# Red/Blue Scripting Reference ## PLAY\_CRY $13d0 1. select Mon ID: * ld a,xx 2. call $13d0 ## PRINT\_BCD\_NUMBER $15cd 1. select flags (bit 765) and length of number (low nybble): * ld c,xx 2. select location of number: * ld de,ddee 3. select location on the screen ($C3A0-c507): * ld hl,hhll 4. call $15cd
Upper three bits Leading zeros Print ¥
000 0 = zero
001 0 = zero YES
010 0 = zero
011 0 = zero YES
100 0 = space
101 0 = space YES
110 0 = nothing
111 0 = nothing YES
## COPY\_GFX\_1BPP $1886 1. set source: * ld a,aa ;bank * ld de,ddee ;pointer 2. set destination: * ld hl,hhll 3. set tile number: * ld c,cc 4. call $1886 ## CLEAN\_SCREEN\_PART $18c4 (or DRAW\_BOX?) 1. set height(b) and width(c) of area (unit is tile): * ld bc,hhww 2. set starting tile on screen (screen begins at c3a0): * ld hl,$c??? 3. call $18c4 ## MUSIC\_RELATED $23b1/$23a1 ### STOP music 1. select stop\_marker: * ld a,$ff 2. call $23b1 (read also APPENDIX $23b1) ### LOAD music 1. select music\_bank * ld c,xx 2. select music\_specifics(???) * ld a,yy 3. call $23a1 ## SCRIPT\_TEXT $2920 Check Text Pointer Structure for in‐depth examination 1. select text\_ID * ld a,xx * ld [ff00+8c],a 2. call $2920
$d3“PA: your safari game is over!”
$d0“\n fainted”
$d1black‐out sentence
$d2“REPEL’s effect wore off”
$f5vending machine
$f6Cable Club
$f7slot machines
$fcturn on PC
$fd“switch on!” (Mon Storage Sys)
$femart buy/sell menu
$ffpokécenter heal speech
## COPY\_DATA\_[cf7b]\_FF $2a5a Writes data from hl into [cf7b]. FF-terminated. 1. select source: * ld hl,hhll 2. call $2a5a ## COUNT\_SET\_BITS $2b7f Value is stored always in $d11e. 1. select starting byte: * ld hl,hhll 2. select number of bytes (i.e number of bits/8) * ld b,bb 3. call $2a5a ## ADD\_ITEM\_LIST $2bcf This is probably a sub-routine of GIVE\_ITEM. 1. select list’s starting byte: * ld hl,hhll 2. select type and quantity of items: * ld a,xx ;type * ld [$cf91],a * ld a,yy * ld [$cf96],a ;quantity 3. call $2bcf ## GET\_MON\_NAME\_[cd6d] $2f9e Write the Pokémon name (real name, not nickname), at cd6d. Used mainly for texts (that use command[01] to write text from RAM). 1. select monID: * ld a,xx * ld [$d11e],a 2. call $2f9e ## LOAD\_LEVEL $3071 Loads map specified in $d35e and all related to it? 1. call $3071 [load mapID in [$D35E]; maybe event displacement could be necessary too.] ## TOSS\_ITEM $30c4 1. load starting address: * ld hl,$d31d 2. call $30c4 [add more info] ## CC57\_SCRIPTS $310e IF (bit 0,[$d736]) { ld b,6 ld hl,$63e0 jp Bankswitch } $CC57 must be ≠ 0 for this function to be activated. 1. set subScript ptr: * ld a,xx ;subScriptID 2. call $310e ??? ## TRAINER\_IN\_MAP $3160 Handles both level script and trainer events: 1. Select data: * ld hl,TrainerHeaders * ld de,ScriptPtrTable 2. call correctly: * ld a,[ScriptFlag] * call $3160 * ld [ScriptFlag],a * ret ;ScriptFlag ex: Viridian Gym = [$D5FB] ## STORE\_2\_STRINGS $317f Stores 2 strings in RAM: * [$CF5F] $11 bytes max * [$CF70] $0B bytes max 1. load ptrs: * ld hl,string1 * ld de,string2 2. call $317f * string1: [char][char]…[$50] * string2: [char][char]…[$50] ## SET\_BATTLE $31cc This is a map-script (not text-script) 1. set Battle Specs ptr: * ld hl,TrainerHeaders 2. set ptr to battle ptrs: * ld de,ddee 3. call $31cc TrainerHeaders: *[flagbit (and textscriptID)] *[trainer’s view range x 0x10] *[flag-byte ptr] *[ptr to text before battle] *[ptr to text later on] *[ptr to text ending battle] *[ptr to text (same as previous)] *[0xFF] [check Appendix:Trainer scripts] ## HEX\_DEC\_CONVERT $323d 1. select mode: * ld b,xyz000vw\\ ; x = write zeros\\ ; y = don’t\\ ; z = P?