEAR: if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].units, 1.0, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) strcpy(buf, "MM"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].units, INCH_PER_MM, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) strcpy(buf, "INCH"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].units, CM_PER_MM, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) strcpy(buf, "CM"); else strcpy(buf, "CUSTOM"); break; case EMC_AXIS_ANGULAR: if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].units, 1.0, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) strcpy(buf, "DEG"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].units, RAD_PER_DEG, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) strcpy(buf, "RAD"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.axis[axis].units, GRAD_PER_DEG, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) strcpy(buf, "GRAD"); else strcpy(buf, "CUSTOM"); break; default: strcpy(buf, "CUSTOM"); sprintf(context->outBuf, "%s %d %s", pJointUnits, axis, buf); } } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProgramLinearUnits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *programUnits = "PROGRAM_UNITS %s"; switch (emcStatus->task.programUnits) { case CANON_UNITS_INCHES: sprintf(context->outBuf, programUnits, "INCH"); break; case CANON_UNITS_MM: sprintf(context->outBuf, programUnits, "MM"); break; case CANON_UNITS_CM: sprintf(context->outBuf, programUnits, "CM"); break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, programUnits, "CUSTOM"); break; } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProgramAngularUnits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *programAngularUnits = "PROGRAM_ANGULAR_UNITS %s"; sprintf(context->outBuf, programAngularUnits, "DEG"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getUserLinearUnits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *userLinearUnits = "USER_LINEAR_UNITS %s"; if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.traj.linearUnits, 1.0, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) sprintf(context->outBuf, userLinearUnits, "MM"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.traj.linearUnits, INCH_PER_MM, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) sprintf(context->outBuf, userLinearUnits, "INCH"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.traj.linearUnits, CM_PER_MM, LINEAR_CLOSENESS)) sprintf(context->outBuf, userLinearUnits, "CM"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, userLinearUnits, "CUSTOM"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getUserAngularUnits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pUserAngularUnits = "USER_ANGULAR_UNITS %s"; if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.traj.angularUnits, 1.0, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) sprintf(context->outBuf, pUserAngularUnits, "DEG"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.traj.angularUnits, RAD_PER_DEG, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) sprintf(context->outBuf, pUserAngularUnits, "RAD"); else if (CLOSE(emcStatus->motion.traj.angularUnits, GRAD_PER_DEG, ANGULAR_CLOSENESS)) sprintf(context->outBuf, pUserAngularUnits, "GRAD"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pUserAngularUnits, "CUSTOM"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getDisplayLinearUnits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pDisplayLinearUnits = "DISPLAY_LINEAR_UNITS %s"; switch (linearUnitConversion) { case LINEAR_UNITS_INCH: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, "INCH"); break; case LINEAR_UNITS_MM: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, "MM"); break; case LINEAR_UNITS_CM: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, "CM"); break; case LINEAR_UNITS_AUTO: switch (emcStatus->task.programUnits) { case CANON_UNITS_MM: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, "MM"); break; case CANON_UNITS_INCHES: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, "INCH"); break; case CANON_UNITS_CM: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, ""); break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, "CUSTOM"); } break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayLinearUnits, "CUSTOM"); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getDisplayAngularUnits(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pDisplayAngularUnits = "DISPLAY_ANGULAR_UNITS %s"; switch (angularUnitConversion) { case ANGULAR_UNITS_DEG: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayAngularUnits, "DEG"); break; case ANGULAR_UNITS_RAD: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayAngularUnits, "RAD"); break; case ANGULAR_UNITS_GRAD: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayAngularUnits, "GRAD"); break; case ANGULAR_UNITS_AUTO: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayAngularUnits, "DEG"); break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, pDisplayAngularUnits, "CUSTOM"); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getLinearUnitConversion(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pLinearUnitConversion = "LINEAR_UNIT_CONVERSION %s"; switch (linearUnitConversion) { case LINEAR_UNITS_INCH: sprintf(context->outBuf, pLinearUnitConversion, "INCH"); break; case LINEAR_UNITS_MM: sprintf(context->outBuf, pLinearUnitConversion, "MM"); break; case LINEAR_UNITS_CM: sprintf(context->outBuf, pLinearUnitConversion, "CM"); break; case LINEAR_UNITS_AUTO: sprintf(context->outBuf, pLinearUnitConversion, "AUTO"); break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, pLinearUnitConversion, "CUSTOM"); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getAngularUnitConversion(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pAngularUnitConversion = "ANGULAR_UNIT_CONVERSION %s"; switch (angularUnitConversion) { case ANGULAR_UNITS_DEG: sprintf(context->outBuf, pAngularUnitConversion, "DEG"); break; case ANGULAR_UNITS_RAD: sprintf(context->outBuf, pAngularUnitConversion, "RAD"); break; case ANGULAR_UNITS_GRAD: sprintf(context->outBuf, pAngularUnitConversion, "GRAD"); break; case ANGULAR_UNITS_AUTO: sprintf(context->outBuf, pAngularUnitConversion, "AUTO"); break; default: sprintf(context->outBuf, pAngularUnitConversion, "CUSTOM"); } return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProbeValue(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pProbeValue = "PROBE_VALUE %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pProbeValue, emcStatus->motion.traj.probeval); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getProbeTripped(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pProbeTripped = "PROBE_TRIPPED %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pProbeTripped, emcStatus->motion.traj.probe_tripped); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getTeleopEnable(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pTeleopEnable = "TELEOP_ENABLE %s"; if (emcStatus->motion.traj.mode == EMC_TRAJ_MODE_TELEOP) sprintf(context->outBuf, pTeleopEnable, "YES"); else sprintf(context->outBuf, pTeleopEnable, "NO"); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getKinematicsType(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pKinematicsType = "KINEMATICS_TYPE %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pKinematicsType, emcStatus->motion.traj.kinematics_type); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getFeedOverride(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pFeedOverride = "FEED_OVERRIDE %d"; int percent; percent = (int)floor(emcStatus->motion.traj.scale * 100.0 + 0.5); sprintf(context->outBuf, pFeedOverride, percent); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getIniFile(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pIniFile = "INIFILE %s"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pIniFile, emc_inifile); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getSpindleOverride(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pSpindleOverride = "SPINDLE_OVERRIDE %d"; int percent; percent = (int)floor(emcStatus->motion.traj.spindle_scale * 100.0 + 0.5); sprintf(context->outBuf, pSpindleOverride, percent); return rtNoError; } static cmdResponseType getOptionalStop(char *s, connectionRecType *context) { const char *pOptionalStop = "OPTIONAL_STOP %d"; sprintf(context->outBuf, pOptionalStop, emcStatus->task.optional_stop_state); return rtNoError; } int commandGet(connectionRecType *context) { const static char *setNakStr = "GET NAK\r\n"; const static char *setCmdNakStr = "GET %s NAK\r\n"; setCommandType cmd; char *pch; cmdResponseType ret = rtNoError; pch = strtok(NULL, delims); if (pch == NULL) { return write(context->cliSock, setNakStr, strlen(setNakStr)); } if (emcUpdateType == EMC_UPDATE_AUTO) updateStatus(); strupr(pch); cmd = lookupSetCommand(pch); if (cmd > scIni) if (emcUpdateType == EMC_UPDATE_AUTO) updateStatus(); switch (cmd) { case scEcho: ret = getEcho(pch, context); break; case scVerbose: ret = getVerbose(pch, context); break; case scEnable: ret = getEnable(pch, context); break; case scConfig: ret = getConfig(pch, context); break; case scCommMode: ret = getCommMode(pch, context); break; case scCommProt: ret = getCommProt(pch, context); break; case scIniFile: getIniFile(pch, context); break; case scPlat: ret = getPlat(pch, context); break; case scIni: break; case scDebug: ret = getDebug(pch, context); break; case scSetWait: ret = getSetWait(pch, context); break; case scWait: break; case scSetTimeout: ret = getTimeout(pch, context); break; case scUpdate: break; case scError: ret = getError(pch, context); break; case scOperatorDisplay: ret = getOperatorDisplay(pch, context); break; case scOperatorText: ret = getOperatorText(pch, context); break; case scTime: ret = getTime(pch, context); break; case scEStop: ret = getEStop(pch, context); break; case scMachine: ret = getMachine(pch, context); break; case scMode: ret = getMode(pch, context); break; case scMist: ret = getMist(pch, context); break; case scFlood: ret = getFlood(pch, context); break; case scLube: ret = getLube(pch, context); break; case scLubeLevel: ret = getLubeLevel(pch, context); break; case scSpindle: ret = getSpindle(pch, context); break; case scBrake: ret = getBrake(pch, context); break; case scTool: ret = getTool(pch, context); break; case scToolOffset: ret = getToolOffset(pch, context); break; case scLoadToolTable: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scHome: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJogStop: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJog: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scJogIncr: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scFeedOverride: ret = getFeedOverride(pch, context); break; case scAbsCmdPos: ret = getAbsCmdPos(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scAbsActPos: ret = getAbsActPos(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scRelCmdPos: ret = getRelCmdPos(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scRelActPos: ret = getRelActPos(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scJointPos: ret = getJointPos(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scPosOffset: ret = getPosOffset(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scJointLimit: ret = getJointLimit(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scJointFault: ret = getJointFault(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scJointHomed: ret = getJointHomed(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scMDI: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scTskPlanInit: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scOpen: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scRun: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scPause: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scResume: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scStep: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scAbort: ret = rtStandardError; break; case scProgram: ret = getProgram(pch, context); break; case scProgramLine: ret = getProgramLine(pch, context); break; case scProgramStatus: ret = getProgramStatus(pch, context); break; case scProgramCodes: ret = getProgramCodes(pch, context); break; case scJointType: ret = getJointType(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scJointUnits: ret = getJointUnits(strtok(NULL, delims), context); break; case scProgramUnits: case scProgramLinearUnits: ret = getProgramLinearUnits(pch, context); break; case scProgramAngularUnits: ret = getProgramAngularUnits(pch, context); break; case scUserLinearUnits: ret = getUserLinearUnits(pch, context); break; case scUserAngularUnits: ret = getUserAngularUnits(pch, context); break; case scDisplayLinearUnits: ret = getDisplayLinearUnits(pch, context); break; case scDisplayAngularUnits: ret = getDisplayAngularUnits(pch, context); break; case scLinearUnitConversion: ret = getLinearUnitConversion(pch, context); break; case scAngularUnitConversion: ret = getAngularUnitConversion(pch, context); break; case scProbeClear: break; case scProbeTripped: ret = getProbeTripped(pch, context); break; case scProbeValue: ret = getProbeValue(pch, context); break; case scProbe: break; case scTeleopEnable: ret = getTeleopEnable(pch, context); break; case scKinematicsType: ret = getKinematicsType(pch, context); break; case scOverrideLimits: ret = getOverrideLimits(pch, context); break; case scSpindleOverride: ret = getSpindleOverride(pch, context); break; case scOptionalStop: ret = getOptionalStop(pch, context); break; case scUnknown: ret = rtStandardError; } switch (ret) { case rtNoError: // Standard ok response, just write value in buffer sockWrite(context); break; case rtHandledNoError: // Custom ok response already handled, take no action break; case rtStandardError: // Standard error response sprintf(context->outBuf, setCmdNakStr, pch); sockWrite(context); break; case rtCustomError: // Custom error response entered in buffer sockWrite(context); break; case rtCustomHandledError: ;// Custom error respose handled, take no action } return 0; } int commandQuit(connectionRecType *context) { printf("Closing connection with %s\n", context->hostName); return -1; } int commandShutdown(connectionRecType *context) { if (context->cliSock == enabledConn) { printf("Shutting down\n"); thisQuit(); return -1; } else return 0; } static int helpGeneral(connectionRecType *context) { sprintf(context->outBuf, "Available commands:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Hello \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Get \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Set \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Shutdown\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Help \n\r"); sockWrite(context); return 0; } static int helpHello(connectionRecType *context) { sprintf(context->outBuf, "Usage:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Hello \n\rWhere:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Password is the connection password to allow communications with the CNC server.\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Client Name is the name of client trying to connect, typically the network name of the client.