AI vs the Brain Melissa Runfeldt Anthony Levandowski MR: I have a background in computational neuroscience. I was an experimentalist and theoretical neuroscientist for about a decade. I know I look young, but I'm not that young. I'm currently a machine learning engineer at Salesforce. AL: ... I played with legos and robots. I found a way to do that as a living. I work at Google for the past 9 years. I started a church based on AI. MR: I have a question. You're an expert in self-driving cars. It's really impressive tech. When I was a kid, teenager, or young adult... it's a really impressive technology. How far away are we? AL: It's hard to tell. I've been working on this for 12 years. It's always one year away. It's a Markov process. MR: but it's close. The tech is well develope.d You're working out the kinks and details. Personally I think that even if... an AI or vehicle can drive for me and it can be a better driver than I am, I still don't think it's smarter or more advanced. I think of it as a sophisticated copy layer and it does a good job of doing what I tell it to do. do you think that there's a point