# 5i20 config file for Smithy 1315 Lathe # load the hostmot2 driver, this doesnt do anything by itself, # it just waits for low-level drivers to register boards loadrt hostmot2 debug_idrom=1 debug_module_descriptors=1 debug_pin_descriptors=1 debug_modules=1 # load the low-level driver for the board # this will load the board's firmware and register it with the hostmot2 # driver loaded above, and it'll show up in HAL loadrt hm2_pci config="firmware=hm2/5i20/SVST2_4_7I47.BIT num_encoders=2 num_pwmgens=1 num_stepgens=2 enable_raw" # 13312 = 0x3400 = Encoder Sample Rate Register setp hm2_5i20.0.raw.write_address 13312 # sample rate is clock (33 MHz)/SRR+2 = 33MHz/10 = 3.3MHz setp hm2_5i20.0.raw.write_data 8 # write data setp hm2_5i20.0.raw.write_strobe 1 # set up the watchdog #setp hm2_5i20.0.watchdog.timeout_ns 10000000 # load kinematics loadrt trivkins # load motion controller, get name and thread periods from ini file loadrt [EMCMOT]EMCMOT base_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]BASE_PERIOD servo_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]SERVO_PERIOD traj_period_nsec=[EMCMOT]TRAJ_PERIOD key=[EMCMOT]SHMEM_KEY num_joints=[TRAJ]AXES # classicladder for machine logic # (load the realtime portion) loadrt classicladder_rt # invoke the user part of CL to silently load the program loadusr -w classicladder --nogui 924.clp # load charge pump loadrt charge_pump setp charge-pump.enable TRUE #configure the spindle encoder #encoder scale was 4800 on Pete's machine setp hm2_5i20.0.encoder.00.scale -4096 net Spos hm2_5i20.0.encoder.00.position motion.spindle-revs net Svel hm2_5i20.0.encoder.00.velocity motion.spindle-speed-in net Sidx hm2_5i20.0.encoder.00.index-enable motion.spindle-index-enable #configure the spindle speed PWM generator net Scmd motion.spindle-speed-out hm2_5i20.0.pwmgen.00.value setp hm2_5i20.0.pwmgen.00.scale 3000 setp hm2_5i20.0.pwmgen.00.output-type 1 setp hm2_5i20.0.pwmgen.pwm_frequency 100 # invert the step pulse polarity setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.000.invert_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.002.invert_output TRUE # configure the stepgen parameters setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.dirsetup 5000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.dirhold 2000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.steplen 2000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.stepspace 2000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.position-scale [AXIS_0]SCALE setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.maxaccel [AXIS_0]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.maxvel [AXIS_0]STEPGEN_MAXVEL setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.dirsetup 5000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.dirhold 2000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.steplen 2000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.stepspace 2000 setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.position-scale [AXIS_2]SCALE setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.maxaccel [AXIS_2]STEPGEN_MAXACCEL setp hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.maxvel [AXIS_2]STEPGEN_MAXVEL # connect position commands from motion module to step generator net Xpos-cmd axis.0.motor-pos-cmd hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.position-cmd net Zpos-cmd axis.2.motor-pos-cmd hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.position-cmd # connect position feedback from step generators to motion module net Xpos-fb hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.position-fb axis.0.motor-pos-fb net Zpos-fb hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.position-fb axis.2.motor-pos-fb # connect enable signals for amplifiers and step generators setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.018.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.018.invert_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.019.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.019.invert_output TRUE net Xen axis.0.amp-enable-out hm2_5i20.0.gpio.018.out hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.00.enable net Zen axis.2.amp-enable-out hm2_5i20.0.gpio.019.out hm2_5i20.0.stepgen.01.enable # enable velocity mode jogging setp axis.0.jog-vel-mode TRUE setp axis.2.jog-vel-mode TRUE # enable the PWM generator setp hm2_5i20.0.pwmgen.00.enable TRUE # connect the charge pump signal to an output setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.022.is_output TRUE net chargepump hm2_5i20.0.gpio.022.out charge-pump.out # Safety Relay Monitoring Contacts net estop-enable hm2_5i20.0.gpio.037.in iocontrol.0.emc-enable-in # Run Switch loadrt debounce cfg=1 setp debounce.0.delay 1000 net key-on hm2_5i20.0.gpio.039.in_not debounce.0.0.in net machine-on debounce.0.0.out halui.machine.on # Spindle Contactor - False when spindle contactor is energized net SOFF hm2_5i20.0.gpio.033.in halui.program.pause motion.feed-hold #connect limit/home switches #Brown Wire - Was Zhome, now Xpos net Xpos_lim hm2_5i20.0.gpio.024.in axis.0.pos-lim-sw-in axis.0.home-sw-in #Brown/White Wire - Was Xhome, now Xneg net Xneg_lim hm2_5i20.0.gpio.026.in axis.0.neg-lim-sw-in #Green Wire - Was XZpos, now Zpos net Zpos_lim hm2_5i20.0.gpio.028.in axis.2.pos-lim-sw-in axis.2.home-sw-in #Green/White Wire - Was XZneg, now Zneg net Zneg_lim hm2_5i20.0.gpio.030.in axis.2.neg-lim-sw-in #Tool Post Control Inputs net PrepNo iocontrol.0.tool-prep-number classicladder.0.s32in-00 net TC iocontrol.0.tool-change classicladder.0.in-00 net T1 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.032.in classicladder.0.in-01 net T2 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.034.in classicladder.0.in-02 net T3 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.036.in classicladder.0.in-03 net T4 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.038.in classicladder.0.in-04 net TP iocontrol.0.tool-prepare classicladder.0.in-05 #Door Sensor net SS hm2_5i20.0.gpio.029.in #Output Bits #AIN #setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.041.is_output TRUE #setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.041.invert_output TRUE #KA1 setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.040.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.040.invert_output TRUE net KA1 motion.spindle-forward hm2_5i20.0.gpio.040.out #KA2 setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.042.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.042.invert_output TRUE net KA2 motion.spindle-reverse hm2_5i20.0.gpio.042.out #Tool Post Control Outputs net TD classicladder.0.out-00 iocontrol.0.tool-changed net TQ classicladder.0.out-03 iocontrol.0.tool-prepared #KA3 setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.044.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.044.invert_output TRUE net KA3 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.044.out classicladder.0.out-01 #KA4 setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.046.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.046.invert_output TRUE net KA4 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.046.out classicladder.0.out-02 #Spindle Enable setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.041.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.041.invert_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.041.out TRUE #Flood Coolant setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.043.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.043.invert_output TRUE net M8 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.043.out iocontrol.0.coolant-flood # Mist Coolant setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.045.is_output TRUE setp hm2_5i20.0.gpio.045.invert_output TRUE net M7 hm2_5i20.0.gpio.045.out iocontrol.0.coolant-mist # hook the functions to threads # read inputs addf hm2_5i20.0.read servo-thread # handle motion commands addf motion-command-handler servo-thread # run the motion controller addf motion-controller servo-thread # debounce the keyswitch addf debounce.0 servo-thread # refresh classicladder addf classicladder.0.refresh servo-thread # write outputs addf hm2_5i20.0.write servo-thread # pet the watchdog so he won't bite us! addf hm2_5i20.0.pet_watchdog servo-thread # toggle the charge pump addf charge-pump servo-thread