Ecphory of autobiographical memories: an fMRI study of recent and remote memory retrieval Sparse generalized volterra model of human hippocampal spike train transformation for memory prostheses Nonlinear dynamical modeling of human hippocampal CA3-CA1 functional connectivity for memory prostheses Associative hallucinations result from stimulating left ventromedial temporal cortex The BDNF val66met polymorphism affects activity-dependent secretion of BDNF and human memory and hippocampal function Prefrontal-hippocampal coupling during memory processing is modulated by COMT val158met genotype Erythropoietin enhances hippocampal response during memory retrieval in humans Brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met polymorphism affects human memory-related hippocampal activity and predicts memory performance The stress-regulated protein M6a is a key modulator for neurite outgrowth and filopodium/spine formation The hippocampus is necessary for enhancements and impairments of learning following stress Morphological reorganization after repeated corticosterone administration in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and amygdala in the rat Growth hormone prevents neuronal loss in the aged rat hippocampus Three-dimensional organization of cell adhesion junctions at synapses and dendritic spines in area CA1 of the rat hippocampus Focal cortical thickness correlates of exceptional memory training in Vedic priests Youthful brains in older adults: Preserved neuroanatomy in the default mode and salience networks contributes to youthful memory in superaging Inducing amnesia through systemic suppression Enhanced recognition memory following vagus nerve stimulation in human subjects Improvement of memory impairments in poststroke patients by hyperbaric oxygen therapy Large-scale fluorescence calcium-imaging methods for studies of long-term memory in behaving mammals Lower parietal encoding activation is associated with sharper information and better memory Identification of a genetic cluster influencing memory performance and hippocampal activity in humans (2006) Here we show that variability of human memory performance is related to variability in genes encoding proteins of this signaling cascade, including the NMDA and metabotrobic glutamate receptors, adenylyl cyclase, CAMKII, PKA, and PKC. The individual profile of genetic variability in these signaling molecules correlated significantly with episodic memory performance (P < 0.00001). Brain activation in highly superior autobiographical memory: the role of the praecuneus in the autobiographical memory retrieval network (2019) Organization of short-term verbal memory in language areas of human cortex: evidence from electrical stimulation (1978) Single pulse electrical stimulation of the hippocampus is sufficient to impair human episodic memory Model-driven neuromodulation of the right posterior region promotes encoding of long-term memories (2019) Direct brain stimulation during episodic memory (2018) The effects of direct brain stimulation in humans depend on frequency, amplitude, and white-matter proximity (2019) Stimulating the hippocampal posterior-medial network enhances task-dependent connectivity and memory (2019) Memory Prosthesis: Is It Time for a Deep Neuromimetic Computing Approach? (2019) Heritability and Cognitive Relevance of Structural Brain Controllability (2019) A practical guide to methodological considerations in the controllability of structural brain networks (2019) Direct stimulation of human hippocampus during verbal associative encoding enhances subsequent memory recollection (2019)