.TH hal_param_new "3hal" "2006-10-12" "LinuxCNC Documentation" "HAL" .SH NAME hal_param_new \- Create a HAL parameter .SH SYNTAX .HP int hal_param_bit_new(const char *\fIname\fR, hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_bit_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR) .HP int hal_param_float_new(const char *\fIname\fR, hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_float_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR) .HP int hal_param_u32_new(const char *\fIname\fR, hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_u32_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR) .HP int hal_param_s32_new(const char *\fIname\fR, hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_s32_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR) .HP int hal_param_bit_newf(hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_bit_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR, const char *\fIfmt\fR, \fI...\fR) .HP int hal_param_float_newf(hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_float_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR, const char *\fIfmt\fR, \fI...\fR) .HP int hal_param_u32_newf(hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_u32_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR, const char *\fIfmt\fR, \fI...\fR) .HP int hal_param_s32_newf(hal_param_dir_t \fIdir\fR, hal_s32_t * \fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR, const char *\fIfmt\fR, \fI...\fR) .HP int hal_param_new(const char *\fIname\fR, hal_type_t \fItype\fR, hal_in_dir_t \fIdir\fR, void *\fIdata_addr\fR, int \fIcomp_id\fR) .SH ARGUMENTS .TP \fIname\fR The name to give to the created parameter .TP \fIdir\fR The direction of the parameter, from the viewpoint of the component. It may be one of \fBHAL_RO\fR, or \fBHAL_RW\fR A component may assign a value to any parameter, but other programs (such as halcmd) may only assign a value to a parameter that is \fBHAL_RW\fR. .TP \fIdata_addr\fR The address of the data, which must lie within memory allocated by \fBhal_malloc\fR. .TP \fIcomp_id\fR A HAL component identifier returned by an earlier call to \fBhal_init\fR. .TP \fIfmt,\ ...\fR A printf-style format string and arguments .TP \fItype\fR The type of the parameter, as specified in \fBhal_type_t(3hal)\fR. .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBhal_param_new\fR family of functions create a new \fIparam\fR object. There are functions for each of the data types that the HAL supports. Pins may only be linked to signals of the same type. .SH RETURN VALUE Returns a HAL status code. .SH SEE ALSO \fBhal_type_t(3hal)\fR