\\ ; v = 2B\\ ; w = 1B\\ ;vw = 3B 2. select RAM location: * ld de,ddee 3. call $323d ## SAVE\_OAM\_POS? $32ef 1. select Object\_ID: * ld a,xx * ld [$cf13],a 2. call $32ef [not sure] ## STORE\_WINLOSE\_TEXT $3354 1. select win\_text and lose\_text: * ld hl,hhll * ld de,ddee 2. call $3354 ## HANDLE\_SPINNERS $3442 1. Set spinners’ table: * ld hl,.Spinners 2. call $3442 Spinners: *[Y][X][Mov1.Ptr] *[Y][X][Mov2.Ptr] *… *[Y][X][MovN.Ptr] *[$FF] Mov.Ptr: *[Direction][n. of steps] *… *[$FF] sound\_A7, outside, is spin sound ## FORCE\_PLAYER\_MOVE $3486 1. load path in $ccd3 (check $350c) 2. set length\_of\_path: * ld a,xx * ld [$cd38] 3. call $3486 [$cd38] > 0 until path\_move is over. ## CHECK\_ITEM $3493 1. select Item\_ID: * ld b,xx 2. call $3493 ## FACE\_OBJECT $34a6 1. select person’s ID: * ld a,xx * ld [$ff8c],a 2. select direction: * ld a,yy * ld [$ff8d],a 3. call $34a6 ## CHECK\_COORDS $34bf Sets carry if finds a match. CoordsTable = [Y][X]…[FF] 1. select CoordsTable pointer: * ld hl,hhll 2. call $34bf (example: Seafoam holes) ## COPY\_RLE\_DATA $350c Note: ‘de’ is source, ‘hl’ is dest 1. select source (run-length encoded) * ld de,ddee * ld [$ff00+8c],a 2. select destination (in RAM area): preferably $CCD3 * ld hl,hhll 3. call $350c * [OUT: ccd2 = data decompressed length] * [OUT: a = [ccd2] + 1] ## CALL\_ANOTHER\_BANK $35d6 1. select Bank: * ld b,xx 2. select Address * ld hl,aabb 3. call $35d6 ## YES\_NO\_CHOICE $35ec 1. call $35ec 2. check choice (0 = Yes, 1 = No) * ld a,[$cc26] * and a 3. Highly customizable (ret nz; jr z,xx; etc..) ## APPLY\_PATH $363a 1. select people\_ID * ld a,xx * ld [$ff00+8c],a 2. path\_structure pointer * ld de,yyzz 3. call $363a [bit 0,[$d730] ≠ 0 until path\_move is over.] ## LOAD\_FONT\_GFX $3680 Simple as that: 1. call $3680 ## LOAD\_TEXTBOX\_GFX $36a0 Simple as that (loads fullCaps chars,apices,jpn chars and textboxes’ borders): 1. call $36a0 ## LOAD\_HEALTHBAR\_GFX $36c0 Simple as that (loads healthbar, textbox borders, monMenu gfx): 1. call $36c0 ## BACKUP\_SCREEN\_BUFF $36f4 Saves area $C3A0-$C507 to $CD81-$CEE8 1. call $36f4 ## RESTORE\_SCREEN\_BUFF $3701 Loads area $CD81-$CEE8 to $C3A0-$C507 and print it to screen. 1. call $3701 ## REFRESH\_SCREEN $3739 1. select how many times to refresh: * ld c,xx 2. call $3739 ## WAIT\_END\_CRY $3748 Usually used right after “$13d0” 1. call $3748 ## GET\_KEY\_PRESS $3831 1. call $3831 2. Read what key is pressed: * ld a,[$ffb5] * [ffb7 = keyDown] ;XXX * [ffb5 = keyPress] ;XXX ## MULTIPLY $38ac RESULT is stored in [$ff96]-[$ff98], obviously in little-endian. 1. clean result’s MSB [$ff96]: * xor a * ld [$ff96],a 2. load factors: * ;1st factor [16 bit] * ld a,hh * ld [$ff97],a * ld a,ll * ld [$ff98],a * ;2nd factor [8 bit] * ld a,ii * ld [$ff99],a 3. call $38ac ## DIVIDE $38b9 Formats are Big-Endian (!). Result is 16 bit. 1. load dividend in area [$ff93 + {reg.b}] through [$ff95 + {reg.b}]. 