#!/usr/bin/python import sys, os import gettext BASE = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")) gettext.install("linuxcnc", localedir=os.path.join(BASE, "share", "locale"), unicode=True) import linuxcnc import Tkinter import time if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-ini': ini = linuxcnc.ini(sys.argv[2]) nmlfile = ini.find("EMC", "NML_FILE") if nmlfile: linuxcnc.nmlfile = nmlfile del sys.argv[1:3] s = linuxcnc.stat() s.poll() c = linuxcnc.command() t = Tkinter.Tk(className="LinuxCNCDebugLevel") t.wm_title(_("LinuxCNC Debug Level")) t.wm_iconname(_("debuglevel")) t.wm_resizable(0, 0) import rs274.options rs274.options.install(t) # The configuration-related items are commented out because # it only makes sense to enable them during startup. # # From inspection of the source, and because no messages were seen # for those flags, it looks like the state of DEBUG_NML and DEBUG_RCS # is only checked early in startup, so changing them later has no effect. bits = [ (linuxcnc.DEBUG_CONFIG, _('Configuration *')), (linuxcnc.DEBUG_VERSIONS, _('Version Numbers *')), (linuxcnc.DEBUG_NML, _('NML *')), (linuxcnc.DEBUG_RCS, _('RCS *')), (linuxcnc.DEBUG_TASK_ISSUE, _('Task Issue')), (linuxcnc.DEBUG_MOTION_TIME, _('Motion Time')), (linuxcnc.DEBUG_INTERP, _('Interpreter')), (linuxcnc.DEBUG_INTERP_LIST, _('Interpreter List')), ] def showdebug(value): d.set(_("Inifile setting for this debug level:\n[EMC]DEBUG=0x%08x") % value) vars = {} blackout = 0 def update_buttons_from_emc(): if time.time() < blackout: t.after(1000, update_buttons_from_emc) return try: s.poll() except linuxcnc.error: # linuxcnc exited? raise SystemExit debug = s.debug for k, v in vars.items(): if debug & k: v.set(k) else: v.set(0) showdebug(debug) # .. just in case someone else changes it .. t.after(1000, update_buttons_from_emc) def setdebug(): blackout = time.time() + 1 value = 0 for k, v in vars.items(): value = value | v.get() c.debug(value) showdebug(value) for k, v in bits: vv = Tkinter.IntVar(t) vars[k] = vv b = Tkinter.Checkbutton(text = v, onvalue = k, offvalue = 0, command=setdebug, variable=vv, anchor="nw") b.pack(side="top", anchor="nw", fill="x", expand=0) l = Tkinter.Label(text=_(" * This option can only be enabled in the inifile")) l.pack(side="top", anchor="nw") d = Tkinter.StringVar(t) l = Tkinter.Label(textvariable=d) l.pack(side="top", anchor="nw") showdebug(s.debug) update_buttons_from_emc() t.mainloop()