\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Protocol Version is the version of the protocol with which the client wishes to use.\n\r\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " With valid password, server responds with:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Hello Ack \n\rWhere:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Ack is acknowledging the connection has been made.\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Server Name is the name of the EMC Server to which the client has connected.\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Protocol Version is the cleint requested version or latest version support by server if"); strcat(context->outBuf, " the client requests a version later than that supported by the server.\n\r\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " With invalid password, the server responds with:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Hello Nak\n\r"); sockWrite(context); return 0; } static int helpGet(connectionRecType *context) { sprintf(context->outBuf, "Usage:\n\rGet \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Get commands require that a hello has been successfully negotiated.\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Emc command may be one of:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Abs_act_pos\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Abs_cmd_pos\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Angular_unit_conversion\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Brake\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Comm_mode\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Comm_prot\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Debug\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Display_angular_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Display_linear_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Echo\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Enable\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Error\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " EStop\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Feed_override\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Flood\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Inifile\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Joint_fault\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Joint_homed\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Joint_limit\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Joint_pos\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Joint_type\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Joint_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Kinematics_type\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Linear_unit_conversion\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Lube\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Lube_level\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Machine\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Mist\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Mode\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Operator_display\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Operator_text\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Optional_stop\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Override_limits\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Plat\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Pos_offset\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Probe_tripped\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Probe_value\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Program\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Program_angular_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Program_codes\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Program_line\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Program_linear_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Program_status\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Program_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Rel_act_pos\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Rel_cmd_pos\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Set_wait\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Spindle\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Spindle_override\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Teleop_enable\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Time\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Timeout\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Tool\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Tool_offset\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " User_angular_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " User_linear_units\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Verbose\n\r"); // strcat(context->outBuf, "CONFIG\n\r"); sockWrite(context); return 0; } static int helpSet(connectionRecType *context) { sprintf(context->outBuf, "Usage:\n\r Set \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Set commands require that a hello has been successfully negotiated,\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " in most instances requires that control be enabled by the connection.\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " The set commands not requiring control enabled are:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Comm_mode \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Comm_prot \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Echo \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Enable \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Verbose \n\r\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " The set commands requiring control enabled are:\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Abort\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Angular_unit_conversion \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Brake \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Debug \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " EStop \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Feed_override \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Flood \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Home \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Jog \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Jog_incr \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Jog_stop\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Linear_unit_conversion \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Load_tool_table \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Lube \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Machine \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " MDI \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Mist \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Mode \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Open \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Optional_stop \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Override_limits \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Pause\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Probe\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Probe_clear\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Resume\n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " Run \n\r"); strcat(context->outBuf, " SetWait