2. load divisor: * ld a,dd * ld [$ff99],a 3. Load HRAM-used shift: * ld b,bb ;2 ≤ bb ≤ 4 4. call $38b9 [result is rounded down (int)] ## ADD\_MON\_ASK\_NICK $3927 ;??? needs fix Actually adds monster to the party and asks for nickname: 1. Don’t know why: * or a * ld [$cc49],a 2. select level and specie: * ld a,lv * ld [$d127],a * ld a,xx * ld a,[$cf91] * ld a,[$d11e] 3. call $3927 ## MULTIPLY\_$3a87 hl = (a x bc) + hl 1. Load values (a, bc, hl) 2. call $3a87 ## PRINT\_TEXT $3c49 1. select {Pointer\_offset - 1} (must point to a byte=$17): * ld hl,xxyy 2. call $3c49 Pointed structure is a text command. ## SELECT\_CODE\_POINTER $3d97 1. select pointer\_ID: * ld a,xx * ld a,(vvww) 2. select pointertable’s pointer: * ld hl,yyzz 3. call $3d97 [for more info check APPENDIX($3d97)] ## GIVE\_ITEM 0x3e2e 1. select item ID(b) and quantity(c): * ld bc,xxyy Double choice: 1. call $3e2e 1. ld a,$1e * call $3e6d ## GIVE\_PKMN $3e48 1. select pkmn(b) & level(c): * ld bc,xxyy 2. call $3e48 3. check carry ## GET\_RND\_NUM $3e5c 1. call $3e5c a = 1st random value [$FFD3] = 1st random value [$FFD4] = 2nd random value ## GENERAL SCRIPT $3e6d ### How to use 1. [OPTIONAL] value needed in the subroutine * ld a,xx * ld [$cc4d],a 2. subroutine ID * ld a,yy 3. call subroutine selection * call $3e6d [for more info check APPENDIX($3e6d)] ## RESTORE\_REGS\_PREDEF $3e94 This routine is used by routines called by Predef (routine at $3e6d) and restores registers that were saved in the following RAM locations: * cc4f: h * cc50: l * cc51: d * cc52: e * cc53: b * cc54: c 1. call $3e94 [skip this] ## APPLY\_DOUBLE\_PATH 06:64 1. select pkmn(b) & level(c): * ld bc,xxyy 2. call $3e48 3. check carry [/end skip] ## TEXT ZONE (pointer table pointed by TextPointer [MapHeader]) ## APPENDIX ($23b1) 97 = poisoned pokemon sound (while walking in overworld) ## APPENDIX TRAINER SCRIPTS Text-script part: { db $08 ld hl,MyTrainerHeader1 call $31cc jp $24d7 MyTrainerHeaders: MyTrainerHeader1: ;(…) ;(…) MyTrainerHeaderN: ;(…) db $FF } Map-script part: { ld hl,MyTrainerHeaders ld de,TrainerScriptPtrs ld a,[MapFlag] call $3160 ld [MapFlag],a ret TrainerScriptPtrs: dw $3219 dw $324c dw $3275 } 3219: { Reads trainerHeader (first of all checks flag, if set skip to next trainerHeader, until FF-endByte) } 324c: { } 3275: { } ## APPENDIX ($3d97) example Pallet town: … ROM6:4E6A 21 73 4E ld hl,4e73 ;pointer to pointers’table ROM6:4E6D FA F1 D5 ld a,(d5f1) ;PalletRAM for code\_ID ;jp xxyy with yy = (hl + ax2), xx = (hl + 1 + ax2) ROM6:4E70 C3 97 3D jp 3d97 … ## APPENDIX ($3e6d) RAM used: * cc4e: subroutine\_ID * cf12: old bank number * d0b7: new bank number * cc4f: h * cc50: l * cc51: d * cc52: e * cc53: b * cc54: c * + lot of other RAMs, depending on which subr is called. To recover registers’ values ‘call $3e94’ note1: various “clone” pointers[$09=$0a=$0d=$0e], why? note2: pointers that point to bank0 (ID=$1d,$1e)load bank3, is it just padding? note3: following pointers are little-endian (actually middle-endian: |bank|little-endian ptr|).
