source-highlighting EMC langues in HTML documents ================================================= I've created GNU source-highlight language definitions for G-code and halcmd to highlight .hal and .ngc files in asciidoc. .ini file highlighting works out of the box. All three need a bit of trickery to work cleanly for both html and pdf. Highlighting is for HTML output only at this point in time. To have PDF's highlighted, the file /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/listings/lstlang1.sty needs to be extended to deal with ngc, hal and ini formats, and put into the build directory so dblatex can find it. Highlighting halcmd, ini and ngc source in HTML is now integrated into the documentation build process. tcl, python, sh etc keep working out of the box. NB: source-highlight's mechanisms to find .lang and .map files is very inflexible which is why the complete source language definition directoy (/usr/share/source-highlight) needs to be replicated under 'local', and a new generated in there (all language definitions are relative to this directory, and include each other). Using ngc, hal and ini file snippets in your .txt files: ======================================================== Copy this to the top of your txt file: ----------------- snip ---------------- :ini: {basebackend@docbook:'':ini} :hal: {basebackend@docbook:'':hal} :ngc: {basebackend@docbook:'':ngc} // begin a listing of ini/hal/ngc files like so: //[source,{ini}] //[source,{hal}] //[source,{ngc}] ----------------- snip ---------------- Adding or changing a langauage definition (.lang) file ====================================================== New language: just drop .lang into this directory. The source-highlight configuration will be rebuilt to include this language. then can be used in [source,{named}] listings. You might need a conditional like :name: {basebackend@docbook:'':name} to prevent pdflatex formatting errors. Changing a language defintion: just edit the .lang file in this directory. Overruling definitons in the source-highlight standard language definitions: Copy the .lang file from /usr/share/source-highlight into this directory and edit as needed. The right things should happen on build (including a massive initial rebuild ;-) Building HTML examples in the this directory ============================================ To produce pdf and html samples, type 'make examples' . This should produce {ini-demo,hal-demo,ngc-demo}.{pdf,html} files in the current directory, with proper highlighing of HTML only. PDF files come out properly but have no highlighting. -------------------------------------------- I found this tool very helpful for writing GNU source-highlight .lang definitions: Michael Haberler 3/2011