#!/usr/bin/env python # GladeVcp Widget - calculator input # This widgets allows simple calculations. # The result can be returned for further use. # Origially to be used as numerical input on a touch screen. # # Copyright (c) 2012 Chris Morley # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # This fixes integer division error # so dividing two integers gives a float from __future__ import division import sys, os, pango import math # localization import locale locale.setlocale( locale.LC_ALL, '' ) datadir = os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( __file__ ) ) try: import gobject, gtk except: print( 'GTK not available' ) sys.exit( 1 ) class Calculator( gtk.VBox ): __gtype_name__ = 'Calculator' __gproperties__ = { 'is_editable' : ( gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, 'Is Editable', 'Ability to use a keyboard to enter data', False, gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT ), 'font' : ( gobject.TYPE_STRING, 'Pango Font', 'Display font to use', "sans 12", gobject.PARAM_READWRITE | gobject.PARAM_CONSTRUCT ), } __gproperties = __gproperties__ def __init__( self, *a, **kw ): gtk.VBox.__init__( self, *a, **kw ) self.preset_value = None self.eval_string = "" self.font = "sans 12" self.is_editable = False self.integer_only = False self.wTree = gtk.Builder() self.wTree.add_from_file( os.path.join( datadir, "calculator.glade" ) ) dic = { "on_displayText_activate" : self.displayText, "on_displayText_changed" : self.displayText_changed, "on_CLR_clicked" : self.displayClr, "on_Pi_clicked" : self.displayPi, "on_Left_bracket_clicked" : self.displayLeftBracket, "on_Right_bracket_clicked" : self.displayRightBracket, "on_Seven_clicked" : self.displaySeven, "on_Eight_clicked" : self.displayEight, "on_Nine_clicked" : self.displayNine, "on_Divide_clicked" : self.displayDiv, "on_Four_clicked" : self.displayFour, "on_Five_clicked" : self.displayFive, "on_Six_clicked" : self.displaySix, "on_Multiply_clicked" : self.displayMultiply, "on_One_clicked" : self.displayOne, "on_Two_clicked" : self.displayTwo, "on_Three_clicked" : self.displayThree, "on_Minus_clicked" : self.displayMinus, "on_Zero_clicked" : self.displayZero, "on_Dot_clicked" : self.displayDot, "on_Equal_clicked" : self.displayEqual, "on_Add_clicked" : self.displayAdd, } self.wTree.connect_signals( dic ) self.entry = self.wTree.get_object( "displayText" ) self.entry.modify_font( pango.FontDescription( self.font ) ) self.calc_box = self.wTree.get_object( "calc_box" ) window = self.wTree.get_object( "calc_box" ) window.reparent( self ) def num_pad_only( self, value ): objects = ["Left_bracket", "Right_bracket", "Pi", "Divide", "Multiply", "Add", "Minus", "Equal"] for i in objects: temp = self.wTree.get_object( i ) if value: temp.hide() else: temp.show() def integer_entry_only( self, value ): temp = self.wTree.get_object( 'Dot' ) if value: temp.hide() self.integer_only = True else: temp.show() self.integer_only = False def set_editable( self, value ): self.is_editable = value self.entry.set_editable( value ) def set_font( self, font ): self.font = font self.entry.modify_font( pango.FontDescription( font ) ) def set_value( self, value ): val = value try: val = str( locale.format( "%f", float( val ) ).rstrip( "0" ) ) if val[-1] == locale.localeconv()["decimal_point"]: val = val.rstrip( locale.localeconv()["decimal_point"] ) except: value = "Error" self.delete() self.displayOperand( str( val ) ) self.preset_value = value def get_value( self ): self.compute() try: value = self.wTree.get_object( "displayText" ).get_text() return locale.atof( value ) except: return None # print( "value in get value = ", value ) # print( "converted value in get value = ", locale.atof( value ) ) def get_preset_value( self ): return self.preset_value def compute( self ): qualified = '' # print"string:",self.eval_string temp = self.eval_string.strip( " " ) for i in( '-', '+', '/', '*', 'math.pi' ): new = " %s " % i temp = temp.replace( i, new ) for i in temp.split(): # print ( "i in compute = ", i ) try: i = str( locale.atof( i ) ) # print ( "converted i in compute = ", i ) except: pass if i.isdigit(): qualified = qualified + str( float( i ) ) else: qualified = qualified + i try : if self.integer_only: b = str( int( eval( qualified ) ) ) else: b = str( eval( qualified ) ) except: b = "Error" print"Calculator widget error, string:", self.eval_string, sys.exc_info()[0] self.eval_string = '' else : self.eval_string = b # if locale.localeconv()["decimal_point" = comma , # we have to replace the internal dot by a comma, # otherwise it will be interpreted as an thousend separator try: b = locale.format( "%f", float( b ) ).rstrip( "0" ) if b[-1] == locale.localeconv()["decimal_point"]: b = b.rstrip( locale.localeconv()["decimal_point"] ) except: b = "Error" self.wTree.get_object( "displayText" ).set_text( b ) def delete( self ): self.eval_string = '' self.wTree.get_object( "displayText" ).set_text( "" ) def displayOperand( self, i ): if "Error" in self.eval_string: self.eval_string = "" self.eval_string = self.eval_string + i self.wTree.get_object( "displayText" ).set_text( str( self.eval_string ) ) def displayText_changed( self, widget ): self.eval_string = widget.get_text() def displayText( self, widget ): pass # self.compute() def displayClr( self, widget ): self.delete() def displayLeftBracket( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "(" ) def displayRightBracket( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( ")" ) def displaySeven( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "7" ) def displayEight( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "8" ) def displayNine( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "9" ) def displayFour( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "4" ) def displayFive( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "5" ) def displaySix( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "6" ) def displayOne( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "1" ) def displayTwo( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "2" ) def displayThree( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "3" ) def displayZero( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "0" ) def displayDot( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( locale.localeconv()["decimal_point"] ) def displayPi( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "math.pi" ) def displayDiv( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "/" ) def displayMultiply( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "*" ) def displayMinus( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "-" ) def displayEqual( self, widget ): self.compute() def displayAdd( self, widget ): self.displayOperand( "+" ) def do_get_property( self, property ): name = property.name.replace( '-', '_' ) if name in self.__gproperties.keys(): return getattr( self, name ) else: raise AttributeError( 'unknown property %s' % property.name ) def do_set_property( self, property, value ): try: name = property.name.replace( '-', '_' ) if name == 'is_editable': self.set_editable( value ) if name == 'font': self.set_font( value ) except: pass # for testing without glade editor: def main(): window = gtk.Dialog( "My dialog", None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, ( gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_REJECT, gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT ) ) calc = Calculator() window.vbox.add( calc ) window.connect( "destroy", gtk.main_quit ) calc.set_value( 2.5 ) calc.set_font( "sans 25" ) calc.set_editable( True ) window.show_all() response = window.run() if response == gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT: print calc.get_value() else: print calc.get_preset_value() if __name__ == "__main__": main()