00 0F 604D
01 0F C670
02 0F 7370
03 0B 407E
04 0F 0371 magnify backpics
05 1E BA5A
06 03 3271
07 03 A576 restore mon’s health (es.: 1st rival battle)
08 1E 5E4D animations maybe??
09 03 1E77
0a 03 1E77
0b 03 1D78
0c 03 3678subtract coins (BCD operation (decimal adjust))
0d 03 1E77
0e 03 1E77
0f 03 5078
10 03 6676 RAMtbls:D737/9A/ED..setBit,resByte(\{bit}),b={0,1,2}c=[aaaaabbb]
11 03 D771 make an object visible (flags: d5a6-d5c6) [opposite of ID=15]
12 03 A671 check shown/hidden objects (flags starting at $d5a6)
13 03 9C46
14 0F 834A
15 03 C871 make an object invisible (flags: d5a6-) [opposite of ID=11]
16 03 C871
17 03 9E6E
18 03 5078 initialize flags (and things like itemsack, etc.)
19 03 5447 load tileset header
1a 0E 5B6F GetLevUpAtks_
1b 01 436E
1c 03 A578 check item in bag
1d 03 B53E
1e 03 2E3E give item (b = item_ID, c = item_num)
1f 12 EB40 blink screen for 4 frames [example: poisoned pokemon]
20 03 BA78 somehow related to apply_movement
21 12 FF40
22 03 2979 somehow related to apply_movement
23 03 A079
24 12 2541
25 03 1D7A
26 03 DC79
27 01 B05A
28 0F 026D
29 10 0040
2a 0E 1C6D GetEvos’ subset (label: Predef_2a_)
2b 1C 8C77
2c 0F 186F
2d 01 5F5A
2e 03 036A Bio screen, gym-leaders/badges arrangement
2f 10 F350
30 1C 6D49
31 1E DA5D
32 10 8256 load intro(copyrights,Gamefreak,NidoVSJigg)
33 1E 6958
34 1C 5D4B
35 03 8645
36 04 5369
37 04 576B
38 10 E250
39 15 0F69
3a 10 1050 convert Mon_ID Chaotic-to-Dex
3b 01 A162 decompr sprite(hl=ptr,b=bank)& arrange[used in BioMenu & not only]
3c 03 546F
3d 10 D142 load DexPage (INPUT:[$d11e]=DexMonID)
3e 0E B86F GetWildMonAtks_
3f 1C 0A77 SAVE GAME
40 1C 2B60 send SGB-packs at beginning (MLT_REQ,DATA_SND,PCT_TRN,…)
41 03 1371
42 17 5E5B
43 04 3E77
44 04 6377
45 1C DF5D load SGB packages (PAL_SET)
46 17 DC40 load dex screen (es:lab when choosing starter)
47 03 E572
48 03 1D7A
49 0F EC4D
4a 1C 604F TownMap (in Dex only?)
4b 09 6B7D
4c 05 477C balloon over head (cd4f:personID, cd50:([!][?][^_^])
4d 01 AF5A
4e 01 EB64
4f 0D A17C
50 1C 0F78 save dex & party infos to SRAM1
51 1C BD76 load dex & party infos from SRAM1
52 1C E875 load SAV from SRAM1
53 1C E277 save current bank’s stored mons to SRAM1
54 1C D95A
55 1D 5C40
56 11 6941
57 1E BA45
58 1E 1045
59 03 BE45
5a 03 0B46
5b 03 994D
5c 01 E14D check H/S obj (RAM_Table D5CE, FF-term.) ???
5d 09 987D
5e 03 7374 related to AttacksData
5f 04 EF68
60 04 F668
61 07 C649
62 16 3550