#!/usr/bin/python """mkpre.py: Convert ASCII art into something that groff can render to text, HTML, or postscript/pdf Copyright (C) 2006 Jeff EpleR License: GPL V2 """ def substall(s, r): for a, b in r: s = s.replace(a, b) return s def mkpre(s): msubst = [('\\', '\\\\'), (' ', '\\ ')] hsubst = [('&', '&'), ('<', '<'), ('>', '>'), (' ', '  '), ('\n', '
'), ('\\', '\')] h = "".join(s) print ".ie '\\*[.T]'html' .HTML
" % substall(h, hsubst) print ".el \\{\\" print ".ft CR" for i, line in enumerate(s): if i != 0: print r".PP" print substall(line.strip("\n"), msubst) print ".ft R" print r"\}" import sys mkpre(list(sys.stdin))