00:45:25 Emcy: no doubt "fairness" 00:46:29 or plain old silliness :) 01:47:40 jarpiain is now known as Guest8413 03:40:30 topic is: Bitcoin research, hardfork wishlist, ideas for the future - see also: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Hardfork_Wishlist https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/User:Gmaxwell/alt_ideas 03:40:30 Users on #bitcoin-wizards: andytoshi-logbot Baz__ phantomcircuit nOgAnOo Guest8413 edulix amiller_ K1773R go1111111 typex Fistful_of_LTC kinlo spinza_ hnz CodeShark jtimon Lifeofcray Emcy jrmithdobbs sipa Xarian Bargraphics joecool eristisk trn MoALTz andytoshi Krellan realazthat Muis iddo lianj cfields gavinandresen Mikalv Luke-Jr gmaxwell epscy azariah4 gwillen maaku fagmuffinz UukGoblin deepc0re_ tucenaber nanotube BlueMatt Graet firepacket michagogo|cloud 03:40:30 Users on #bitcoin-wizards: Ryan52 midnightmagic HM2 wumpus petertodd harrow hno warren forrestv EasyAt pigeons 16:50:38 ielo is now known as jamila 18:44:33 http://blockexplorer.com/block/00000000000000189ad9b20ed103ac14ca5c08ecfb0f5a0f538e4678f4535c46 18:53:35 the smallest block. the next (same-sized) smallest are 181 bytes 19:19:17 gmaxwell_ is now known as gmaxwell 23:04:36 fdadf 23:05:23 gmaxwell, lol mike 23:05:33 there is no such thing as a secure registrar 23:05:38 DNE 23:06:36 gwillen has left #bitcoin-wizards 23:10:37 i hear melbourne IT is pretty good 23:10:40 * nsh sniggers